Метка: Vegetable oil

  • How to remove iodine from the skin quickly and safely

    How to remove iodine from the skin quickly and safely

    Iodine is in every home first aid kit, which is not surprising, since this drug is widely used to treat various skin lesions and for other medical purposes. The only drawback of this substance is that it stains fabrics, traces of it are very persistent. If iodine is applied intentionally, stains can still be put…

  • Effective ways to remove the smell of onions after eating, from the body, dishes from the room

    Effective ways to remove the smell of onions after eating, from the body, dishes from the room

    Onions are a tasty and healthy product, but if used raw, they inevitably leave behind a specific smell. The aroma can come not only from the mouth, but “stick” to the skin of the hands, hair, clothes, and even fill the entire room. Sometimes you can be patient, waiting for the smell to disappear on…

  • How to clean a handle from a doll — 11 proven methods

    How to clean a handle from a doll — 11 proven methods

    Young children love to paint anything they can get their hands on. Especially often under the «strike» are dolls. You can throw away a damaged toy and buy a new one instead, but it’s better to try to remove the stains, while at the same time explaining to the child that you can’t do this.…