Метка: planted

  • Compare chipboard and MDF

    Compare chipboard and MDF

    Among the representatives of the male half of our editorial staff, one dispute somehow happened, and the debaters tried to find out what was better and how chipboard differed from MDF. This topic seemed interesting, so we decided to conduct a comparative analysis of these popular materials. It turned out that they are identical at…

  • How to care for sansevieria at home: watering, lighting, top dressing

    How to care for sansevieria at home: watering, lighting, top dressing

    Sansevieria is a perennial evergreen plant belonging to the Agave family. Under natural growing conditions, it can be found in savannahs, semi-deserts and desert regions of Africa, Madagascar, India, South Florida. Popularly, sansevieria is called pike tail, mother-in-law’s tongue, leopard lily, African hemp, devil’s tongue, and cuckoo’s tail. Botanical description Among the sansevieria,…

  • When and how to harvest cabbage for storage for the winter

    When and how to harvest cabbage for storage for the winter

    For long-term storage for the winter, late-ripening varieties of cabbage are used. By following the rules for harvesting and preparing heads of cabbage for storage, you will provide yourself with vitamins and fiber for the whole winter. When to harvest cabbage for the winter In October, cabbages of medium-late, late and hybrid varieties are…