Standard sizes of refrigerators: built-in, floor and desktop


One of the main char­ac­ter­is­tics of refrig­er­a­tion equip­ment is the size of the refrig­er­a­tor. They must be tak­en into account when installing this device in small rooms, and you have to fig­ure out the dimen­sions with the door open so that it does not inter­fere with the pas­sage under any cir­cum­stances.

Types of refrigerators

One of the most pop­u­lar types is home­made. In turn, they are divid­ed into the fol­low­ing types accord­ing to var­i­ous para­me­ters:

  1. Com­pres­sion. The most com­mon type is one- and two-cham­ber, it can be built-in, two-door.

Includes the fol­low­ing main ele­ments:

  • motor-com­pres­sor;
  • a com­pres­sive refrig­er­ant in the form of a vapor;
  • a con­denser in which the refrig­er­ant gives off heat;
  • evap­o­ra­tor. In it, fre­on boils and turns into a gas.
  1. Absorp­tion. The dimen­sions of this type of refrig­er­a­tor are usu­al­ly medi­um or not very large, but com­pared to com­pres­sion refrig­er­a­tors, they con­sume a lot of elec­tric­i­ty, as they are pow­ered by a heat­ing ele­ment. How­ev­er, there are mod­els that oper­ate, for exam­ple, on bot­tled nat­ur­al gas — in this case, its oper­a­tion is very inex­pen­sive, and, most impor­tant­ly, inde­pen­dent of the pres­ence of an elec­tri­cal net­work.

The key ele­ments are also:

  • evap­o­ra­tor;
  • capac­i­tor;
  • how­ev­er, instead of a com­pres­sor, an absorber, a pump and a pres­sure reduc­ing valve work;
  • steam gen­er­a­tor.
  1. Ther­mo­elec­tric. They are silent, but they use expen­sive Pelti­er ele­ments in their work, there­fore they have not received wide­spread dis­tri­b­u­tion. The dimen­sions of the refrig­er­a­tor turned out to be small, so the main scope is auto­mo­tive devices, there are also cool­er bags, etc.

Refrigeration equipment dimensions

They divide it not only by device, but also by size, num­ber of cam­eras, etc.

These para­me­ters are usu­al­ly dis­tin­guished:

  • sin­gle-cham­ber;
  • two-cham­ber one- and two-leaf;
  • freez­ers;
  • side-by-side;
  • for wine.

Sin­gle-cham­ber ones are usu­al­ly low, have a freez­er com­part­ment on top. Such devices can be used in small fam­i­lies.

Refrig­er­a­tor dimen­sions are as fol­lows:

  • height from 50 to 120 cm;
  • width and depth — 50–60 cm;
  • the vol­ume can be up to 220 liters, of which up to 60 liters can fall on the freez­er com­part­ment.

Refrigerator size

Two-cham­ber ones are equipped with a freez­er, in con­trast to the “sin­gle-cham­ber” ones, they are already full-fledged, they can have one or a pair of com­pres­sors.

The lay­out of these refrig­er­a­tors may vary:

  • Euro­pean lay­out, in which a refrig­er­a­tor is mount­ed above the freez­er;
  • Asian, in which a not too volu­mi­nous “freez­er” is locat­ed above the refrig­er­a­tor;
  • Amer­i­can lay­out (Side-by-Side) — dou­ble-leaf refrig­er­a­tion equip­ment, in which both com­part­ments, both refrig­er­a­tion and freez­ing, are locat­ed side by side along the entire height of the appa­ra­tus.

Bivalves are the most bulky of all, so they are suit­able for instal­la­tion in large rooms. The freez­er part is on the left, the refrig­er­a­tion part is on the right.

Con­sid­er what dimen­sions Side-by-Side units usu­al­ly have:

  • height — from 170 to 190 cm;
  • depth — 60–80 cm;
  • width — up to 100 cm;
  • the vol­ume usu­al­ly exceeds 350 liters, in some mod­els it reach­es 800 liters, the freez­er — 250 liters.

A two-door refrig­er­a­tor usu­al­ly looks styl­ish in any kitchen, and man­u­fac­tur­ers annu­al­ly intro­duce new mod­els with a dou­ble door and more func­tion­al­i­ty. So, on the mar­ket you can buy mod­els of a two-door device with inde­pen­dent com­part­ments to keep cold air.

The most com­mon “Euro­pean” lay­out can vary great­ly in size. So, the aver­age height of a two-cham­ber appa­ra­tus can be 130 cm, the most expen­sive and most volu­mi­nous mod­els reach a height of 210 cm. Their width and depth are approx­i­mate­ly the same and are 50–70 cm and 55–65 cm, respec­tive­ly. The vol­ume can reach 380 liters, the freez­er — 160 liters.

Read also:

Refrigerator — in the closet

The equip­ment is also dis­tin­guished by exe­cu­tion. It is usu­al­ly divid­ed into types:

  • wall — small in size devices, but their orig­i­nal design can be built into any styl­ish room. Often these are wine refrig­er­a­tors, which are a stand, for exam­ple, for a bot­tle of wine and a cou­ple of glass­es, approx­i­mate­ly 600x600x155 mm in size.

Wall mounted refrigerator

The cab­i­net type with a depth of only about 16 cm can also be used for domes­tic needs in offices, small hos­pi­tal rooms, etc.

  1. floor stand­ing — the most com­mon and famil­iar type of one‑, two- and mul­ti-cham­ber equip­ment. This can be a two-door refrig­er­a­tor.
  2. Built-in refrig­er­a­tor — for those who do not want to spoil the kitchen design with the appear­ance of an ordi­nary device, which is very dif­fi­cult to cor­rect­ly inte­grate into the kitchen inte­ri­or.

3. Built-in refrigerator

Equip­ment can be of var­i­ous sizes and dif­fer­ent designs. So, a built-in refrig­er­a­tor in a cab­i­net usu­al­ly has a depth of 55 cm and a width of 60 cm, the height can be up to 200 cm, depend­ing on the mod­el.

If the equip­ment is built under the coun­ter­top, then the device, first­ly, can be dou­ble-leaf, and sec­ond­ly, the dimen­sions of the built-in refrig­er­a­tor should be small. Height — no more than 82 cm, depth and width is usu­al­ly 55–57 cm.

  1. Desk­top. They are usu­al­ly very small in size in order to place them where oth­er equip­ment can­not be installed. They are divid­ed into ver­ti­cal devices — refrig­er­at­ed cab­i­nets and hor­i­zon­tal — show­cas­es, sal­ad bars, etc.

It is clear that desk­top refrig­er­a­tors are main­ly the pre­rog­a­tive of cater­ing estab­lish­ments, retail out­lets, etc.

New sizes of two-chamber refrigerators (video)

Such units are gain­ing more and more pop­u­lar­i­ty and man­u­fac­tur­ers have begun to pro­duce them in more com­pact sizes. In the sto­ry, you can find an overview of mod­els from Sam­sung.

There are quite a few types of refrig­er­a­tion equip­ment on the mar­ket today. Accord­ing­ly, you can choose any stan­dard sizes of refrig­er­a­tors, for exam­ple, a mul­ti-cham­ber or built-in refrig­er­a­tor. The first one will eas­i­ly fit in a cor­ner in a small kitchen, and the dimen­sions of the built-in refrig­er­a­tor will allow it to fit in a kitchen cab­i­net or under the coun­ter­top.





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