Метка: myths

  • Which shuttle is better — vertical or horizontal

    Which shuttle is better — vertical or horizontal

    The shuttle mechanism is the heart of any sewing machine. It is from the design features of the shuttle that the most important characteristics of the device directly depend — speed, noise level, efficiency. In everyday life and industry, 2 main types of shuttles are used — vertical and horizontal. Each of them has both…

  • More than fairy tales: why introduce a child to ancient myths

    More than fairy tales: why introduce a child to ancient myths

    [ad_1] Children’s books about myths are always relevant. New — “Myths of Ancient Greece. Stories of Gods, Heroes, and Monsters became an Amazon bestseller and was backed by the well-known National Geographic community. Let’s get acquainted with the book and figure out why to read stories that are three thousand years old. Are myths fairy…