7 best built-in microwave ovens

  1. secure fix­a­tion at the place of instal­la­tion,
  2. nice facade,
  3. enlarged cham­ber.

Like a con­ven­tion­al microwave, built-in has a dif­fer­ent set of func­tions, mod­els dif­fer in pow­er. The EXPERTOLOGY team found out which microwaves are pre­ferred by home appli­ance buy­ers and com­piled a rat­ing that includes the 7 best built-in mod­els.

Rating of the best built-in microwave ovens

Siemens BE634RGS1

Rat­ing: 4.9

Siemens BE634RGS1

The best choice for a per­son seek­ing to fur­nish the kitchen with expen­sive appli­ances! Like almost all oth­er prod­ucts of the Ger­man man­u­fac­tur­er, this microwave has a mod­ern design. The work is pro­vid­ed by numer­ous auto­mat­ic pro­grams that focus on the weight of the prod­uct. To see the remain­ing cook­ing time, it is not nec­es­sary to come close — the infor­ma­tion from the dis­play is easy to read from any angle. It should also be not­ed that the adjust­ing ring, pleas­ant to the touch, is usu­al­ly used to set the timer. And the rest of the body of the microwave oven caus­es only pos­i­tive emo­tions, because stain­less steel was most­ly used for its man­u­fac­ture.

The vol­ume of inter­nal space in the Siemens BE634RGS1 is 21 liters. Long-last­ing and bright LED-back­light allows you to mon­i­tor the cook­ing process. Unlike cheap­er microwaves, this one won’t irri­tate you with its spin­ning plate — it’s sim­ply not there. But this does not mean that the heat­ing of the prod­ucts will be uneven! And the device will please with a quartz grill, thanks to which you can cook deli­cious poul­try and oth­er dish­es.

Includ­ed with this mod­el you will receive not only a met­al grill grate, but also a glass tray. To con­nect the microwave oven to the net­work, it is pro­posed to use a 150 cm cable. The microwave is made in the UK. This is part­ly due to its high cost.


  • There is a quartz grill;
  • Made from the finest mate­ri­als;
  • There is a weight auto­mat­ic;
  • Long ser­vice life;
  • Long pow­er cord;
  • High pow­er;
  • Imple­ment­ed pro­tec­tion from chil­dren;
  • It turned out to be very roomy.


  • Exces­sive­ly high cost.

See also: 17 best microwave ovens (microwave)

Bosch BFL634GW1

Rat­ing: 4.8

Bosch BFL634GW1

An excel­lent built-in microwave, a look at which will always evoke joy­ful emo­tions. This is due to its mod­ern design. More­over, the device great­ly sim­pli­fies the prepa­ra­tion of any dish. But how else, if the device received 7 auto­mat­ic pro­grams that inde­pen­dent­ly deter­mine the tem­per­a­ture, mode and dura­tion of the process? To find out when the warm­ing up or cook­ing is over, just look at the TFT dis­play, which pleas­es not only with num­bers, but also with ani­ma­tion. Of course, the infor­ma­tion on it is clear­ly vis­i­ble from any angle.

To con­trol the Bosch BFL634GW1, touch but­tons and a rotary ring are used. All these ele­ments are excep­tion­al­ly pleas­ant to the touch. It is pro­posed to use the max­i­mum pow­er of 900 watts. Not pro­hib­i­tive­ly high para­me­ter, but more is often not need­ed. Still it is impos­si­ble not to note the sup­port of invert­er tech­nol­o­gy. It is thanks to her that the heat­ing of the dish is car­ried out as even­ly as pos­si­ble. And no turntable is need­ed!

The vol­ume of the inter­nal cham­ber of this microwave oven is 21 liters. As expect­ed, it has a bright LED-back­light. It will let you know that the prepa­ra­tion is going accord­ing to plan. To open the door, just touch the cor­re­spond­ing touch but­ton. The buy­er will also be pleased that the insides of the microwave oven are quite easy to clean.

Why did this mod­el fail to become the leader of our rat­ing? Every­thing is sim­ple. There is no grill here. This sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces the arse­nal of the device’s capa­bil­i­ties.


  • A 150 cm net­work cable is used;
  • Built-in bright LED light­ing;
  • The inner sur­face is made of stain­less steel;
  • Con­ve­nient man­age­ment;
  • Imple­ment­ed numer­ous auto­mat­ic pro­grams;
  • Large vol­ume;
  • Excel­lent cool­ing sys­tem.


  • High price;
  • Grill miss­ing.

Whirlpool AMW 730 WH

Rat­ing: 4.8

Whirlpool AMW 730 WH

Fur­ther in the review, a more pow­er­ful built-in microwave from Whirlpool, the AMW 730 WH mod­el with a white facade and a hinged door. It is more pow­er­ful than the leader — 1000 W, the back­lit cam­era is also impres­sive — 31 liters, but the weight is almost 10 kg more — 27 kg, instal­la­tion is pos­si­ble only in a reli­able niche on a sol­id frame. Like its pre­de­ces­sor Bosch, Whirlpool is not equipped with con­vec­tion, but it has a top grill func­tion with a pow­er of 800 W, and a total of 8 pow­er lev­els. Touch con­trol but­tons can be blocked from chil­dren, there is a dis­play on the facade.

The Whirlpool microwave oven has a defrost mode, but there are no recipes and cook­ing modes built into the soft­ware.

At first glance, the Whirlpool AMW 730 WH microwave is more pow­er­ful than the leader in the rat­ing, its price is also afford­able — 33,800 rubles, but in terms of aes­thet­ic per­cep­tion and func­tion­al­i­ty it is still infe­ri­or.


  • grill and grate for it includ­ed;
  • capa­cious cham­ber;
  • tight-clos­ing hinged door;
  • e man­age­ment.


  • rel­a­tive­ly small func­tion­al­i­ty, only grill, defrost­ing and heat­ing.

Gorenje BM251S7XG

Rat­ing: 4.7


This microwave will please those who do not like to spend a lot of time clean­ing. Its door has sol­id glaz­ing. This means that there are sim­ply no places on it where dirt would accu­mu­late abun­dant­ly. It is enough to wipe the case with a cloth from time to time, and then the microwave oven will always look per­fect. And it is impos­si­ble not to note the inside of the device, made of stain­less steel. They, you guessed it, are also easy to clean.

This mod­el has many auto­mat­ic pro­grams. In order for the dish to be pre­pared cor­rect­ly, it is enough to select the type and weight of the prod­uct. Elec­tron­ics will inde­pen­dent­ly select the oper­at­ing time and opti­mal pow­er. If you often cook the same dish, you will need a mem­o­ry func­tion when the set­tings remain in the mem­o­ry of the device — in the future they are select­ed by press­ing just one but­ton.

This microwave offers a max­i­mum pow­er of 900 watts. But she also has a quartz grill. Its pow­er is already high­er — 1100 watts. The man­u­fac­tur­er has not for­got­ten con­vec­tion, which places the great­est demands on the pow­er grid. Also, the advan­tage of Goren­je BM251S7XG is a 25-liter vol­ume. With this para­me­ter, even a very large bird is placed inside, which is impor­tant when using the afore­men­tioned grill.

The dis­ad­van­tages of this device must be looked for under a mag­ni­fy­ing glass. The eas­i­est way to find fault with the fact that this is not an oven. This means that food wrapped in foil can­not be placed inside (the excep­tion is con­vec­tion with­out microwaves). Also, not every­one will be sat­is­fied with the pres­ence of a rotat­ing plate inside, albeit made of thick glass.


  • There is a child lock;
  • Not for­got­ten quartz grill;
  • Imple­ment­ed con­vec­tion;
  • The huge vol­ume;
  • There is an automenu;
  • Easy clean­ing.


  • A turntable is used;
  • Large size and weight;
  • High price;
  • Not every­one will like the design.

Bosch BFL520MS0

Rat­ing: 4.6

Bosch BFL520MS0

The usu­al microwave. Most of its body is cov­ered with tint­ed glass. It is con­trolled by two rotary knobs. The insides are made of stain­less steel. This sug­gests that the microwave oven must be durable. And it’s also easy to clean.

The vol­ume of the inner cham­ber of the Bosch BFL520MS0 is 20 liters. This is more than enough to heat even a fair­ly large pot of soup. Only the max­i­mum pow­er, which is only 800 watts, can con­fuse some­one.

This mod­el comes with a glass tray with a diam­e­ter of up to 25.5 cm. Also among the advan­tages of the microwave oven is bright halo­gen light­ing. Noth­ing bad can be said about the but­ton used to open the door.

This microwave has a pow­er­ful cool­ing sys­tem. This allows you to inte­grate the device into any kitchen set — do not think that in six months it will start ask­ing for mer­cy because of the radi­ant heat. This mod­el is also ready to boast an auto­mat­ic shut­down, which will occur when the tem­per­a­ture ris­es to a cer­tain lim­it. To con­nect to the mains, a very thick, but not a record long cord is used here.

Alas, it is impos­si­ble to call this microwave oven built into a 60-cm niche ide­al. This is pre­vent­ed by the lack of a grill and con­vec­tion. But if you already have a mod­ern oven, then this is unlike­ly to be a prob­lem. But there are auto­mat­ic modes for cook­ing and defrost­ing prod­ucts. And don’t be intim­i­dat­ed by the cost — built-in mod­els can’t be cheap for a vari­ety of rea­sons.


  • Imple­ment­ed pro­tec­tion from chil­dren;
  • Effec­tive design;
  • The inner sur­face is made of stain­less steel;
  • Uses bright halo­gen light­ing;
  • Decent vol­ume.


  • Not very long pow­er cord;
  • The grill is miss­ing;
  • When the door is opened, the back­light does not turn on;
  • It is impos­si­ble to set a very short oper­at­ing time.

Hansa AMG20BFH

Rat­ing: 4.5


Anoth­er microwave oven with a mod­ern look. Like many of its com­peti­tors, it uses a pleas­ant-to-touch rotary con­trol that adjusts the timer. As for the choice of oper­at­ing mode, it is car­ried out by means of mechan­i­cal but­tons. Unex­pect­ed deci­sion of the man­u­fac­tur­er. We are already accus­tomed to the touch keys.

In total, this mod­el pro­vides 9 auto­pro­grams. More often than oth­ers, some peo­ple will use the defrost func­tion. It can be acti­vat­ed by set­ting a spe­cif­ic time for the microwave oven, or by spec­i­fy­ing the weight of the prod­uct. Even a very large piece of meat can be placed inside, because the inter­nal vol­ume of this microwave oven reach­es a decent 20 liters. At the same time, the device itself can­not be called large — it will fit in a niche mea­sur­ing 375x560x300 mm.

The main advan­tage of the Hansa AMG20BFH microwave oven over even cheap­er com­peti­tors is the pres­ence of a grill. It is dou­bly impor­tant that it was cre­at­ed using quartz tech­nol­o­gy. How­ev­er, there were some sim­pli­fi­ca­tions. Grill pow­er is only 900 watts. This means that the prepa­ra­tion of poul­try or some kind of meat dish will take a very long time. But on the oth­er hand, a microwave can be installed even in an old house where alu­minum wiring is used. Just remem­ber to make sure that the meter length of the pow­er cord is exact­ly enough.

Oth­er­wise, this is a famil­iar microwave oven. It even­ly heats dish­es, includ­ing due to the turntable. Also in the kit you will find a met­al grate, with­out which it is dif­fi­cult to imag­ine grilling.


  • Ele­gant design;
  • Bright back­light is used;
  • There is a quartz grill;
  • Decent vol­ume;
  • A large num­ber of auto pro­grams;
  • The inner cham­ber is made of stain­less steel.


  • The max­i­mum microwave pow­er is only 700 W;
  • Short pow­er cord;
  • Grill pow­er leaves much to be desired;
  • Fin­ger­prints are clear­ly vis­i­ble.


Rat­ing: 4.4


Buy­ers of house­hold appli­ances are hap­py to pur­chase the MAUNFELD MBMO.25.7GW built-in microwave oven, focus­ing on its large cham­ber of 25 liters and the basic microwave pow­er of 700 W, which is enough for nor­mal heat­ing and even defrost­ing. There is a sep­a­rate top grill that deliv­ers more intense 1000W waves.

The con­trol of the microwave oven is touch-sen­si­tive, the oper­at­ing time of the mode and the clock in stand­by mode are dis­played on the screen. The facade is neat white with a hinged door that opens with a but­ton. Glossy plas­tic is easy to clean if touched with greasy or dirty hands, inside the cham­ber is stain­less steel, which is also not afraid of stains.

The aver­age price of a built-in microwave oven MAUNFELD MBMO.25.7GW is 24,000 rubles.


  • clas­sic exte­ri­or;
  • grill func­tion along with heat­ing and defrost­ing;
  • cham­ber walls — stain­less steel;
  • pro­tec­tion from chil­dren;
  • mod­er­ate price.


  • rel­a­tive­ly low pow­er.

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Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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