Vacuum banks — why are they needed?


Sil­i­cone Vac­u­um cups for face and body mas­sage are among the most effec­tive mas­sages. The tech­nique is rec­om­mend­ed for use at home, since it is eas­i­er for non-pro­fes­sion­als, and in terms of effi­cien­cy it is not infe­ri­or to salon pro­ce­dures.

The jar cap­tures a small area of ​​the skin, all move­ments are made along the mas­sage lines:
Blood flow to tis­sues and lym­phat­ic drainage occurs
Improve cell nutri­tion
The skin becomes elas­tic and elas­tic

Is there an effect of vac­u­um mas­sage?

✅Improve blood and lym­phat­ic cir­cu­la­tion
✅ Tis­sues are sup­plied with oxy­gen
✅Reduces cel­lulite and flab­bi­ness
✅ Faster weight loss
✅ Excess water is removed from the body and swelling is removed
✅ Detox­i­fies the body
✅Restores skin and mus­cles after a sharp weight loss or weight gain
✅ Mus­cles relax after intense loads and injuries

But there are a num­ber of con­traindi­ca­tions to such a mas­sage.

Skin inflam­ma­tion in the form of exac­er­ba­tion
Open wounds
Vari­cose veins in the mas­sage area
Ten­den­cy to form blood clots
Dis­eases of the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem and lungs
Preg­nan­cy and lac­ta­tion
⠀Also, banks can­not be placed on:
Heart and kid­ney area
Mam­ma­ry glands in women

There is a hard­ware vac­u­um mas­sage, which is done in the salon. How­ev­er, home mas­sage is just as good You can do it your­self and not spend a lot of mon­ey on a course of pro­ce­dures.

For effec­tive vac­u­um mas­sage at home, you need

-Pur­chase qual­i­ty sil­i­cone vac­u­um jars and mas­sage oil

-Per­form move­ments along the mas­sage lines

-Mas­sage 1 time in 2–3 days. Prefer­ably in cours­es of 8–12 ses­sions.

If you fol­low these points, you will get firm and elas­tic skin with­out ede­ma and cel­lulite.
Proven and high-qual­i­ty vac­u­um jars made of high-qual­i­ty sil­i­cone, absolute­ly safe, durable and flex­i­ble, eas­i­ly glide over the body, do not cause aller­gies, do not deform and do not absorb smells of creams, you can find in our FiT­Sem store







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