Рубрика: FOOD

  • How to brew coffee in an electric cezve

    How to brew coffee in an electric cezve

    An elec­tric Turk is an ana­logue of the clas­sic one, but with a slight improve­ment. The device is not the most com­mon in use, but can help you make your favorite drink quick­ly, with­out has­sle and will be an alter­na­tive to expen­sive cof­fee machines if you under­stand how to brew it cor­rect­ly. The difference between…

  • What to eat sweet, so as not to harm the figure

    What to eat sweet, so as not to harm the figure

    Not all peo­ple can deny them­selves sweets. There are a large num­ber of dif­fer­ent prod­ucts that attract men and women, but the fig­ure suf­fers from them. Know­ing some rules, each per­son will be able to indulge in sweets, while not get­ting bet­ter. The truth about sweets Pho­to: trimdownclub.com As stud­ies have shown sci­en­tists, many peo­ple…

  • Kombucha: benefits and harms to the body

    Kombucha: benefits and harms to the body

    Kom­bucha is a sub­stance based on yeast and bac­te­ria. It is used to make a drink con­tain­ing B vit­a­mins, pro­bi­otics and oth­er sub­stances. Researchers of the kom­bucha drink, which is made on the basis of the mush­room, are sure that it is nec­es­sary for peo­ple who want to nor­mal­ize cho­les­terol lev­els and pro­tect them­selves from…

  • Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

    Unleavened bread: benefits and harms

    In all stores you can find yeast-free bread in var­i­ous designs. It has great advan­tages com­pared to clas­sic bread, but it can have some harm. Let’s try to under­stand the fea­tures of such a prod­uct. What is unleavened bread? Pho­to: 31daily.com/ This type of bread is called so, since yeast, sour­dough are not used in…

  • Coffee health benefits and harms

    Coffee health benefits and harms

    For many years there has been a debate about the ben­e­fits and harms of cof­fee. In Ara­bia, it used to be for­bid­den to eat grains, but pop­u­lar­i­ty took over, the ban lost its force over the years. The drink is con­sumed in every cor­ner of the world, there are many options for its prepa­ra­tion, but…

  • Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    Cottage cheese at night benefit and harm

    We all know for sure that nat­ur­al cot­tage cheese is quite use­ful for every per­son. But few peo­ple know when it is more use­ful. Our grand­moth­ers advised to eat it in the morn­ing. Or maybe more ben­e­fit from it at lunch or din­ner? If you want to have a snack at night, is it pos­si­ble…

  • How to spend fasting days on kefir

    How to spend fasting days on kefir

    For the body to work prop­er­ly, it needs to do fast­ing days. The time when you can choose one prod­uct to eat through­out the day. One of the best prod­ucts that you can use is kefir. If used cor­rect­ly, it will only ben­e­fit you. Dairy prod­ucts are quite cheap, healthy, inex­pen­sive and have a low…

  • Compare coho salmon and salmon |  What is healthier and tastier

    Compare coho salmon and salmon | What is healthier and tastier

    Both coho salmon and salmon are rare rep­re­sen­ta­tives of salmon. They are sim­i­lar in their prop­er­ties and equal­ly use­ful. But when choos­ing a suit­able red fish, nev­er­the­less, a rea­son­able ques­tion aris­es: which is tasti­er? Our experts will give you the answer. Coho salmon: characteristics, composition, benefits The largest fish in the salmon fam­i­ly. “Sil­ver salmon”…

  • Compare sockeye salmon and salmon |  What is healthier and tastier

    Compare sockeye salmon and salmon | What is healthier and tastier

    Despite the com­mon mis­con­cep­tion, “red fish” is not just one spe­cif­ic breed of seafood. Under this name, many vari­eties of riv­er inhab­i­tants are hid­den. So, red fish are called trout, coho salmon, chi­nook salmon, sock­eye salmon, salmon and many oth­ers. At the same time, sock­eye salmon and salmon are the most wide­spread in the breed…

  • Comparing Chlorella and Spirulina

    Comparing Chlorella and Spirulina

    The desire for a healthy lifestyle leads to the fact that many peo­ple are forced to aban­don stan­dard prod­ucts — they do not have the prop­er ener­gy val­ue or do not con­tain the nec­es­sary trace ele­ments and nutri­ents. And then the diet needs to be sup­ple­ment­ed with some­thing else. Algae are good dietary sup­ple­ments. These…