Метка: painting

  • How to remove paint from metal at home

    How to remove paint from metal at home

    Even the most expensive and high-quality paint intended for metal objects is not eternal. Over time, under the influence of external factors, it becomes unusable, it can begin to peel off and “peel off”, rust spots appear through the coating layer, and the metal product itself already looks unpresentable. In this case, you can perform…

  • How to remove iodine from the skin quickly and safely

    How to remove iodine from the skin quickly and safely

    Iodine is in every home first aid kit, which is not surprising, since this drug is widely used to treat various skin lesions and for other medical purposes. The only drawback of this substance is that it stains fabrics, traces of it are very persistent. If iodine is applied intentionally, stains can still be put…

  • Induction tattoo machines. Features and key differences between tools

    Induction tattoo machines. Features and key differences between tools

    The market for tattoo machines these days is replete with a variety of quality tools for every taste and budget. All of them are divided into only 2 categories: induction and rotary. For those who have extensive experience as a tattoo artist, choosing the right option will not cause any problems, but for beginners it…