Метка: time,

  • How to use the multicooker: turn it on for the first time, choose the right program

    How to use the multicooker: turn it on for the first time, choose the right program

    [ad_1] Many peo­ple, acquir­ing this mir­a­cle of tech­nol­o­gy for the first time, pose a log­i­cal ques­tion: how to use a slow cook­er? Ear­li­er, we exam­ined the prin­ci­ple of oper­a­tion of a mul­ti­cook­er, so today we will ana­lyze the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion com­po­nent on how to prop­er­ly use a mul­ti­cook­er, what fea­tures and dif­fer­ences exist between expen­sive…