How does the eyelash and eyebrow growth tool work?


Oil for the growth of eye­lash­es and eye­brows CC Brow® inten­sive­ly mois­tur­izes and strength­ens eye­brows and eye­lash­es, smoothes the scales of hairs, mak­ing them sup­ple and silky. It has a ben­e­fi­cial effect on eye­lash­es after cos­met­ic pro­ce­dures (curl­ing, lam­i­na­tion and exten­sion) and stim­u­lates their growth. With reg­u­lar use, it helps to restore the shape of plucked and dam­aged eye­brows.

The com­po­si­tion of the oil includes a com­plex of 8 active ingre­di­ents. Enriched with Ylang-Ylang oil, which pro­longs the dura­bil­i­ty of the col­or after the pro­ce­dure of dye­ing the eye­brows with hen­na or paint. The pack­age with a pipette ensures easy appli­ca­tion of the oil and retains its ben­e­fi­cial qual­i­ties for a long time even after open­ing the bot­tle.

Eye­brow oil or growth serum?

Eye­brows give the eyes an expres­sive look and in gen­er­al are an impor­tant point in the appear­ance of a girl. From ado­les­cence, girls often try to cor­rect the shape of their eye­brows with tweez­ers.

Such exper­i­ments can lead to an unnec­es­sar­i­ly thin and crooked eye­brow line. How to restore a beau­ti­ful shape and for­mer den­si­ty to the eye­brows? The most pop­u­lar tool for eye­brow growth among eye­brow mas­ters is usma oil.

It is usma oil that awak­ens dor­mant bulbs in a short time, nour­ish­es and sat­u­rates the hair fol­li­cle. Usma eye­brow oil is lit­er­al­ly a life­line!

Mode of appli­ca­tion:

Remove make­up from eye­brows and/or eye­lash­es. Using a brush or brush, apply the oil in the direc­tion of hair growth. We rec­om­mend apply­ing the oil at night.

Pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sures:

• Avoid con­tact with eyes.

• Test for an aller­gic reac­tion before use.

• Do not use in case of indi­vid­ual intol­er­ance to the com­po­nents.







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