Fruit during pregnancy and Alzheimer’s prevention: what are the benefits of winter apples


Every sum­mer res­i­dent and gar­den­er knows how much work it takes not only to grow a good crop, but also to har­vest it. The task becomes more dif­fi­cult as the fruit tree grows, espe­cial­ly apple and pear trees.

How easy it is to pick apples and pears even from the high­est branch­es, 5‑ will tell.

When to Harvest and Eat Winter Apples

When choos­ing which apple trees to plant in the coun­try, every gar­den­er should think about when he wants to enjoy the har­vest. If it is impor­tant for him that the fruits are stored as long as pos­si­ble, then his choice will fall on vari­eties of win­ter apples.

This vari­ety is valu­able because the fruit can be stored all win­ter and dur­ing this time acquire a sta­ble taste and aro­ma. How­ev­er, these apples ripen late. Har­vest time is at the end of Sep­tem­ber — begin­ning of Octo­ber.

At the same time, you can not eat the fruits right away. Apples should lie down and ripen. Some vari­eties can be eat­en by the New Year, and some will be ready only by May. It is bet­ter to store win­ter apples in a cool, damp place.

The most com­mon vari­eties among sum­mer res­i­dents are Antonov­ka, Medunit­sa, Richard, Kutu­zovets, Sinap and oth­ers.

How easy it is to pick winter apples

With the col­lec­tion of win­ter vari­eties of apples, the same prob­lems arise as with oth­er vari­eties. Some­times the trees grow so tall that the fruits are dif­fi­cult to pick, even stand­ing on a steplad­der.

Most use­ful pro­gram” shared tips on how to har­vest even from high branch­es.

You can solve this prob­lem by mak­ing a sim­ple device. Hor­ti­cul­tur­ist Anton Lozovoy from Moscow cre­at­ed a fruit pick­er for apples worth only 50 rubles. To use the sum­mer res­i­dent tech­nol­o­gy, you will need:

  1. take a piece of sew­er pipe;
  2. cut a hole on the side;
  3. seal the hole from below with strong wire so that the fruits do not fall to the ground. And now a use­ful gad­get is ready!

The cre­ator not­ed that the unit assem­bled by him helps to remove apples not only from the high­est branch­es, but also from those that hang over the fence and roofs of the house and barn.

A sim­i­lar gad­get was invent­ed by the Oren­burg gar­den­er Sergey Kozlov. To col­lect his “catch­er” of the crop, you need:

  1. cut off the bot­tom of the bot­tle, and sol­der the sharp edges with a lighter;
  2. in the upper part of the con­tain­er, using a hot nail, make sev­en iden­ti­cal holes around the entire cir­cum­fer­ence;
  3. insert a small piece of PVC pipe into the neck and put a larg­er pipe on it. It will serve as a cut­ting;
  4. for reli­a­bil­i­ty, fix the han­dle with self-tap­ping screws;
  5. make anoth­er hole in the bot­tle near the neck and pass the begin­ning and end of the rope through it, to the end of which you can attach a wood­en han­dle.

Assem­bly of the struc­ture takes only 20 min­utes.

What are the benefits and harms of apples

The prop­er­ties of win­ter apples are the same as those of oth­er vari­eties. Fruits are rich in vit­a­mins A, B1, B2, C, PP and E. Fruits also con­tain mag­ne­sium, iodine, phos­pho­rus, iron, sele­ni­um, potas­si­um, cal­ci­um and zinc. / Ulrich Niehoff

The chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion deter­mines the ben­e­fits that apples have on the body. These fruits help to cleanse the intestines, improve the com­plex­ion and speed up the metab­o­lism.

The pecu­liar­i­ty of win­ter apples is that they have a low sug­ar con­tent, which improves the func­tion­ing of the gas­troin­testi­nal tract.

Also, apples have a good effect on brain func­tion. Fresh­ly squeezed juice helps acti­vate neur­al con­nec­tions, which reju­ve­nates brain cells and pre­vents the devel­op­ment of demen­tia and Alzheimer’s dis­ease.

These fruits are often used in dietary nutri­tion, as they per­fect­ly sat­is­fy hunger and sat­u­rate the body with vit­a­mins. There­fore, it is bet­ter to replace snacks with burg­ers, choco­lates and oth­er not quite healthy foods with apples. How­ev­er, do not tor­ture your­self with an exhaust­ing apple diet. Uni­for­mi­ty can lead to dis­tur­bances in the body.

It is nec­es­sary to eat apples dur­ing preg­nan­cy, as they con­tain iron and serve to pre­vent asth­ma in the unborn baby.

In raw form, these fruits are con­traindi­cat­ed for peo­ple with gas­tri­tis, pep­tic ulcers and intesti­nal prob­lems, as the fruits con­tain coarse fiber and acid, which irri­tate the walls of organs and can exac­er­bate dis­eases.







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