Метка: food

  • How to remove clay from the carpet quickly and without a trace

    How to remove clay from the carpet quickly and without a trace

    Children sculpt, and adults wash, clean, scrub. Familiar? So you are a happy parent who came for advice on how to clean the carpet from colored plasticine magnificence. Why plasticine sticks to carpet In fact, not every copy sticks. But if you press it well with your heel, then even the driest subject will…

  • How to bleach white things at home: 10 effective ways

    How to bleach white things at home: 10 effective ways

    Each hostess tries to find her own working method for bleaching clothes. Someone keeps these recipes a secret. And we have tested and offer you 10 home effective ways. Why don’t all methods work the same Having studied the reviews of the hostesses, we realized that often the same products bring a different effect.…

  • How to clean a very dirty carpet

    How to clean a very dirty carpet

    We will not write boring recommendations, but we will offer you to go through a quest with certain tasks for cleaning the carpet. The first step is to look at our instance and determine its type. Choosing tools In order to start developing activities to restore the cleanliness of soft flooring, we need to decide…

  • Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

    Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

    In all stores you can find yeast-free bread in various designs. It has great advantages compared to classic bread, but it can have some harm. Let’s try to understand the features of such a product. What is unleavened bread? Photo: 31daily.com/ This type of bread is called so, since yeast, sourdough are not used…

  • Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    We all know for sure that natural cottage cheese is quite useful for every person. But few people know when it is more useful. Our grandmothers advised to eat it in the morning. Or maybe more benefit from it at lunch or dinner? If you want to have a snack at night, is it possible…

  • How to spend fasting days on kefir

    How to spend fasting days on kefir

    For the body to work properly, it needs to do fasting days. The time when you can choose one product to eat throughout the day. One of the best products that you can use is kefir. If used correctly, it will only benefit you. Dairy products are quite cheap, healthy, inexpensive and have a low…

  • How to clean the refrigerator from the outside

    How to clean the refrigerator from the outside

    It is enough to wipe the outer surface of a newly purchased refrigerator with a sponge moistened with soapy water — this will eliminate germs and factory dust. But during operation, various stains and dirt may appear on the refrigerator, especially if it is located next to the stove — in the latter case, grease…

  • Which refrigerator is better — single-compressor or two-compressor

    Which refrigerator is better — single-compressor or two-compressor

    Among consumers, disputes often arise as to which of the refrigerators is more reliable and functional — one-compressor or two-compressor? The answer to this question depends, rather, on the point of view and needs of a particular user of the unit. Our experts have found out everything about the features of both home appliances. Below…

  • How to quickly wash dishes

    How to quickly wash dishes

    Today we will tell you how to turn washing dishes into an exciting quest from a boring routine process. You will learn how to wash a mountain of dishes in 10 minutes and many interesting subtleties of this process. After our article, you will become an expert on clean dishes and schedule your dishwashing so…

  • How to Store Green Onions

    How to Store Green Onions

    Green onions, when properly stored, retain their freshness for a long time: at a temperature of 3-4 degrees, it is usable for 2-3 weeks, and at zero temperature — up to 2 months. We have prepared a number of recommendations, following which, you will keep green onions fresh and tasty for a long time. …