Why is there vitamin C in cosmetics?


Vit­a­min C can be found in a wide vari­ety of beau­ty prod­ucts — whiten­ing, mois­tur­iz­ing, anti-aging, and also in prod­ucts with a skin radi­ance effect, which is so pop­u­lar today. Why is this com­po­nent so good?

Let’s look at the main prop­er­ties of vit­a­min C:

Pow­er­ful antiox­i­dant. It effec­tive­ly fights free rad­i­cals, slows down the process of pre­ma­ture aging and reduces the signs of pho­toag­ing (at a con­cen­tra­tion of 15–20%). In addi­tion, a deriv­a­tive of vit­a­min C — ascor­bic acid phos­phate (Ascor­bic acid 2‑phosphate) “repairs” dam­age to cell DNA caused by solar radi­a­tion.

Pro­tects from the sun. Increas­es the pro­tec­tive prop­er­ties of the skin and resis­tance to UV radi­a­tion. Enhances the effec­tive­ness of sun­screens. At the same time, vit­a­min C cream does not replace SPF on its own; it works best in tan­dem with vit­a­min E.

It has an anti-age effect. Reg­u­lates and stim­u­lates col­la­gen syn­the­sis, increas­es its sta­bil­i­ty. Main­tains firm­ness, elas­tic­i­ty, skin tur­gor. Pre­vents the appear­ance of wrin­kles and reduces exist­ing ones.

Reduces pig­men­ta­tion. Blocks tyrosi­nase and melanin pro­duc­tion. Effec­tive­ly bright­ens already exist­ing age spots, evens out com­plex­ion and gives radi­ance.

Fights acne. Reduces inflam­ma­tion and irri­ta­tion, stim­u­lates regen­er­a­tion. Bright­ens post-acne.

Mois­tur­izes. Strength­ens the epi­der­mal bar­ri­er, pre­vents water loss. Stim­u­lates the syn­the­sis of skin lipids (ceramides), which help retain mois­ture in the skin.

Stim­u­lates local immu­ni­tyincreas­es resis­tance to infec­tions.

With such an impres­sive list of mer­its, vit­a­min C real­ly deserves the title of a faith­ful assis­tant to our skin. Can every­one use cos­met­ics with vit­a­min C in their com­po­si­tion? The good news is that there are prac­ti­cal­ly no con­traindi­ca­tions, ascor­bic acid is well tol­er­at­ed by all skin types (with the excep­tion of indi­vid­ual aller­gic reac­tions). How­ev­er, do not for­get that you need to apply sun­screen on top of bleach­ing or anti-aging prod­ucts with vit­a­min C.

Now the log­i­cal ques­tion is in what means to look for a mir­a­cle vit­a­min? Let’s talk about the exam­ple of SIBERINA cos­met­ics.

Facial Oil Con­cen­trate “Vit­a­min Com­plex A, E, C, F” pro­vides the skin with com­pre­hen­sive heal­ing care. Elim­i­nates the prob­lems of dry­ness and dehy­dra­tion, improves skin tone. Due to the spe­cial com­po­si­tion, the prod­uct is quick­ly absorbed, dis­trib­uted over the skin with the thinnest light lay­er, leav­ing no stick­i­ness and oili­ness.

Face ton­ic with AHA acids “Against black­heads and oily sheen” effec­tive­ly mois­tur­izes, elim­i­nates inflam­ma­tion and red­ness on the skin, reg­u­lates the pro­duc­tion of sebum, elim­i­nates oily sheen.

Serum for the face “Vit­a­min com­plex A, E, C, F” pro­vides com­plete care: nutri­tion, hydra­tion, pro­tec­tion and restora­tion of the skin. It has a pow­er­ful antiox­i­dant effect, stim­u­lates col­la­gen syn­the­sis, slows down the aging process.

Mousse for wash­ing and deep cleans­ing with vit­a­mins A, E, C pro­vides an intense antiox­i­dant, ton­ic, regen­er­at­ing effect on the epi­der­mis, helps to light­en pig­men­ta­tion, helps to neu­tral­ize the dam­ag­ing effects of rad­i­cals and elim­i­nate tox­ins.

Use the pow­er of vit­a­min C for the beau­ty and health of your skin!







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