Метка: filters

  • The best jugs for water filters: description and characteristics, tips for choosing

    The best jugs for water filters: description and characteristics, tips for choosing

    [ad_1] The water that flows from the tap in our homes requires addi­tion­al purifi­ca­tion, not only for drink­ing with­out boil­ing it, but also for cook­ing. The eas­i­est and most afford­able way to improve water qual­i­ty is to pur­chase a water fil­ter jug. How not to get lost in a wide vari­ety of mod­els and make…

  • 7 best water filters for washing according to customer reviews

    7 best water filters for washing according to customer reviews

    [ad_1] The arti­cle dis­cuss­es the fea­tures of the best 7 mod­els of fil­ters for clean­ing liq­uids for wash­ing. Among them there are both bud­get devices and elite expen­sive clean­ing sys­tems. The main advan­tages, char­ac­ter­is­tics and dis­ad­van­tages of the mech­a­nisms that were iden­ti­fied from con­sumer reviews are also shown. Atoll A‑550m STD – Choice of most…

  • 8 best Geyser brand water filters

    8 best Geyser brand water filters

    The Geyser trade­mark occu­pies a lead­ing posi­tion in the mar­ket and is famous for its long his­to­ry. In 2014, the com­pa­ny was rec­og­nized as the most rec­om­mend­ed com­pa­ny based on Com­Con research. For apart­ments and res­i­den­tial build­ings, it pro­duces water puri­fiers for wash­ing and fil­ter jugs. Our rat­ing includes the best devices from the Russ­ian…

  • 12 Best Water Filters

    12 Best Water Filters

    Selection Guide First, con­sumers should study the com­po­si­tion of the water flow­ing from the tap. Types of pol­lu­tion. Depend­ing on the region, the moder­ni­ty of the treat­ment plant, the depth of the well or well, the qual­i­ty of water can vary great­ly. It may con­tain a whole bunch of impu­ri­ties, the con­cen­tra­tion of which exceeds…