Метка: microwave

  • The best microwave ovens: an overview of 18 popular models

    The best microwave ovens: an overview of 18 popular models

    [ad_1] When choos­ing the best microwave oven, a num­ber of dif­fi­cul­ties can arise, knowl­edge on how to choose a microwave oven, as well as our rat­ing, will help you decide. This review presents only the best mod­els with their full descrip­tion and char­ac­ter­is­tics. Best Freestanding Models Free-stand­ing microwaves have less pro­tec­tion against the heat gen­er­at­ed…

  • 5 best microwave ovens

    5 best microwave ovens

    To make the cook­ing process as enjoy­able as pos­si­ble, we have com­piled a rat­ing of the 5 best microwave ovens. Rating of the best microwave ovens Siemens CM678G4S1 Rat­ing: 4.9 Why it: The broad­est func­tion­al­i­ty and Ger­man qual­i­ty. This oven is one of the most ver­sa­tile kitchen pur­chas­es. Being built-in and with inde­pen­dent pow­er sup­ply,…

  • 17 best microwave ovens (microwave)

    17 best microwave ovens (microwave)

    To answer the ques­tion of which microwave ovens to buy and which one is best for a par­tic­u­lar kitchen, Exper­tol­ogy ana­lyzed the ear­ly 2021 mar­ket by pick­ing the top 17 microwave ovens and sort­ing them by price and typ­i­cal fea­tures. How to choose the perfect microwave oven There are dif­fer­ent opin­ions about choos­ing the best…

  • 5 smallest microwave ovens just for heating

    5 smallest microwave ovens just for heating

    Rating of the smallest microwaves for heating only Gorenje MO20E1S Rat­ing: 4.9 Vol­ume: 20 l Pow­er: 800W Pal­let diam­e­ter: 27 cm The clas­sic free­stand­ing microwave oven from the Sloven­ian brand is the per­fect addi­tion to any kitchen. This is a con­ve­nient option to quick­ly reheat already cooked food, or defrost food. The microwave oven has…

  • 7 best built-in microwave ovens

    7 best built-in microwave ovens

    secure fix­a­tion at the place of instal­la­tion, nice facade, enlarged cham­ber. Like a con­ven­tion­al microwave, built-in has a dif­fer­ent set of func­tions, mod­els dif­fer in pow­er. The EXPERTOLOGY team found out which microwaves are pre­ferred by home appli­ance buy­ers and com­piled a rat­ing that includes the 7 best built-in mod­els. Rating of the best built-in…

  • TOP 10 best models, features and how to choose a built-in microwave, as well as customer reviews

    TOP 10 best models, features and how to choose a built-in microwave, as well as customer reviews

    [ad_1] Midea microwave ovens are ver­sa­tile appli­ances designed for heat­ing dish­es, defrost­ing meat and veg­eta­bles. Some mod­els have increased func­tion­al­i­ty. In the assort­ment of the man­u­fac­tur­er a large selec­tion of microwave ovens for every taste and bud­get. Below are the fea­tures of the choice of equip­ment, an overview of pop­u­lar free­stand­ing and built-in mod­els. How…

  • rating of 2022 and how to choose a built-in microwave with grill and convection

    rating of 2022 and how to choose a built-in microwave with grill and convection

    [ad_1] The microwave oven occu­pies a spe­cial place in the kitchen. This com­pact appli­ance helps you quick­ly heat up or cook food, is easy to oper­ate and easy to main­tain. You should be aware of the types of microwave ovens, their design fea­tures and func­tions in order to choose the right microwave oven. Top 15…

  • TOP 10 best models, characteristics and how to choose a microwave device, with grill and convection

    TOP 10 best models, characteristics and how to choose a microwave device, with grill and convection

    [ad_1] Pana­son­ic microwave ovens have long been loved by the domes­tic con­sumer for many advan­tages. Almost all microwave ovens of this man­u­fac­tur­er are dis­tin­guished by their spa­cious­ness, con­ve­nient touch con­trols, the pres­ence of auto­mat­ic pro­grams, etc. It was this com­pa­ny that was one of the first to equip its microwave ovens with an invert­er sys­tem…

  • How to choose the right microwave oven for your home?

    How to choose the right microwave oven for your home?

    [ad_1] Choos­ing a good microwave oven is not an easy task, but it is eas­i­ly solved. It is impor­tant to take into account a dozen para­me­ters, eval­u­ate the every­day tasks that the microwave oven will “solve”, and also deal with the func­tions that are rel­e­vant for you. Types of microwave ovens Mod­ern microwave ovens are…

  • The plate does not spin in the microwave: why and what to do?

    The plate does not spin in the microwave: why and what to do?

    [ad_1] The device of the microwave oven tray, which is respon­si­ble for the uni­form cook­ing and heat­ing of food, mal­func­tions occur. More­over, the oven itself con­tin­ues to work, but the plate stops rotat­ing. There can be sev­er­al rea­sons, as well as ways to repair. This is what we will ana­lyze in our arti­cle. Reasons for…