10 best planetary pastry mixers

How to choose a planetary pastry mixer

A plan­e­tary mix­er for a con­fec­tion­er should be able to knead the dough, beat cream, marsh­mal­lows, meringue. With­out such a device, it is sim­ply impos­si­ble to cook pas­ta or a large batch of bird’s milk. In order for such a device to ful­ly sat­is­fy the con­sumer, when choos­ing it is impor­tant to pay atten­tion to the fol­low­ing para­me­ters:

  1. Body and noz­zle mate­r­i­al. They are usu­al­ly made of high qual­i­ty plas­tic or stain­less steel. The lat­ter are more durable, weighty and more expen­sive than plas­tic mod­els. The noz­zles of the unit must be made of food grade stain­less steel. It is also use­ful to pay atten­tion to the thick­ness of the met­al (thin­ner parts are less val­ued).
  2. Capac­i­ty and mate­r­i­al of the bowl. If the con­fec­tion­er is engaged in the pro­duc­tion of del­i­ca­cies at home, then he will be quite sat­is­fied with the vol­ume — 6–10 liters. If this is already a whole pas­try shop or a larg­er estab­lish­ment, then 15–20 liters will be need­ed. The bowl mate­r­i­al must be stain­less steel. Glass bowls are more envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly, but frag­ile. If not han­dled care­ful­ly, they are eas­i­ly dam­aged.
  3. Mix­er pow­er. The most suc­cess­ful option is con­sid­ered to be pow­er from 800 watts. In cheap­er mod­els, it can be in the region of 500 W, but in this case, it is often dif­fi­cult to beat dense mass­es. It is also impor­tant to con­sid­er that if the unit has sev­er­al sock­ets, then the total pow­er is divid­ed into them.
  4. Con­trol Pan­el. They are sen­so­ry and mechan­i­cal. Each type has its pros and cons. The touch­pad is easy to clean, while the mechan­i­cal one is more reli­able.
  5. Speed ​​con­trol. In pro­fes­sion­al mod­els, the speed con­trol lever has a min­i­mum of 6 posi­tions. This allows you to mix, mix and beat bet­ter, choos­ing the right speed for a spe­cif­ic prod­uct. The low­er the speed, the more lim­it­ed the capa­bil­i­ties of the device. Advanced mod­els are addi­tion­al­ly equipped with: soft start, tur­bo or pulse mode.
  6. Safe­ty. The min­i­mum secu­ri­ty sys­tem may include: pro­tec­tion against over­heat­ing, against restart­ing, against turn­ing on when the bowl is incor­rect­ly installed, from turn­ing on when the lid is open.
  7. Work­ing with the mix­er will become more com­fort­able if there is: a cord com­part­ment that helps to store the device in the most com­pact way, rub­ber­ized legs that allow you to keep the mix­er on the table and not slip while whip­ping. It’s nice to have a spe­cial lid for the bowl. Dur­ing whip­ping, it pro­tects the work­ing area.

It should also be tak­en into account that the plan­e­tary mix­er does not work well with small vol­umes. He will not be able to beat one egg, because the whisk in such a mix­er does not reach the bot­tom of the bowl (1–2 cm remains to the bot­tom). Also, the diam­e­ter of the rota­tion of the whisk is small­er than the diam­e­ter of the bowl. If, nev­er­the­less, it is planned to use the unit for a small amount of prod­uct, then it is nec­es­sary to select mod­els in which the height of the whisk is adjustable.

The best planetary mixers for the pastry chef

We have includ­ed in the rat­ing mod­els from dif­fer­ent price seg­ments from Russ­ian and for­eign man­u­fac­tur­ers. Some of them are suit­able exclu­sive­ly for home use by ama­teur con­fec­tion­ers. And oth­ers may well be used for semi-indus­tri­al pur­pos­es in small con­fec­tioner­ies.

Sirman Plutone 10

Rat­ing: 4.9

Sirman Plustone 10

The Ital­ian brand Sir­man launch­es the PLUTONE LT 10 plan­e­tary mix­er, designed for knead­ing liq­uid and medi­um con­sis­ten­cy dough, includ­ing pro­tein, cus­tard, yeast, bis­cuit. The device is com­plete­ly met­al. The remov­able bowl from stain­less steel is cal­cu­lat­ed on 10 l. Con­struc­tion height ― 63 cm. In a set of deliv­ery: a hook, a nim­bus, a spat­u­la.

Con­sumers like the high whip­ping speed and that the stain­less steel bowl is easy to clean, main­tain and remove for a thor­ough wash. Also, all parts that come into con­tact with food can be eas­i­ly cleaned and dis­as­sem­bled. The bowl is lift­ed with a lever. Microswitch­es on the mesh lid and bowl are pro­vid­ed for safe oper­a­tion.


  • durable and reli­able;
  • per­fect­ly kneads the dough of liq­uid and medi­um con­sis­ten­cy;
  • the bowl and oth­er parts are easy to clean;
  • smooth speed con­trol;
  • high whip­ping speed.


  • not suit­able for too steep dough.

KitchenAid 5KSM7580XECA

Rat­ing: 4.8

KitchenAid 5KSM7580XECA

The Amer­i­can brand KitchenAid launch­es the 5KSM7580XECA pro­fes­sion­al plan­e­tary mix­er with a 6.9L lift­ing bowl. Thanks to the pow­er­ful direct dri­ve, the mix­er eas­i­ly kneads a large num­ber of ingre­di­ents. It can cook up to 4 kg of dough at a time. Due to the improved design of the motor and dri­ve, the device has a reduced noise lev­el and reduced pow­er con­sump­tion.

In reviews, con­sumers praise the device for the shock-resis­tant bowl, which pre­vents food from oxi­diz­ing, does not sat­u­rate them with extra­ne­ous odors, and is dish­wash­er safe. They also like that the device has 10 speeds. The pro­tec­tive rim pre­vents pol­lu­tion of the sur­round­ing area. But the device is equipped with a min­i­mum num­ber of noz­zles and stan­dard options.


  • pol­ished stain­less steel bowl;
  • per­fect­ly kneads dough and creams;
  • reduced noise lev­el;
  • 10 speeds;
  • pro­tec­tive rim;
  • The bowl can be washed in the dish­wash­er.


  • Few attach­ments includ­ed.

Hendi 222843

Rat­ing: 4.7

HENDI 222843

The Hen­di brand from the Nether­lands pro­duces a plan­e­tary mix­er 222843, designed for 20 liters. It has a durable screw dri­ve and gears. The max­i­mum load­ing of the device ― 5 kg. Com­plete set: bowl from stain­less steel, nim­bus, a noz­zle for mix­ing and a dough hook. Also pro­vid­ed is a steel body with a high qual­i­ty white enam­el coat­ing and a plas­tic pro­tec­tive bowl screen.

Con­fec­tion­ers love the easy-to-use dig­i­tal con­trol pan­el. And the fact that safe­ty switch­es and over­load pro­tec­tion are pro­vid­ed ensures safe oper­a­tion. If the bowl is installed incor­rect­ly, the switch-on fus­es will trip. The design fea­ture of the mix­er allows it to be installed on the floor. But the device only has 3 adjustable speeds.


  • the bowl is designed for 20 l;
  • steel case with enam­el coat­ing;
  • sim­ple con­trol pan­el;
  • safe­ty switch­es;
  • bowl pro­tec­tive screen.


  • only 3 speeds.

Hurakan HKN-IP10FM

Rat­ing: 4.7

Hurakan HKN-IP10FM

The well-known Asian brand Hurakan releas­es the HKN-IP10FM plan­e­tary mix­er. It is designed for knead­ing var­i­ous types of dough with a liq­uid con­sis­ten­cy, includ­ing pro­tein, cus­tard, yeast, bis­cuit, as well as for whip­ping creams. The vol­ume of the device is 10 liters. The set includes whisk, hook and spat­u­la. The mix­er has three fixed speeds.

All main ele­ments of the mix­er that come into con­tact with prod­ucts are made of high qual­i­ty food grade stain­less steel. Capac­i­ty remov­able with mea­sured marks for flour. Above the bowl there is a lat­tice pro­tec­tion, which excludes con­tact with the knead­ing body when load­ing addi­tion­al ingre­di­ents. The work­ing mech­a­nism is fixed. Way of instal­la­tion of the device ― floor. The elec­tric motor is locat­ed inside the case.


  • all ele­ments are made of stain­less food steel;
  • quick­ly and effi­cient­ly mix­es the mix­ture;
  • ver­sa­tile and easy to use;
  • can be installed on the floor;
  • there is a lat­tice pro­tec­tion on the bowl.


  • only 3 fixed speeds.


Rat­ing: 4.7


The VIATTO brand, man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na, launch­es the VA-SMB7SS table­top plan­e­tary mix­er. It is designed for whip­ping and knead­ing var­i­ous con­fec­tionery mass­es and dough (bis­cuit, yeast, pan­cake, cus­tard). The device has a smooth (step­less) speed con­trol, which allows you to choose the opti­mal oper­at­ing mode for cook­ing var­i­ous prod­ucts.

Con­sumers praise the device’s remov­able stain­less steel bowl. They like the plas­tic pro­tec­tive cov­er and the fact that the case is also stain­less. Con­fec­tion­ers note that such a device eas­i­ly beats up to 22 eggs. And the vol­ume of the bowl for 7 liters allows you to load up to 750 g of flour. 3 noz­zles are pro­vid­ed in a set: a hook and a spat­u­la ― from stain­less steel, a nim­bus ― from alu­minum and stain­less steel.


  • smooth speed con­trol;
  • body and bowl are made of stain­less steel;
  • lift­ing beam;
  • plas­tic pro­tec­tive cov­er.


  • min­i­mum equip­ment.

Gastromix B 7 Eco

Rat­ing: 4.6

Gastromix B 7 Eco

Hong Kong-based brand Gas­tro­mix launch­es the B 7 Eco stand mix­er. This com­pact unit copes with knead­ing dough of var­i­ous con­sis­ten­cies, whip­ping and gen­er­al mix­ing. The robust design of the device guar­an­tees safe oper­a­tion and a long ser­vice life. The remov­able dezha is cal­cu­lat­ed on 7 l. The case of the device is plas­tic.

Con­sumers like 6 speed set­tings and the pres­ence of pul­sa­tion, as well as the pres­ence of a pro­tec­tive plas­tic cov­er. The com­plete set of the device is the sim­plest: whisk, hook, spat­u­la. But they are made of stain­less steel. The device will not cope with large tasks, but it will per­fect­ly help out the ordi­nary ama­teur pas­try chef. How­ev­er, users note that such a plan­e­tary mix­er can only work con­tin­u­ous­ly for 5 min­utes, and then it needs to be giv­en a break of 10–15 min­utes.


  • 6 speed modes + pul­sa­tion;
  • small unit;
  • acces­sories from stain­less steel;
  • plas­tic pro­tec­tive cov­er.


  • can only work con­tin­u­ous­ly for 5 min­utes.

Rauberg RPM-40QM

Rat­ing: 4.6


The Russ­ian brand Rauberg, whose prod­ucts are man­u­fac­tured in Chi­na, pro­duces the RPM-40QM plan­e­tary mix­er. It is suit­able for knead­ing any dough, beat­ing eggs, creams, cream and oth­er com­pounds. The vol­ume of the bowl made of stain­less steel is 5 liters. The kit includes: whisk, hook, beat­er. The body of the mod­el is made of plas­tic. There are stain­less steel inserts.

Dezha has a pro­tec­tive cov­er with a hole for adding ingre­di­ents. It also pro­vides pro­tec­tion against over­heat­ing and over­load. The work­ing part of the device leans back by turn­ing the lever. The device has a mechan­i­cal con­trol. The mix­er has 6 speed set­tings. A con­ve­nient rotary con­trol is used to set the oper­at­ing mode.


  • 6 speed + impulse mode;
  • clas­sic equip­ment;
  • pro­tec­tion against over­heat­ing and over­load;
  • It mix­es well both thick and liq­uid dough.


  • small capac­i­ty.

Gemlux GL-SM10GR

Rat­ing: 4.5

Gemlux GL-SM10GR

In our rat­ing, we also includ­ed the plan­e­tary mix­er GL-SM10GR from the Russ­ian trade­mark Gem­lux. Such a device belongs to the desk­top. It is equipped with elec­tron­ic con­trol. The mix­er has 6 stir­rer speeds, and also has a pulse mode. The knead­ing time is set using a timer. Its range is from 30 sec­onds to 20 min­utes (half-minute incre­ments). All infor­ma­tion is dis­played on the LCD dis­play.

The body of this plan­e­tary mix­er is alu­minum. To make it eas­i­er to install the bowl, its work­ing head leans back. Dezha holds 10 liters. It is made of stain­less steel and has car­ry­ing han­dles. The man­u­fac­tur­er also pro­vid­ed a pro­tec­tive plas­tic cov­er with holes that allow you to add ingre­di­ents dur­ing the knead­ing process. Most con­sumers are very sat­is­fied with such a plan­e­tary mix­er, but some are con­fused by its too noisy oper­a­tion.


  • elec­tron­ic con­trol;
  • LCD dis­play;
  • alu­mini­um case;
  • copes well with dif­fer­ent types of tests;
  • qual­i­ty assem­bly.


  • too noisy at work.

Smeg SMF02

Rat­ing: 4.5


The Ital­ian brand Smeg has devel­oped a mod­el of a sta­tion­ary plan­e­tary mix­er SMF02 with a bowl vol­ume of 4.8 liters. Its rota­tion speed adjust­ment implies 10 steps with a smooth start. Many peo­ple like the attrac­tive and mod­ern appear­ance of this device. The legs are rub­ber­ized, due to which the mod­el feels sta­ble on any sur­face.

The bowl has a spe­cial han­dle, so it is con­ve­nient to put it on and take it off the stand. The mix­er per­fect­ly mix­es both light cream and thick dough. The case is alu­minum, will last a very long time, with­out any dam­age or oth­er defects. The device is con­trolled by a mechan­i­cal but­ton. Despite the pow­er­ful motor, the unit is not too noisy.


  • attrac­tive design;
  • whisks quick­ly;
  • not too noisy;
  • rub­ber­ized legs;
  • pol­ished stain­less steel bowl.


  • over­heats when knead­ing a thick dough.

Kitfort KT-1391

Rat­ing: 4.5

Kitfort KT-1391

The Kit­fort trade­mark pro­duces an all-met­al plan­e­tary mix­er KT-1391. The set includes 3 attach­ments for whip­ping, mash­ing and a hook for knead­ing stiff dough. The device has 8 speeds and a for­ward and back­ward count­down timer. The lat­ter allows you to set the mix­ing time, after which the device will turn itself off.

The 5.2 liter bowl is made of stain­less steel. It has a com­fort­able han­dle. The lid pre­vents splash­ing and allows you to add ingre­di­ents while you work. The mix­er is heavy, has rub­ber­ized legs, which ensures the sta­bil­i­ty of the device dur­ing mix­ing and whip­ping. Many are impressed by the orig­i­nal design and qui­et oper­a­tion at max­i­mum speed.


  • 8 speeds of work;
  • for­ward and back­ward count­down timer;
  • attrac­tive design;
  • qui­et at high speeds;
  • all-met­al body.


  • does not knead a small amount of ingre­di­ents.

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Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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