Why do you need a soft toy in early childhood?


Why do you need a soft toy in ear­ly child­hood?

A soft toy is VERY impor­tant in a child’s life. It con­tributes not only to the knowl­edge of the world, the devel­op­ment of fan­ta­sy, but also helps to relieve ten­sion. In the first year of life, she is a moth­er sub­sti­tute. Its soft plush fab­ric cre­ates a feel­ing of com­fort and warmth, secu­ri­ty and con­fi­dence. You can go to kinder­garten with her. Thus, a favorite soft toy con­tributes to adap­ta­tion in the world.

What is the advan­tage of our prod­uct?

Our plaid tow­el per­fect­ly retains heat. A large soft toy will cer­tain­ly become a true friend from the first day of acquain­tance!

How to care for a blan­ket?

The baby blan­ket with a toy can be washed in a wash­ing machine, thanks to its mate­r­i­al it dries very quick­ly. What can not but rejoice!

A blan­ket with a toy is a uni­ver­sal gift!

Both the child and the par­ent will be hap­py with such a gift. After all, the blan­ket is very soft and pleas­ant, and the toy is beau­ti­ful and cute. Thanks to the col­or­ing, the plaid tow­el can be pre­sent­ed to both a boy and a girl.

Have time to order a cool blan­ket with a toy for your baby. Your child will be absolute­ly delight­ed!







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