Eye patches: what are they and why are they needed


Patch­es appeared on the cos­met­ic mar­ket not so long ago, but imme­di­ate­ly sunk into the hearts of blog­gers, celebri­ties and it-girls. Ini­tial­ly, such means of direct­ed action were invent­ed in 2000 by Kore­an sci­en­tists. At first, patch­es were con­sid­ered some­thing hard to find and exclu­sive, and in one pack­age there was only 1 pair! The cost also could not please, because for the price of one pack­age you could buy a jar of good cream. How are things today? What are patch­es, and most impor­tant­ly — why are they need­ed? What time of day is best to use them? You will find answers to all these ques­tions in this arti­cle, and at the very end we will share with you life hacks on non-stan­dard use of patch­es.

What are hydrogel patches?

This mag­nif­i­cent inven­tion of Kore­an sci­en­tists com­bines sev­er­al very impor­tant qual­i­ties, name­ly: mask, local appli­ca­tion, faster effect. The patch­es are designed for express skin care around the eyes. Their form usu­al­ly con­sists of shaped pieces of hydro­gel (“con­cen­trat­ed jel­ly” con­tain­ing a lot of use­ful sub­stances). Jel­ly has the abil­i­ty to absorb a large amount of mois­ture, after which it gen­er­ous­ly gives it away when used.

What are patches for?

  • Don’t let go of your phone all day?
  • Does your job keep you away from your com­put­er?
  • A sleep­less night?
  • An unbear­ably long and exhaust­ing trip?
  • Is laugh­ter your best friend?

All of these can take a toll on your skin. Dark cir­cles, bags under the eyes and facial wrin­kles arise not only from the above fac­tors, but also from bad habits. The skin of the eye­lids is thin and sen­si­tive, in addi­tion, it does not have seba­ceous glands at all. All this makes her extreme­ly vul­ner­a­ble to a vari­ety of fac­tors and requires spe­cial care. This is the kind of care that patch­es pro­vide. In just 15–20 min­utes of use, they can relieve you of swelling and remove signs of fatigue.

When is the best time to use patches?

We admit that most of us are unhap­py with how we look in the mir­ror in the first hour of awak­en­ing. Espe­cial­ly our point of view. Express relief from the traces of a sleep­less night — that’s what the patch­es are. You can apply them not only in the morn­ing. They work great at any time of the day! Refresh your eyes before an impor­tant meet­ing, par­ty or date. Mois­tur­ized skin will make your make­up go on smoother and last longer.

Life hacks: 7 ways to use patches

See­ing the phrase “for the eye­lids” in the name of the prod­uct, many clear­ly adhere to the one and only way to use patch­es — apply­ing them under the eyes. Patch­es are capa­ble of more!







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