Why you need reusable face pads


What is the point of buy­ing reusable face pads if dis­pos­able ones are made from cot­ton, which means they eas­i­ly decom­pose in nature? This is a good ques­tion, and the answer is not obvi­ous.

Using a Reusable Flan­nel Facial Cot­ton Pad

The prob­lem with dis­pos­able discs is their dis­pos­abil­i­ty. Such a disk lasts a max­i­mum of two days, if a dili­gent host­ess divides it into halves. Then it goes to the gen­er­al pile of garbage in a land­fill. There, it releas­es land­fill gas because it enters an air­less envi­ron­ment. The cot­ton dis­pos­able disc begins to poi­son the air.

Mean­while, cot­ton is already grow­ing for his new broth­ers. Thou­sands of hectares of inor­gan­ic cheap cot­ton that occu­pies a lim­it­ed resource — fer­tile land. Crops are gen­er­ous­ly fla­vored with her­bi­cides and pes­ti­cides. Cot­ton is a water drink. It must be watered 200 days a year. So one T‑shirt takes ~ 2700 liters of water. A pack of dis­pos­able discs is less, but still, but still.

Grow­ing cot­ton requires a lot of effort and a lot of resources

While dis­card­ed disks emit a mias­ma of land­fill gas, and new cot­ton, disks from which almost imme­di­ate­ly end up in the trash, takes up space, requires water, her­bi­cides, pes­ti­cides and fer­til­iz­ers, I use reusable facial disks.

When I decid­ed to make them, I made a few pieces for myself. This hap­pened in May 2020. My discs have been serv­ing for two years! In fair­ness, I must say that I do not use them every day, but about 2–3 times a week. But still, but still!

I feel so hap­py and warm when I think about how many CDs I did­n’t throw away and how many new ones I did­n’t buy! And it’s even warmer when I see that more and more girls pre­fer reusable to dis­pos­able. Togeth­er we make the world a bet­ter place, thank you for your trust, pur­chas­es and reviews!







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