Makeup Secrets: How to Enlarge Your Eyes


Make­up artist Tatyana Reshet­niko­va clear­ly showed how to make eyes big­ger and what details you should pay atten­tion to dur­ing make­up.

What makeup is needed to enlarge the eyes?

To make your eyes big­ger and more expres­sive, you will need a clas­sic set for this type of make­up. Tatyana advis­es using a dark nat­ur­al shade of shad­ows. It can be dark brown, dark beige and always close to your skin tone.

“High­light on the cen­ter of the eye will add extra vol­ume” — shared the make-up artist.

To cre­ate a high­light, you need to use shin­ing shad­ows of warm tones. Prefer­ably with small glit­ter.

How to enlarge eyes with makeup?

To visu­al­ly enlarge the eyes, use a fluffy brush designed to apply a cos­met­ic prod­uct to the eye­lids. The first step is to cre­ate a volu­mi­nous shad­ing using shad­ows of nat­ur­al shades.

“The shape of the shad­ing should fol­low the shape of the eye” she advis­es.

Start work­ing with a brush from the out­er cor­ner of the eye, then blend the shad­ows in a cir­cu­lar motion over the crease of the eye­lid to its mid­dle. Do not for­get to paint over the low­er eye­lid as well.

“Many are afraid and think that the eye, on the con­trary, will become nar­row­er. But the main thing here is a large shade. ” Tatyana assured.

You can apply shad­ows under the eyes to the area where the vol­ume ends. We also dark­en to the mid­dle of the eye and con­nect it to the upper bor­der. And a high­light in the cen­ter of the eye­lid, which can be cre­at­ed using shim­mery shad­ows, will add addi­tion­al 3D vol­ume.

“White pen­cil is usu­al­ly used for stage make­up” make­up artist remarked.

You can also paint over the low­er mucosa with a light pen­cil. Tatyana Reshet­niko­va advis­es using beige.







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