Multicooker with two bowls: features, specifications, pros and cons of use


A mod­ern exam­ple of a kitchen appli­ance — a slow cook­er — has gained well-deserved fame from sophis­ti­cat­ed house­wives. The devel­op­ers of mul­ti­cook­ers did not stop there and came up with a more advanced device, equip­ping it with two bowls.

Characteristic features of a multicooker with two bowls

The devel­op­ers came to the idea of ​​improv­ing the stan­dard mul­ti­cook­er based on the wish­es of con­sumers.

The new mul­ti­cook­er mod­el has a num­ber of fea­tures:

  • the pres­ence of two bowls for the simul­ta­ne­ous prepa­ra­tion of two dish­es;
  • increased para­me­ters of the device;
  • the mul­ti­cook­er has a heav­ier weight.

Multicooker with two bowls

All these nuances require more space for con­ve­nient place­ment, but the advan­tages that it has com­pen­sate for some of the incon­ve­nience asso­ci­at­ed with the dimen­sions of the device. Actu­al­ly, the mul­ti­cook­er has such an accept­able design that it eas­i­ly fits into any inte­ri­or and becomes a prof­itable addi­tion.

Manufacturers of universal kitchen appliances

The com­pa­ny can be con­sid­ered the leader among man­u­fac­tur­ers of house­hold appli­ances. Red­mondwhich cre­at­ed a new mod­el of the Sky­Cook­er CBD100S two-bowl mul­ti­cook­er with Dou­ble Chief tech­nol­o­gy.

Despite the fact that the mul­ti­cook­er with two bowls had to be increased in size, the man­u­fac­tur­er tried to ensure that it did not lose its visu­al appeal. The uni­ver­sal mul­ti­cook­er is designed in a mod­ern style, stream­lined, a mono­chrome dis­play with a back­light of suf­fi­cient diam­e­ter, you can clear­ly see the high­light­ed data on it. It is a plea­sure to oper­ate such a device, because the sys­tem is extreme­ly clear, one has only to turn on intu­ition. If some­thing is not entire­ly clear, you can find a more detailed and mean­ing­ful hint in the instruc­tions.

A video is pre­sent­ed to your atten­tion, which describes these and oth­er char­ac­ter­is­tics and advan­tages of the Sky­Cook­er CBD100S mul­ti­cook­er from Red­mon.

You can also read our cur­rent tips for choos­ing a mul­ti­cook­er if you want to pur­chase a stan­dard mod­el (with one bowl).

Multifunctionality of the multicooker

The mul­ti­cook­er with two bowls is designed for use in var­i­ous pur­pos­es, because it has a huge list of func­tions:

  • the num­ber of auto­mat­ic modes — 21 or more;
  • pro­grams for man­u­al tun­ing — 29 +;
  • the abil­i­ty to adjust the lev­el of tem­per­a­ture and cook­ing time;
  • spe­cial func­tion “Mul­ti-cook” (the abil­i­ty to cook sev­er­al dish­es at once);
  • keep­ing the fin­ished dish warm;
  • chang­ing the pro­gram start time (delay);
  • pre­ven­tion of acci­den­tal acti­va­tion of the start;
  • If the cooked dish is cold, you can use the heat­ing mode.

If we take the Sky­Cook­er CBD100S mul­ti­cook­er as an exam­ple, this unique device not only has many of the list­ed func­tions, it also has a built-in radio receiv­er. You can lis­ten to your favorite tunes at any time, even if the mul­ti­cook­er at that time “does not cook food”.

Multicooker with two bowls

The Sky­Cook­er CBD100S mul­ti­cook­er can be con­trolled via a smart­phone using the Ready for Sky app. The built-in Blue­tooth mod­ule makes the con­nec­tion.

In gen­er­al, dif­fer­ent mul­ti­cook­ers can have dif­fer­ent func­tions. You can learn more about them here. It may be impor­tant for you to have a fea­ture that is not avail­able in the Sky­Cook­er CBD100S. Then it will be nec­es­sary to choose anoth­er, more suit­able for you, mul­ti­cook­er mod­el, even with one bowl and a dif­fer­ent com­pa­ny.

Technical characteristics of the multicooker with two bowls

A mul­ti-cook­er with two bowls has a lot of advan­tages, although it is not with­out draw­backs. In fact, such a device con­sists of two pans con­nect­ed to each oth­er with sep­a­rate heat­ing ele­ments, steam valves and seal­ing rings. There are no unnec­es­sary ele­ments that would com­pli­cate the device.

To pos­i­tive moments can be attrib­uted:

  • ease of man­age­ment, despite the addi­tion­al func­tions;
  • the bowls have a non-stick coat­ing;
  • spe­cial tank for col­lect­ing con­den­sate;
  • the pres­ence of a spe­cial con­tain­er for steam­ing;
  • deep-fry­ing bas­ket;
  • spe­cial met­al tongs;
  • glass with divi­sions (mea­sured);
  • a spe­cial ladle and spoon with a pro­tec­tive coat­ing so as not to dam­age the sur­face of the bowls;
  • a col­lec­tion of recipes for cook­ing on a mul­ti­cook­er of a spe­cif­ic mod­el.

In addi­tion to the usu­al set of menus (first, sec­ond and third cours­es), you can cook cheese, cot­tage cheese, fon­due in it. You can ster­il­ize, pas­teur­ize or proof the dough.

Multicooker bowls

The list of advan­tages of such a mul­ti­cook­er can be con­tin­ued:

  • attrac­tive appear­ance;
  • ergonom­ics;
  • ease of man­age­ment;
  • easy care.

If speak about short­com­ingsthey can be called con­di­tion­al — these are increased size and weight.

You can learn more about the prin­ci­ple of oper­a­tion of mul­ti­cook­ers here:

Proper use of the multi-cooker with two bowls

In order not to cre­ate prob­lems in the future, it is nec­es­sary to cor­rect­ly han­dle such a device. First, fol­low the instruc­tions. Per­haps this is the main con­di­tion, the non-obser­vance of which entails a lot of trou­bles, when it sud­den­ly turns out that the dish turned out not of the qual­i­ty we would like.

The main rec­om­men­da­tions of the com­bi­na­tion of dish­es:

  1. It is impos­si­ble to cook a meat and a fish dish at the same time, oth­er­wise there will be a mutu­al pen­e­tra­tion of odors, which will adverse­ly affect the taste.
  2. For the same rea­sons, it is unde­sir­able to cook a veg­etable dish with pun­gent odors and a dessert.
  3. It is impor­tant to observe the allow­able amount of nest­ed prod­ucts. If the bowls are over­filled, food will leak out. Two dish­es will be at risk at once, because you will have to sus­pend the cook­ing process for a while. It is nec­es­sary to dis­con­nect the mul­ti­cook­er from the pow­er sup­ply, then imme­di­ate­ly rinse and wipe the out­er sur­face dry. In no case do not con­nect to the net­work if the heat­ing ele­ment or parts in con­tact with it remain wet.

If you han­dle the device impru­dent­ly, you can get a neg­a­tive effect, after which some house­wives express extreme indig­na­tion. How­ev­er, the mul­ti­cook­er has absolute­ly noth­ing to do with it. You need to be pru­dent and more care­ful in advance so as not to make mis­takes, and then not blame the man­u­fac­tur­er.

For a mul­ti­cook­er with two bowls, it is advis­able to choose a place so that it is con­ve­nient to cook on it. By the way, thanks to the attrac­tive design, stream­lined shapes, it deserves to be in a con­spic­u­ous place. The main con­di­tion is the pres­ence of an elec­tri­cal out­let near­by and the nor­mal height of the table, so that it is con­ve­nient to put food into the mul­ti­cook­er.

Redmond multicooker on the table

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there are cas­es when food burns in a pan. This does not speak of its poor qual­i­ty, but of insuf­fi­cient­ly good wash­ing. If the bot­tom of one of the bowls has left­over food from the pre­vi­ous cook­ing, the next dish may burn. That is why it is very impor­tant to prop­er­ly han­dle and be able to prop­er­ly care for her. It is nec­es­sary to remem­ber and always fol­low the basic rules for using a mul­ti­cook­er.

Do not use met­al spoons, ladles and spat­u­las, so as not to dam­age the spe­cial ceram­ic or Teflon non-stick coat­ing. Use only the tools sup­plied with the mul­ti­cook­er or pur­chase them sep­a­rate­ly.

Features of choosing a device

Often when buy­ing a mul­ti­cook­er, you can feel an unpleas­ant smell from the inside. It can come from plas­tic or a seal that smells like rub­ber. It is worth say­ing that the qual­i­ty of the device plays a role here.

If it is a two-bowl mul­ti­cook­er from a well-known man­u­fac­tur­er, the new appli­ance is odor­less. So, before giv­ing pref­er­ence to a low­er price, it is worth con­sid­er­ing whether you will have to “pay twice”, stint­ing on a more expen­sive mod­el, but much bet­ter.

Multicooker Care

After pur­chase, the mul­ti­cook­er should be rinsed well. To do this, just take a clean soft cloth and plain warm water. You can add bak­ing soda or neu­tral dish­wash­ing deter­gent. Wipe the inside with a damp cloth, then wipe dry. Do the same from the out­side.

Dur­ing use, thor­ough­ly rinse all parts, but do not moist­en the heat­ing ele­ments. Be sure to dry after wash­ing and store with a slight­ly ajar lid. If it is closed tight­ly, remain­ing mois­ture can accu­mu­late inside, which will cause an unpleas­ant smell of damp­ness.

All remov­able parts must be removed, washed sep­a­rate­ly and, if the con­t­a­m­i­na­tion is strong, both bowls, lids, mois­ture col­lec­tors, steam valves, seal­ing rings should be cleaned.

A spe­cial atti­tude to bowls, because their sur­face is cov­ered with a non-stick lay­er, it does not tol­er­ate abra­sive agents and a met­al brush. A good house­wife is unlike­ly to have prob­lems with this, because the bowls are easy to clean, food prac­ti­cal­ly does not stick to a per­fect­ly smooth sur­face.

Some­times, how­ev­er, grease residues cre­ate prob­lems, but if you use soap or a neu­tral deter­gent, you can eas­i­ly deal with any con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.

Detergent for cleaning bowls

Do not allow scratch­es to appear inside the bowl, oth­er­wise it will become unsuit­able for cook­ing. Under no cir­cum­stances should the dish­wash­er be used.

If the bot­tom of the bowls is cor­ru­gat­ed, you need to take a soft sponge, apply the prod­uct (with­out alka­li and acid) to the inner sur­face and leave for a few min­utes. After this pro­ce­dure, rinse with run­ning warm, then cold water and wipe, after which the con­tain­ers are left open to dry com­plete­ly.

To pre­vent the appear­ance of an unpleas­ant smell of damp­ness or even mold, you need to keep the mul­ti­cook­er dry. If you still had to face such a prob­lem, you can eas­i­ly deal with it by rins­ing both bowls with warm water with a few drops of lemon juice. To remove a more intense smell, you can use lemon zest or whole lemon slices by boil­ing them in the “Steam” mode. Such a pro­ce­dure at the same time will be an excel­lent pro­phy­lac­tic for the for­ma­tion of lime deposits.

Buy­ing a mul­ti­cook­er with two bowls means pro­vid­ing your­self with a lot of free time that can be used for more inter­est­ing activ­i­ties. Such a device is espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant with the high employ­ment of the host­ess, on whose shoul­ders not only work in the pro­duc­tion or oth­er sphere, but also end­less house­hold chores.





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