What are protein complexes for hair and why are they needed?


Pro­tein com­plex­es of the CADIVEU brand are used by many world famous styl­ists as hair pro­tec­tion in the process of bleach­ing and dye­ing hair.

How to use pro­teins cor­rect­ly?

Appli­ca­tion details:

• Pro­tein “Re-Charge Pro­tein Sol do Rio” suit­able for pro­tect­ing hair dur­ing col­or­ing and light­en­ing.

When light­en­ing, you need to add 4–6 gr. pro­tein per 20 gr. pow­der (or 10 g of pro­tein per 100 g of bright­en­ing mix­ture).
When stain­ing, you need to add up to 2 gr. pro­tein per 60 gr. paints.

• Pro­tein Detox suit­able for the pro­tec­tion of espe­cial­ly dam­aged, bleached, brit­tle hair

When light­en­ing, the pro­tein is applied to dam­aged areas of the hair, to even­ly dis­trib­ute the prod­uct, you can use a comb with soft sil­i­cone teeth, then dry your hair with a hairdry­er and pro­ceed to bleach­ing.

Detox pro­tein is NOT added to the bleach­ing pow­der!

Pro­tein “Detox” can also be used in ton­ing (in cas­es where it is nec­es­sary that the light­en­ing back­ground does not “rise” when the dye gets on nat­ur­al hair.
Cal­cu­la­tion: 1 ml per 10 g of dye. The use of pro­tein togeth­er with the dye has a ben­e­fi­cial effect on the struc­ture of the hair.

If you want to add addi­tion­al car­ing ingre­di­ents to the dye, then you can add oil Acai oil just a cou­ple of drops.

Pro­teins of the Detox and Sol Do Rio line can be used in home care:
• Pro­tein “Re-Charge Pro­tein Sol do Rio” is applied to wet hair for 30 min­utes, then washed off.
• Pro­tein “Detox” is applied to dry hair 20–30 before sham­poo­ing and then washed off.







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