How to brew coffee in an electric cezve

How to brew coffee in an electric cezve

An elec­tric Turk is an ana­logue of the clas­sic one, but with a slight improve­ment. The device is not the most com­mon in use, but can help you make your favorite drink quick­ly, with­out has­sle and will be an alter­na­tive to expen­sive cof­fee machines if you under­stand how to brew it cor­rect­ly.

The difference between an electric Turk and a conventional one

In a cop­per cezve, the drink receives uni­form heat­ing and is quick­ly pre­pared, when com­pared with cof­fee machines, a cer­tain rit­u­al appears, but this is not always prac­ti­cal. Cof­fee must be con­stant­ly mon­i­tored so that the foam does not rise and spill onto the stove. In the elec­tric Turk, the tech­nol­o­gy does not dif­fer from the clas­sic ver­sion, but you do not need to con­stant­ly stand over it, watch the fire, etc. After cook­ing, shut­down is per­formed auto­mat­i­cal­ly using sen­sors.

Atten­tion! Stain­less steel Turks are con­sid­ered the most reli­able and safe. They will serve for years with­out a sin­gle break­down.

Prepar­ing a drink in an elec­tric cezve is suit­able for those who have induc­tion cook­ers at home. With them, you can not pre­pare a clas­sic drink in alu­minum, clay or glass appli­ances. The process requires a min­i­mum of time and effort, and a fea­ture is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of prepar­ing var­i­ous recipes.

Tips for Using Electric Turks

To increase the life of the equip­ment, as well as cre­ate a safe envi­ron­ment, you must fol­low a few rules:

  1. In the Turk, do not inter­fere with cof­fee with spoons and oth­er met­al objects.

  2. Install the equip­ment only on lev­el sur­faces.

  3. Pour water into the Turk before turn­ing it on and do not stir the drink when boil­ing.

  4. Do not use the appli­ance for stoves or microwave ovens.

  5. Unplug the appli­ance before clean­ing or stor­ing.

  6. Do not cool with cold water.

Impor­tant! Elec­tric Turks do not need addi­tion­al expens­es, because they do not have fil­ters that require replace­ment.

Prop­er and reg­u­lar main­te­nance will help to increase the life of the equip­ment. After prepar­ing the drink, the Turk needs time to cool down. The out­side can be wiped with a soft cloth, and the inside can be cleaned of cof­fee residues and traces of scale with non-abra­sive prod­ucts. Always dry appli­ances thor­ough­ly after wash­ing.

Basic rules for making coffee and factors that affect taste

Cook­ing pro­ce­dure drink in an elec­tric cof­fee pot includes 4 steps:

  1. Fill the con­tain­er with cold water up to the mark on the Turk.

  2. Add cof­fee and sug­ar.

  3. Con­nect the device to the net­work.

  4. After boil­ing, turn off the device if it does not have automa­tion and pour the drink into cups.

There are sev­er­al fac­tors that can affect the taste of cof­feeweld­ed in an elec­tric Turk:

  1. The qual­i­ty of the beans them­selves and their vari­ety, the lev­el of roast­ing and grind­ing are impor­tant fac­tors dur­ing prepa­ra­tion. You need to use only trust­ed com­pa­nies.

  2. The mate­r­i­al of the Turks is alu­minum or ceram­ics, of which the cof­fee is the most deli­cious, fra­grant.

  3. The thick­ness of the walls — the larg­er it is, the more even­ly the water warms up, the sat­u­ra­tion of the drink increas­es.

Before using a new turk for the first time, it is rec­om­mend­ed to fill it with water, boil it and drain it. Repeat the same pro­ce­dure so as not to spoil the taste of future cof­fee.

How to brew coffee in an electric cezve

How to brew coffee in an electric cezve

The process is almost the same as the clas­si­cal meth­ods. It is nec­es­sary to pour clean water into the con­tain­er up to the mark, add ground cof­fee. Plug in the appli­ance and wait for cook­ing. The process will be much faster than when cook­ing in a reg­u­lar Turk, since the water boils more active­ly.

You can make deli­cious cof­fee accord­ing to oth­er recipes:

  1. Cin­na­mon. After mak­ing cof­fee and turn­ing off the Turks, you need to add spices and stir. Cin­na­mon for 1 cup needs about ½ tsp.

  2. With cognac (in French). For cook­ing, you need 2 tsp. cof­fee, 180 ml water, 1 tsp. sug­ar and 30 ml brandy. Pour water into the Turku and add cof­fee, after heat­ing pour sug­ar and add cognac.

  3. Ori­en­tal. A very sim­ple recipe in which you need to add 2–3 box­es of green car­damom and cane sug­ar to cof­fee. The result will be a strong drink with notes of spice. This recipe is very invig­o­rat­ing, so it is bet­ter not to drink it at night.

  4. Del­i­cate cof­fee. The soft and sweet taste is achieved through syrup and dry processed cof­fee, which will be sweet on its own. Ide­al­ly, use up to 5 g date per 100 ml of water and a cin­na­mon stick. Pour cof­fee into a cezve, add water and stir with cin­na­mon. After cook­ing, add syrup and stir again with a cin­na­mon stick to obtain a del­i­cate and pleas­ant aro­ma.

To get an unusu­al taste, smell of cof­fee, you can add fruits, berries, syrups, choco­late to it. The orig­i­nal com­bi­na­tion is caramel molasses or Cana­di­an maple syrup. An invig­o­rat­ing drink will be if you fla­vor it with gin­ger or mint.

In the cook­ing process, it is bet­ter to put sug­ar at the very begin­ning of prepa­ra­tion, along with cof­fee. Before serv­ing the drink, it is rec­om­mend­ed to pour boil­ing water over the cup, which will pre­serve the aro­ma of the cof­fee itself.

Cof­fee in an elec­tric Turk always turns out to be sat­u­rat­ed, and its foam does not dete­ri­o­rate, since the drink is not brought to a boil. This helps to pre­serve the taste and aro­ma. The cof­fee does­n’t burn.






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