Метка: should

  • Refrigerator noise level: what should be the norm?

    Refrigerator noise level: what should be the norm?

    [ad_1] Often, when choos­ing a new refrig­er­a­tor, the buy­er does not pay atten­tion to such a cri­te­ri­on as the noise lev­el of the refrig­er­a­tor. An annoy­ing rum­ble can be an unpleas­ant sur­prise. Noise is the val­ue of the hum, expressed as a numer­i­cal val­ue. Mea­sured in deci­bels (dB). Less hum is pro­duced by the device…

  • At what height should a horizontal and inclined hood be hung above a gas and electric stove?

    At what height should a horizontal and inclined hood be hung above a gas and electric stove?

    [ad_1] Dur­ing the oper­a­tion of stoves, it is nec­es­sary to clean the atmos­phere of the room from harm­ful prod­ucts released dur­ing com­bus­tion. There­fore, the pres­ence of an exhaust device in the kitchen is real­ly vital. But at what dis­tance from the stove is it required to install a kitchen hood? From this para­me­ter depends on…

  • list of dishes that should not be loaded into the dishwasher

    list of dishes that should not be loaded into the dishwasher

    [ad_1] The dish­wash­er has become a true friend and a won­der­ful helper for house­wives. It allows you to save time and effort on clean­ing up after eat­ing. But not all kitchen uten­sils can be washed in the car. Tem­pered glass­ware, heat-resis­tant plas­tic, unprint­ed porce­lain and ceram­ic items, enam­eled dish­es — all this and more can…