Silicone-free shampoos: what is it and why are they needed


First of all, you need to pay atten­tion to the pres­ence in the com­po­si­tion of such a com­po­nent as “sil­i­cone”. Its main task is to cre­ate the effect of smooth­ness of the hair and make the con­sis­ten­cy more vis­cous, it does not car­ry any heal­ing prop­er­ties. Despite the fact that the hair after wash­ing with sil­i­cone sham­poos looks more beau­ti­ful, they have one big minus.

Sil­i­cone accu­mu­lates in the hair and scalp, thus cre­at­ing an air­tight film, which is very often the cause of dan­druff, hair loss and reduced hair growth. Anoth­er draw­back is that this very film does not allow use­ful com­po­nents to pen­e­trate into the hair struc­ture, mak­ing them com­plete­ly use­less. The hair is not get­ting enough nutri­tion, which leads to dull­ness and dry­ness. Notic­ing this result, it seems to us that the sham­poo stopped work­ing, and the hair just got used to it. So we replace it with anoth­er, but again with sil­i­cone, and the scheme is repeat­ed anew.

By the way, when switch­ing from sil­i­cone to sil­i­cone-free sham­poo, it may seem that the hair is not clean enough after wash­ing, but this is not so. Sil­i­cone-free sham­poo needs time to wash the film from the scalp and hair roots. But the tips after the first wash will become smooth and very obe­di­ent.







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