Метка: minuses.

  • Functionality Bosch KGN36NW21R.Specifications, photos, reviews, pluses / minuses.

    Functionality Bosch KGN36NW21R.Specifications, photos, reviews, pluses / minuses.

    [ad_1] Bosch KGN36NW21R two-cham­ber refrig­er­a­tor with NoFrost sys­tem and forced air cir­cu­la­tion inside the refrig­er­a­tor com­part­ment (a spe­cial fan is installed). It also auto­mat­i­cal­ly reg­u­lates humid­i­ty and does not require defrost­ing. The capac­i­ty of the freez­er is up to 15 kilo­grams per day. Functionality Bosch KGN36NW21R The main set of sup­port­ed fea­tures in Bosch KGN36NW21R:…

  • specifications, review, photo, review, pluses / minuses.

    specifications, review, photo, review, pluses / minuses.

    [ad_1] Slim full-size dish­wash­er with A+++ ener­gy class. Even with the select­ed inten­sive wash­ing pro­gram, it con­sumes less than 0.8 kWh of elec­tric­i­ty per cycle. There­fore, this dish­wash­er is very pop­u­lar in Europe. Functionality Midea MID45S100 The dish­wash­er Midea MID45S100 pro­vides the fol­low­ing func­tion­al­i­ty: The num­ber of pro­grams is 5, of which 2 are cus­tomiz­able.…

  • pluses / minuses, photo, review, specifications, review.

    pluses / minuses, photo, review, specifications, review.

    [ad_1] Built-in full-size dish­wash­er Can­dy CDIH 2L1047-08 is not­ed not only for its low ener­gy con­sump­tion, but also for the pres­ence of an ultra-eco­nom­i­cal water con­sump­tion pro­gram. Dry­ing — con­den­sa­tion. War­ran­ty from the man­u­fac­tur­er — 12 months, for the heater — 3 years (with ceram­ic coat­ing). Functional Basic func­tion­al­i­ty of the Can­dy CDIH 2L1047-08 dish­wash­er:…

  • pluses / minuses, photo, specifications, review, review.

    pluses / minuses, photo, specifications, review, review.

    [ad_1] The man­u­fac­tur­er Can­dy main­ly focus­es on the bud­get class of equip­ment. This mod­el is no excep­tion. This is a nar­row built-in dish­wash­er, designed for wash­ing up to 9 sets of dish­es at the same time. Functionality Candy CDI 1L949 Sup­port­ed func­tions declared by the man­u­fac­tur­er in Can­dy CDI 1L949: The num­ber of dish­wash­ing pro­grams…

  • pluses / minuses, specifications, photo, review, review.

    pluses / minuses, specifications, photo, review, review.

    [ad_1] Front load­ing dish­wash­er. It can be described as roomy and reli­able. The body is made of high qual­i­ty stain­less steel. The max­i­mum pow­er con­sump­tion is 1.7 kW. The device is equipped with the func­tions of clean­ing dish­es from scale, soft­en­ing water and its pre-rins­ing. Functionality Weissgauff BDW 4533 D The Weiss­gauff dish­wash­er is con­trolled…

  • review, photo, review technical characteristics, pluses / minuses.

    review, photo, review technical characteristics, pluses / minuses.

    [ad_1] Midea MCFD-55200S is a com­pact, free­stand­ing dish­wash­er. Not designed for floor instal­la­tion. It has pro­tec­tion against leaks, as well as 4 cus­tomiz­able pro­grams for wash­ing dish­es. The heater is a flow heater. There is also an auto­mat­ic dry­er. Functionality Midea MCFD-55200S Fea­tures declared by the man­u­fac­tur­er in Midea MCFD-55200S: Num­ber of dish­wash­ing pro­grams —…

  • photo, specifications, review, pluses / minuses.

    photo, specifications, review, pluses / minuses.

    [ad_1] Weiss­gauff TDW 4017 DS is a great option if you don’t want to pay impres­sive amounts for kitchen appli­ances, but there is a need to auto­mate the rou­tine process of wash­ing dish­es. Func­tion­al, work­able, durable and reli­able, this mod­el has gained a good rep­u­ta­tion all over the world. Functionality The dish­wash­er looks very aes­thet­i­cal­ly…