How to dress to look younger: tips from stylists


For many women, look­ing styl­ish and youth­ful is inex­tri­ca­bly linked con­cepts. Espe­cial­ly for those who under­stand that the aging process can­not be stopped. No one wants to grow old, but it is not at all nec­es­sary to look your age. Here’s what pro­fes­sion­al styl­ists say about it.

Follow fashion

Most women with age con­tin­ue to wear the same clothes that suit­ed them 10–20 years ago, while for­get­ting that time, like fash­ion, does not stand still. There­fore, you need to choose a dress or oth­er out­fit that will suit you, for exam­ple, here:, but for this you need to know about fash­ion trends and lis­ten to the rec­om­men­da­tions of styl­ists.

Avoid formal wear

If the sit­u­a­tion does not force you to strict­ly fol­low the dress code, then it is bet­ter to refuse strict out­fits. The psy­chol­o­gy of human per­cep­tion is built in such a way that he will always asso­ciate strict­ness and con­ser­vatism with age, while reck­less­ness and rebel­lious­ness will be per­ceived as attrib­ut­es of youth.

Do not wear youth clothes

A mis­take that, unfor­tu­nate­ly, some women still make is the exces­sive use of attrib­ut­es of youth cloth­ing: bright col­ors, prints, the use of mini clothes, etc. You should not do this, because it looks inap­pro­pri­ate, and some­times just ridicu­lous.

Choose the right color

Much depends on the choice of col­or. For exam­ple, wear­ing dark-col­ored clothes will make your skin look paler, and if your skin is already light, your face will look sick­ly. Fad­ed and dull col­ors at the same time cre­ate the illu­sion of fatigue. There­fore, when choos­ing clothes:

  • look at its col­or in nat­ur­al light;
  • focus on the col­or of the hair: the brighter and rich­er it is, the dark­er the col­ors of the clothes can be;
  • give pref­er­ence to white and pas­tel col­ors.

This does not mean that bright col­ors should be aban­doned, they sim­ply should not pre­vail.

Fol­low these sim­ple tips and the result will def­i­nite­ly please you.







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