How to clean windows with a steam cleaner


How to clean windows with a steam cleaner

For mod­ern house­wives, new equip­ment is con­stant­ly appear­ing on sale, which can sig­nif­i­cant­ly sim­pli­fy rou­tine clean­ing and spend less time and effort. With the onset of warm weath­er comes the time for sea­son­al win­dow clean­ing. Instead of the tra­di­tion­al hand wash­ing with prod­ucts and rags, it is now pos­si­ble to treat the glaz­ing with steam. Yes, the tech­nique is not bud­getary, but it will still be use­ful to know how to wash win­dows with a steam clean­er. And who has not yet acquired such a device, you can resort to the help of pro­fes­sion­als, it is much cheap­er than buy­ing a steam clean­er. We rec­om­mend order­ing win­dow clean­ing from

Can you steam clean windows?

The steam clean­er removes dirt from hard sur­faces and tex­tiles. In fact, it is a uni­ver­sal house­hold helper. It is used for pro­cess­ing cur­tains, uphol­stered fur­ni­ture, tiles in the kitchen and bath­room, floor­ing. It is allowed to use the device for wash­ing win­dows. A qual­i­ty device is usu­al­ly equipped with all kinds of noz­zles for dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es, allow­ing you to elim­i­nate dirt from hard-to-reach places. In this case, it is not nec­es­sary to use deter­gent chem­istry, only water is involved. All dirt and dust deposits on glass­es, frames are dis­solved under the influ­ence of a jet of hot steam sus­pen­sion. After pro­cess­ing, it remains to wipe the win­dow with a dry cloth from mois­ture residue. This tech­nique allows you to clean the glaz­ing clean with­out streaks.

Steam cleaning technology

Although the appli­ca­tion algo­rithm is quite sim­ple, the first time you use it, it may not work out per­fect­ly. After a few pro­ce­dures, skill will appear, and you will eas­i­ly man­age all the stages quick­ly and con­fi­dent­ly.

The gen­er­al prin­ci­ple of work­ing with a steam clean­er when wash­ing a win­dow group:

  • Assem­ble the steam clean­er accord­ing to the instruc­tions.
  • It will take approx­i­mate­ly 20–30 min­utes to warm up the liq­uid to the opti­mum tem­per­a­ture, depend­ing on the mod­el. To use time ratio­nal­ly, first fill the tank with water and turn on the device. While heat­ing will occur, pre­pare the work­space.
  • Remove the cur­tains, remove the flow­ers from the win­dowsill, remove the car­pet from the floor.
  • Just in case, put an emp­ty basin near­by, where you will wring out dirty water from a rag. You will need absorbent wipes, microfiber clean­ing cloths are good for fin­ish­ing the glass, paper tow­els, a scraper with a rub­ber tip to dri­ve off mois­ture can come in handy.
  • When the steam clean­er beeps ready, it’s time to start wash­ing the win­dow unit.
  • The first jets of steam are low­ered into the basin, some­times they ini­tial­ly give out streams instead of a cloud. Then the noz­zle is brought to the treat­ed sur­face at a dis­tance of about 30 cm.
  • Start steam clean­ing from the top, grad­u­al­ly treat­ing the entire area.
  • Dirty waste water will drain next, you need to keep rags, nap­kins or a squeegee on hand to remove excess mois­ture.
  • If you notice too much dirty water drip­ping off, try adjust­ing the dis­tance and hold­ing the noz­zle a lit­tle far­ther.
  • Accord­ing to this prin­ci­ple, clean the frame, slopes, the space inside, not for­get­ting the cor­ners, and at the end the win­dow sill.
  • In the pres­ence of par­tic­u­lar­ly pro­nounced con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, repeat the pro­ce­dure local­ly.
Read also: Overview of floor clean­ers: pro­fes­sion­al, folk

There is no need to keep the noz­zle in one place for a long time, the steam dis­solves most of the deposits char­ac­ter­is­tic of win­dows. Hav­ing decid­ed to buy, sav­ing on a steam clean­er is not worth it. Choose time-test­ed equip­ment, such as from Karcher.







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