Why you need combs for cats and dogs


Cats and dogs almost every­one already has it. They are like fam­i­ly mem­bers. And for them you want to choose the best of what you can buy. But some­times you don’t know how to choose the right thing. Such vari­ety all around. And every week there is some­thing new.

For exam­ple, here is a hair­brush. Six months ago, it seemed that combs are either a glove with nee­dles, or nee­dles stuffed on a piece of wood 10 by 10 cm. But then a deshed­der and a fur­mi­na­tor entered the mar­ket. Which is essen­tial­ly the same thing. They look like a man’s comb on a thick han­dle. But it is very dif­fer­ent from the usu­al comb. The teeth are shal­low, not sharp, sharp­ened at a cer­tain angle.

Why is such a thing bet­ter?

Almost every­one. Suit­able for every breed, coat length and under­coat. The pet does not expe­ri­ence pain, the hairs do not bite, the skin is not injured. Espe­cial­ly true for the molt­ing sea­son. Once a week, you should brush your pet. But do not be zeal­ous, if you scratch every day, the effect will not be much bet­ter. Enough 1 time per week. And besides, this fur­mi­na­tor combs out from the first time all the hairs that were going to shed.







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