Метка: specifications,

  • Blender Bosch MSM 26500.Photos, specifications, reviews, pros and cons.

    Blender Bosch MSM 26500.Photos, specifications, reviews, pros and cons.

    [ad_1] Blender Bosch MSM 26500 will allow you to get a smart pro­fes­sion­al result in min­i­mal time. Thanks to its pow­er, it will not be dif­fi­cult for you to grind nuts, herbs, hard cheeses, mix sauces or whip creams. It is use­ful even just for mak­ing an omelette, meringue or dough. And also because of…

  • Beko RCNK 321E20 BW refrigerator review: photos, reviews, specifications

    Beko RCNK 321E20 BW refrigerator review: photos, reviews, specifications

    [ad_1] The Beko RCNK 321E20 BW refrig­er­a­tor has an elec­tron­i­cal­ly con­trolled com­pres­sor, which makes it easy to adjust the tem­per­a­ture and set the opti­mal val­ue on the dis­play. Functionality Beko RCNK 321E20 BW The No Frost sys­tem pro­vides fast cool­ing of prod­ucts. In addi­tion, thanks to the “Vaca­tion” func­tion, you can reduce ener­gy con­sump­tion by…

  • what is it and why is it needed, pros and cons, specifications and customer reviews

    what is it and why is it needed, pros and cons, specifications and customer reviews

    [ad_1] In many mod­ern kitchens, a sta­tion­ary blender has long become an indis­pens­able assis­tant. This house­hold appli­ance great­ly sim­pli­fies the process of cook­ing and allows you to diver­si­fy the dai­ly menu. How­ev­er, like any oth­er house­hold appli­ance, a sta­tion­ary blender has its advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages. What is it and how it works A sta­tion­ary blender…

  • rating 2022–2023, pros and cons, specifications + reviews

    rating 2022–2023, pros and cons, specifications + reviews

    [ad_1] Today, the Ger­man man­u­fac­tur­er Bosch is engaged in the man­u­fac­ture of one of the most pop­u­lar, high-qual­i­ty and best-sell­ing items of equip­ment on the world mar­ket. The devices of this man­u­fac­tur­er can be seen in every rat­ing of the best units, in par­tic­u­lar, when it comes to dish­wash­ers. Here, the man­u­fac­tur­er has done its…

  • specifications and customer reviews about the model, as well as what to look for when choosing

    specifications and customer reviews about the model, as well as what to look for when choosing

    [ad_1] Blender Red­mond RHB 2944 is a small-sized uni­ver­sal device. With it, you can auto­mate part of the work in the kitchen and make cook­ing less time-con­sum­ing. With this appli­ance, you can pre­pare dish­es such as pates, pas­tas, smooth­ies, curd mass, var­i­ous creams and desserts. Some dish­es can­not be pre­pared at all with­out a blender,…

  • Overview of the Electrolux EMG 48200 L dishwasher: photos, reviews, specifications

    Overview of the Electrolux EMG 48200 L dishwasher: photos, reviews, specifications

    [ad_1] Built-in full size dish­wash­er. One of the first from this brand, which has an offi­cial­ly declared A ++ ener­gy class. At the same time, an invert­er motor is used, so the noise dur­ing oper­a­tion, even if you select an inten­sive wash­ing pro­gram, is min­i­mal. Functionality Electrolux EMG 48200 L The fol­low­ing func­tions are sup­port­ed…

  • Beko RCNK 270K20 refrigerator review: photos, reviews, specifications

    Beko RCNK 270K20 refrigerator review: photos, reviews, specifications

    [ad_1] This refrig­er­a­tor is func­tion­al and quite roomy. It is also equipped with a dis­play that shows the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion. This refrig­er­a­tor has three draw­ers for fruits and veg­eta­bles, which is very con­ve­nient. At the same time, in the refrig­er­a­tor com­part­ment there is a zone for rapid cool­ing, which is locat­ed in the upper part.…

  • review, photo, specifications, review, pluses / minuses.

    review, photo, specifications, review, pluses / minuses.

    [ad_1] The com­pact dish­wash­er Ler­an CDW 42–043 W is suit­able for fam­i­lies of 1 — 2 peo­ple. It takes up a min­i­mum of space in the kitchen (it can even be inte­grat­ed into a head­set). Eco­nom­i­cal, but at the same time with full dry­ing (con­den­sa­tion). Functional The Ler­an CDW 42–043 W pro­vides the fol­low­ing func­tion­al­i­ty:…

  • Review of the refrigerator Candy CKBBS 172 F: reviews, specifications, pros / cons

    Review of the refrigerator Candy CKBBS 172 F: reviews, specifications, pros / cons

    [ad_1] Built-in refrig­er­a­tor with bot­tom freez­er. One of the best in the bud­get seg­ment. From the out­side, the equip­ment is quite durable, the glass does not scratch and looks pre­sentable. The build qual­i­ty is quite decent, noth­ing to com­plain about. This is a great alter­na­tive for those who don’t have room for a wider refrig­er­a­tor…

  • rating 2022–2023, which one is better to choose for smoothies, pros and cons, specifications, and reviews

    rating 2022–2023, which one is better to choose for smoothies, pros and cons, specifications, and reviews

    [ad_1] Today, a blender is an indis­pens­able thing for any house­wife in the kitchen. Quick­ly chop, mix, beat — these are all the func­tions of blenders. They allow you to cook var­i­ous dish­es with­out much effort and time. Bork blenders do an excel­lent job with all tasks. Nei­ther mul­ti­func­tion­al, made of high qual­i­ty met­al, have…