Mummy — what is it and why is it eaten


Shi­la­jit as a nat­ur­al and nat­ur­al rem­e­dy is a pow­er­ful organ­ic-min­er­al prod­uct with heal­ing prop­er­ties, being a unique source of min­er­al and ben­e­fi­cial bio­log­i­cal sub­stances.

Shi­la­jit is known for its reju­ve­nat­ing and ton­ing prop­er­ties. Its use is com­plete­ly harm­less and is rec­om­mend­ed for use in dis­eases of the heart, stom­ach, duo­de­num, liv­er, mus­cle weak­ness and oth­er dis­eases.

Being a nat­ur­al immunomod­u­la­tor, mumiyo is able to increase the pro­tec­tive func­tions of the body and improve the health of an adult with weak immu­ni­ty.

Use­ful prop­er­ties of mum­my

Mum­my is:

- a pow­er­ful source of micro and macro ele­ments, amino acids, vit­a­mins and min­er­als for gen­er­al health pro­mo­tion;

- pro­phy­lac­tic for colds, flu, cough, run­ny nose, ton­sil­li­tis, bron­chi­tis;

- an excel­lent rem­e­dy for the treat­ment of the stom­ach, liv­er and gen­i­touri­nary sys­tem;

- a source of ener­gy for con­stant phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal stress;

- a means for remov­ing tox­ins from the body in order to reju­ve­nate and lose weight;

- cos­met­ic prod­uct for cleans­ing and improv­ing the qual­i­ty of the skin;

- a means for the rapid fusion of bones in frac­tures.

For the treat­ment of gas­tric dis­eases and the liv­er, it is rec­om­mend­ed to use a liq­uid mum­my solu­tion, which, due to its pow­er­ful antiox­i­dant prop­er­ties, can reduce acid­i­ty and improve the microflo­ra of the stom­ach, remove tox­ins.

Ways to use mum­my

Mumiyo is tak­en 2 times a day in the morn­ing and in the evening before meals. The course of admis­sion is 1–4 months. For oral admin­is­tra­tion, dilute 2 grams of mum­my per 1 liter of warm boiled water and drink a solu­tion of 100 ml per day.

For exter­nal use, pure mum­my can be used by adding it to baths (40 g) or creams. For rub­bing into the skin (treat­ment of joints, arthri­tis), it is nec­es­sary to make a 10% mum­my solu­tion.

The use of mum­my in mod­ern con­di­tions

Most often, mum­my is used to treat coughs, bron­chi­tis or pneu­mo­nia. For this, 1 gr. mumiyo is mixed with 1 tsp. hon­ey and keep in the mouth for 2–3 min­utes. The pro­ce­dure should be repeat­ed 2–3 times a day. The effect of recov­ery occurs with­in 4–7 days. The same method of use is used in the treat­ment of peri­odon­ti­tis or throat dis­eases.

Shi­la­jit is also known for its heal­ing prop­er­ties in the treat­ment of uri­nary tract and wom­en’s dis­eases. In these cas­es, it is rec­om­mend­ed to take Shi­la­jit inside and use cot­ton swabs with Shi­la­jit.

Mum­my helps to cleanse and improve the qual­i­ty of facial skin. To do this, 1–2 drops of a vis­cous mum­my are added to the cream and applied to the skin. The effect comes after the first use.

IMPORTANT: Con­sult your doc­tor before use.







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