Is it possible to do vertical gardening with your own hands


Is it possible to do vertical gardening with your own hands

Of course yes! This is the answer of many who have at least a lit­tle encoun­tered the issue of fill­ing the room with liv­ing plants. But do not con­sid­er this craft too sim­ple. We need to sort it out in order.

What does ver­ti­cal gar­den­ing mean? Any place­ment of plants, liv­ing or arti­fi­cial, in a ver­ti­cal plane. At the same time, in order to cre­ate the effect of a green wall, both the prin­ci­ple of tiered place­ment of plants and the abil­i­ty of some species to start up their shoots and grow up or down from the place where they were plant­ed are used.


  • Shelv­ing and hang­ing planters
  • Par­ti­tions in a cafe
  • Water­ing and care
  • Moss on ply­wood
  • Live plants with auto­mat­ic water­ing

Shelving and hanging planters

For exam­ple, they placed a hang­ing planter with some kind of ampelous plant high under the ceil­ing, and shoots grad­u­al­ly descend­ed from it in the form of a beau­ti­ful falling crown. In such a sim­ple way, you can prof­itably use the emp­ty space in the inte­ri­or and cre­ate com­fort in the room. In fact, this is one of the meth­ods of ver­ti­cal phy­to-design, which is wide­ly used by pro­fes­sion­al gar­den­ers.

You can also eas­i­ly cre­ate a green wall using a sim­ple shelv­ing unit from Ikea with through cells. If you place plants with a fair­ly lush crown in the cells and place a rack, you will not only dec­o­rate the room, but also per­form one of the meth­ods for divid­ing the inte­ri­or into zones, cre­at­ing cozy cor­ners for work and leisure.

Partitions in a cafe

This method is often seen in some restau­rants or cafes. Expe­ri­enced design­ers zone the rooms in this way and form the atmos­phere of a sea­side resort or some­thing like that. This tech­nique is in demand among restau­ra­teurs for anoth­er rea­son. Green par­ti­tions made using this tech­nol­o­gy can be eas­i­ly moved from place to place, chang­ing the con­fig­u­ra­tion of the inter­nal space, depend­ing on the task. For con­ve­nience, par­ti­tions are equipped with small rollers to make it pos­si­ble to move even the weak­er sex, with­out call­ing spe­cial ser­vices.

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Watering and care

Always plac­ing plants in the inte­ri­or, you have to think about how con­ve­nient it will be to take care of them. This is espe­cial­ly true for ver­ti­cal land­ings. The meth­ods described above using shelv­ing, shelves and oth­er tiered struc­tures pro­vide fair­ly easy access to plants. If the plant is sus­pend­ed from the ceil­ing at a suf­fi­cient­ly high height, then the task of water­ing becomes much more dif­fi­cult. It is bet­ter to fore­see the pos­si­bil­i­ty of easy low­er­ing and lift­ing of the planter with the plant for its reg­u­lar main­te­nance.

This is not to be puz­zled if you com­plete the task of form­ing a green par­ti­tion by means of ivy plants capa­ble of climb­ing up the sur­face. In prac­tice, pots are used with strings or lat­tices stretched upwards insert­ed or fixed in them. Per­haps this is one of the most dif­fi­cult ele­ments of phy­to-design, which can be done by a non-pro­fes­sion­al with their own hands.

What is described below, as a rule, is avail­able for man­u­fac­ture only by spe­cial­ists.

Moss on plywood

It is worth men­tion­ing the two most char­ac­ter­is­tic forms of ver­ti­cal phy­to-design from the arse­nal of com­pa­nies spe­cial­iz­ing in land­scap­ing.

First­ly, phy­to-pan­els and phy­to-walls coat­ed with sta­bi­lized moss. This is the most fre­quent attribute of green­ery in mod­ern offices and oth­er pub­lic places, seek­ing to posi­tion them­selves in a mod­ern way.

In prin­ci­ple, there are no com­plex tech­nolo­gies in these ver­ti­cal struc­tures. In most cas­es, moss is glued onto a sheet of ply­wood of a cer­tain size, which must first be cleaned of debris and dried. Then ply­wood with moss is attached to the main walls or par­ti­tions in those places where they will make the strongest impres­sion. The tac­tile sen­sa­tions when stroking are won­der­ful. If such green walls are pro­vid­ed with light­ing, then the whole struc­ture will impress with its appear­ance too.

Live plants with automatic watering

Sec­ond­ly, in the cre­ative palette of land­scap­ers there is such an argu­ment as ver­ti­cal struc­tures from liv­ing plants with light­ing and an auto­mat­ic water­ing sys­tem. There are sev­er­al vari­eties that can be viewed here. The part is based on plas­tic mod­ules attached to a ver­ti­cal frame. The oth­er part in the base has a web of some kind of porous mate­r­i­al, in which there are cells for plant­i­ng, and which is also attached to a ver­ti­cal base or direct­ly to the main wall.

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In both cas­es, the whole struc­ture has a built-in irri­ga­tion sys­tem and, if nec­es­sary, lamps for addi­tion­al illu­mi­na­tion of plants. If desired, detailed draw­ings of such mas­ter­pieces of phy­to-design and engi­neer­ing can be found on the Inter­net. How­ev­er, it is worth weigh­ing every­thing sev­er­al times before decid­ing to man­u­fac­ture such a green wall on your own with­out detailed con­sul­ta­tion with spe­cial­ists.







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