How to lose weight fast for vacation — 2022


Summer is the time for holidays, it is during this period of time that women try to get in shape. Even slender representatives of the fair sex, before heading to the sea, think: is the swimsuit sitting on them so well. How to quickly lose a couple of extra pounds by eliminating some foods from your diet, nutritionist Inna Kononenko told

“It is best to exclude from your diet: kefir, ryazhenkacottage cheese — these products have a high insulin index, that is, they contribute to the fact that excess fluid accumulates in the body, ” the expert emphasized.

The nutritionist also noted that if you want to lose weight for the holidays, it is better to give up fruits. It is better to replace bananas and apples with berries, now the store shelves are filled with strawberries and cherries.

“Fruits contain sucrose, glucose and fructose, the last of the sugars is dangerous because, when it enters the liver, it causes a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, which contributes to the deposition of fat and an increase in blood sugar,” explained the nutritionist.

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The doctor also advised me to remove all bakery products and pasta from my diet, even hard varieties, but cereals can be left. A little buckwheat or oatmeal, combined with eggs, a good source of protein, will be the perfect breakfast for losing weight.

In the rest of the meals, Kononenko recommended including vegetables in combination with lean fish, poultry or meat. The nutritionist also stated the need to get rid of the bad habit of snacking.

“Leave only three meals. Even if you drink coffee with milk, and even more so with sugar, or eat a handful of nuts or an apple, this is also a meal. Instead of such snacks, it is better to eat well three times a day. Remember that dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime, and breakfast no later than an hour after waking up. the doctor explained.

According to her, you should consume as many vegetables as possible: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers. Stewed or fresh vegetables go well with steamed white fish, as well as lean poultry and lean meats, the expert noted. The doctor also explained that you can arrange fasting days a couple of times a week.

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Fasting days are not fasting days. During this period, you need to slightly reduce the number of calories consumed. Remember that on fasting days you can’t sit on kefir or apples, ” explained the nutritionist.

The nutritionist also emphasized that you can enrich your diet with the help of vitamins and nutritional supplements. She recommends drinking 3000-4000 milligrams of Omega 3 — saturated fats, of which the more in the body, the better the process of losing weight.

“Another useful supplement will be Carnitine — it carries fats to the place of their combustion. Carnitine improves the work of mitochondria — the energy stations of our cells, in which the process of burning fats and carbohydrates. A good supplement would be Coenzyme Q10 and Magnesium.” — said Inna Kononenko.

Magnesium helps fight sugar cravings, according to Kononeko. Also, this microelement perfectly fights stress, which means you will not jam your problems with junk food and will finally be able to get rid of extra pounds in order to look gorgeous for the holidays.






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