Why do you need a car service book?


Before talk­ing about how exact­ly a car ser­vice book will help you buy or sell it on the sec­ondary mar­ket, let’s con­sid­er what it is all about.

Using the con­cept of “car ser­vice book”, we pri­mar­i­ly mean a paper medi­um with var­i­ous tables for records, which records all the tech­ni­cal oper­a­tions ever per­formed with the vehi­cle. In prin­ci­ple, we are talk­ing about a kind of “on-board” mag­a­zine, where the entire biog­ra­phy of the car is stored.

With such an assis­tant, it is much eas­i­er to sell a car in the sec­ondary mar­ket. When, when com­mu­ni­cat­ing with a buy­er, you have not just mem­o­ries of exact­ly which parts were replaced and where, but writ­ten evi­dence, then a poten­tial client has more con­fi­dence in you. And if the date, time and sur­name of the mas­ter who made these or those replace­ments are indi­cat­ed, you are already help­ing the buy­er save his time when look­ing for the right spe­cial­ists and ser­vice sta­tions.

On the oth­er hand, the avail­abil­i­ty of such accu­rate infor­ma­tion also helps when buy­ing a car in the sec­ondary mar­ket. After all, you can always ask the sell­er for infor­ma­tion about the vehi­cle, see and ask the price. If he does not have a ser­vice book, you should think about the reli­a­bil­i­ty of the trans­ac­tion.

In addi­tion, keep­ing such an “on-board” log makes it pos­si­ble to be more atten­tive to the car and, to some extent, even pre­dict its repair. The more detailed the moments of man­i­fes­ta­tion of mal­func­tions and errors are, the more accu­rate the diag­no­sis will be.

Often at first glance it seems that the ser­vice book of a car is not quite a nec­es­sary thing, and it also takes time to fill out. But this is just a first impres­sion. When you have such an assis­tant, you will under­stand that togeth­er with him it will be pos­si­ble to con­trol the work of the mas­ter, keep records of finan­cial invest­ments in the vehi­cle, mon­i­tor the tech­ni­cal con­di­tion of the car, and also increase its val­ue to a cer­tain extent when sell­ing on the sec­ondary mar­ket.

I am con­fi­dent that inde­pen­dent­ly main­tain­ing and con­trol­ling the ser­vice his­to­ry helps to dis­ci­pline your­self and pre­vent small mis­takes lead­ing to big loss­es.







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