How to use an immersion and stand blender?


So that the pur­chased equip­ment does not gath­er dust in the clos­et, you need to learn how to han­dle it. Such a handy thing as a blender requires cer­tain skills. How to use a blender to become a real helper?

Types of blenders

Today, man­u­fac­tur­ers pro­duce two cat­e­gories of blenders:

  • sta­tion­ary;
  • sub­mersible.

The first are a jug mount­ed on a stand with a motor. Inside the jug are sharp knives that allow you to chop food. Depend­ing on the pow­er, the device can grind not only soft, but also hard­er foods (nuts, raw pota­toes, apples, meat), as well as crush ice.

The sec­ond cat­e­go­ry is more mobile. It is a han­dle with a motor, to which var­i­ous noz­zles with knives or a whisk for whip­ping are attached. They are con­sid­ered less pow­er­ful than sta­tion­ary ones, but this is not always the case. There are mod­els with high pow­er that can cope with the same rigid­i­ty of prod­ucts as sta­tion­ary ones.

Stationary and immersion blenders

The pho­to shows an exam­ple of what both types of blenders can do. There­fore, the dif­fer­ence between sta­tion­ary mod­els and sub­mersible ones will only be that the lat­ter have to be kept on weight when the device is immersed in the dish­es while the process of grind­ing prod­ucts is in progress. This is not always con­ve­nient, espe­cial­ly if the blender is with­out a bowl.

How to use a blender

Let’s con­sid­er both cat­e­gories, because there are some dif­fer­ences in their oper­a­tion.

Stationary Models

To under­stand how to use a blender cor­rect­ly, you need to refer to its appear­ance. All rub­bing actions take place inside the jug with knives. Foods that need to be chopped or mixed are loaded inside, the jug is closed with a lid and the speed con­trol knob is turned.

Stationary blender

Depend­ing on the pow­er, the blender will grind faster or slow­er what is put into it. There­fore, if you plan not only to mix cock­tails and grind mashed pota­toes once a week, but also count on dai­ly use, give pref­er­ence to more pow­er­ful mod­els.

If the process is slow and food slips between the knives with­out being crushed, add a lit­tle water. This will facil­i­tate the process and the blender will be able to quick­ly chop the food.

Do not lay the bowl com­plete­ly, oth­er­wise the device sim­ply will not be able to cope with the task. Ide­al­ly, if the jug is filled to a third, a max­i­mum of half. It is bet­ter to make sev­er­al vis­its than to make the engine unus­able.

Do not pour boil­ing water into the jug. Glass bowls, of course, will with­stand the tem­per­a­ture, but in gen­er­al, such exper­i­ments are neg­a­tive for the device. As for plas­tic jugs, they can dark­en and deform.

Sta­tion­ary mod­els do not do well with slic­ing greens and do not per­ceive the grind­ing of dry prod­ucts, for exam­ple, mak­ing bread­crumbs from bread­crumbs.

Submersible Models

Mod­els in this cat­e­go­ry may have a set with var­i­ous noz­zles and a bowl with a lid, or only the main noz­zle and bowl (depend­ing on the mod­el). In this case, the dif­fer­ence from the sta­tion­ary ones will be that you either put the prod­ucts in the dish­es in which you will grind them or use the bowl with a sealed lid that comes with the kit for this. This bowl has more pow­er­ful blades and is great for cut­ting hard­er or hard­er-to-grind foods (tough veg­eta­bles or fruits, nuts, ice, meat).

Insert the knife into the bowl before using the immer­sion blender. Then put what you will grind inside and close the lid. Make sure the knife screw aligns with the notch in the lid. After that, the han­dle with the motor is insert­ed into the bowl lid into a spe­cial hole and by press­ing the but­tons dur­ing the grind­ing process, you can adjust the speed and the required degree of grind­ing.

It doesn’t mat­ter if you use a sta­tion­ary blender or an immer­sion blender — before you start grind­ing, cut the food into small pieces. So you will help the device to cope with its task more eas­i­ly and save the motor from burnout.

If the grind­ing requires prod­ucts that are not too hard, you can use a long noz­zle with knives, which is attached to the han­dle with a motor. Here, some advan­tage of sub­mersible mod­els is clear­ly man­i­fest­ed and you will under­stand how to use a man­u­al device — it can grind soup puree to the required con­sis­ten­cy right in the pan, with­out pour­ing hot food any­where. That’s just to do this care­ful­ly so that there is not a lot of splash­es.

immersion blender

In addi­tion, for a sub­mersible blender, any dish­es in which you can put food for grind­ing are suit­able, but it is advis­able to choose it with high walls. It is nec­es­sary to cut the prod­ucts, put them in a bowl, immerse the blender in it and press the start but­ton. Most often, sub­mersible mod­els also have sev­er­al speeds, which can be changed using the but­tons on the han­dle with a motor.

If the appli­ance has been run­ning for a long time, give it time to rest. Also, don’t let it idle. This will pro­tect the motor from over­heat­ing and extend the life of the blender.

After use, be sure to rinse the bowl of a sta­tion­ary blender and the noz­zle of an immer­sion blender. This will help pre­vent pieces of food from dry­ing on the knives and get­ting stuck in the parts of sta­tion­ary mod­els, as well as get­ting them into food dur­ing sub­se­quent use of the device. The part with the motor is not wash­able, but only wiped with a damp cloth.

Good to know:

What Blenders Can Do

Of course, mix and grind. But what exact­ly can be put in them in order for the device to show its abil­i­ties to the max­i­mum? Con­sid­er the basic skills:

  • grind boiled and raw veg­eta­bles and fruits to a puree state;
  • turn meat into minced meat;
  • break ice;
  • mix liq­uids into cock­tails;
  • mix the ingre­di­ents for bat­ter or beat the egg mix­ture for an omelet, scram­bled eggs;
  • help young moth­ers pre­pare baby food;
  • to turn the ingre­di­ents of puree soups into cream;
  • pre­pare liq­uid and thick fill­ings for pies and pas­tries;
  • crush fresh and frozen berries, nuts and choco­late, ice, etc.

The list is quite exten­sive and where it would take a long time to do the same by hand or with the help of a home proces­sor, the blender will eas­i­ly do every­thing very quick­ly.

How to use an immersion blender bowl (video)

The video clear­ly demon­strates the grind­ing of var­i­ous prod­ucts and the whip­ping of liq­uids using the mod­el from Ori­on as an exam­ple. If your blender did not come with a whisk, you can use a long attach­ment with small knives.

By under­stand­ing how to prop­er­ly use an immer­sion blender and its sta­tion­ary coun­ter­part, you can make your cook­ing process eas­i­er and faster.






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