10 best waffle irons for home

Criterias of choice

There are many opin­ions about choos­ing the best waf­fle mak­er for the home. We ana­lyzed the opin­ions of for­eign researchers and com­pared them with the views of domes­tic experts. Eval­u­a­tions of spe­cial­ists from
Easy Kitchen Appli­ances — they describe in detail which waf­fle irons are suit­able for mak­ing cer­tain types of waf­fles and talk about what fea­tures you should pay atten­tion to when buy­ing.

Experts talk about the types of waf­fle irons and what fea­tures dif­fer­ent mod­els are equipped with.

What are the types of waffle irons?

  1. Stan­dard waf­fles. Stan­dard waf­fle irons cre­ate waf­fles that are typ­i­cal­ly 5 to 7 inch­es in diam­e­ter. They are also known as clas­sic or Amer­i­can waf­fles. The pot­ting molds are not very deep and the wafers have a uni­form tex­ture. Stan­dard waf­fle irons often cook sev­er­al waf­fles at a time.
  2. Bel­gian waf­fle irons. This waf­fle mak­er makes Bel­gian waf­fles that are thick­er than their stan­dard coun­ter­parts but tend to be the same diam­e­ter. Bel­gian waf­fles are often round in shape and require a more com­plex recipe to cre­ate. These waf­fles are crispy on the out­side and moist on the inside. This means that the Bel­gian waf­fle mak­ers them­selves are equipped with deep pour­ing molds.
  3. Over­turn­ing / rotat­ing waf­fle irons. Some waf­fle irons are shaped like shells. This gives users the abil­i­ty to cook two waf­fles at once. Sim­ply fill the top of the cot with bat­ter, close the lid and flip it 180 degrees to access the oth­er side. Cook­ing waf­fles this way allows you to cook even­ly on both sides. Rotat­ing waf­fle irons are basi­cal­ly the same design, except instead of flip­ping them 180 degrees, they rotate.
  4. Uni­ver­sal waf­fles. Some waf­fle irons come with remov­able and/or replace­able cook­ing plates. Addi­tion­al plates are includ­ed with these devices, which allows you to use the device as a grill or pan, and also make waf­fles. This makes it pos­si­ble to do more with just one device.
  5. Cast iron waf­fle irons. These are met­al waf­fle irons that you pour bat­ter into and then heat direct­ly on the stove­top or over a fire. They can be use­ful if you are camp­ing or cook­ing over a fire. Some peo­ple are hes­i­tant to eat from non-stick cook­ware and pre­fer to eat from cast iron pans.

What to look for in a waffle iron?

There are many fac­tors to con­sid­er when choos­ing a waf­fle iron. Here are some fea­tures to think about:

  1. num­ber of waf­fles. The waf­fle mak­er can only make a cer­tain num­ber of waf­fles at a time. If you’re look­ing to feed a fam­i­ly of six in a short amount of time, a waf­fle mak­er that can only pro­duce one or two waf­fles at a time may not be the best option. Find a mod­el that will make the required amount.
  2. Case and build qual­i­ty. A frag­ile waf­fle iron will not last long. It is worth spend­ing time look­ing for durable equip­ment that will last a long time.
  3. Non-stick sur­face. Scrap­ing a sticky waf­fle out of a waf­fle iron can be a frus­trat­ing process. Choose a mod­el with a non-stick coat­ing for easy clean­ing.
  4. Equal cook­ing. For even cook­ing, choose a high­er qual­i­ty mod­el. Cheap waf­fle irons only bake waf­fles in the mid­dle.
  5. Light indi­ca­tor. Look for a mod­el with an indi­ca­tor light that will let you know when the waf­fle iron is hot enough.
  6. Easy stor­age. Ease of stor­age is a huge advan­tage for waf­fle irons, espe­cial­ly if they are not used every day. Look for a mod­el with a latch so that the device does not spon­ta­neous­ly open if it is on its side.

Rating of the best waffle makers

The best waffle irons for baking thin waffles

Let’s start with the rat­ing of waf­fle irons for mak­ing thin crispy waf­fles, which are often used as blanks for pas­try treats. It is them that are twist­ed into a horn and filled with fill­ing — ice cream, cream and oth­er fillers. Some­times they are called “Amer­i­can”, but this is not entire­ly cor­rect, since very thick, large and soft waf­fles, even thick­er than Bel­gian ones, are the most pop­u­lar in the USA. Our experts have iden­ti­fied three inex­pen­sive and note­wor­thy mod­els: Bomann HA 5017 CB, Maxwell MW-1571 and Cla­tron­ic HA 3494. All three devices are equipped with cones for rolling the waf­fle into a cone, and the heat­ing pan­els are cov­ered with a non-stick lay­er.

Bomann HA5017CB

Rat­ing: 4.9

Bomann HA5017CB

Bomann HA 5017 CB is a Ger­man waf­fle mak­er, but only a brand is from Ger­many, since the assem­bly is car­ried out in Chi­na. The device mea­sur­ing 25x20x11.5 cm and weigh­ing 1.8 kg is rel­a­tive­ly pow­er­ful in terms of pow­er con­sump­tion — 1.2 WK. Such pow­er implies a high cook­ing speed. The heat­ing tem­per­a­ture is con­trolled by a mechan­i­cal switch. Sur­face diam­e­ter — 18 cm, which means the prepa­ra­tion of one round “pan­cake” in one go. Case mate­r­i­al — plas­tic.

The device as a whole is very con­cise in terms of func­tion­al­i­ty. Up to the fact that there is no sash lock, and this is not­ed by users as a clear draw­back (uneven pres­sure, respec­tive­ly — a strong dif­fer­ence in the thick­ness of the waf­fle from one edge to the oth­er and uneven bak­ing). The man­u­fac­tur­er’s efforts to reduce the cost of the device result­ed in an unpleas­ant side effect — the low qual­i­ty of the mate­ri­als. To the point that waf­fles can stick to the sur­face of the pan­els, which, it would seem, is non-stick. This hap­pens infre­quent­ly, but is not­ed by real users.

Nev­er­the­less, many buy­ers like the mod­el pre­cise­ly due to the com­bi­na­tion of afford­able price and ease of use.

Prices: 1848 — 2375 rubles.


  • Beau­ti­ful design;
  • over­heat pro­tec­tion.


  • low qual­i­ty mate­ri­als;
  • no latch;
  • wafers some­times stick to pan­els;

ARESA AR-2803 (W‑601)

Rat­ing: 4.8

ARESA AR-2803 (W-601)

The next place in our review is occu­pied by a waf­fle iron for bak­ing thin waf­fles from the Are­sa trade­mark. This mod­el is made of reli­able and durable heat-resis­tant plas­tic, there are also stain­less steel inserts on the case. The pow­er of this waf­fle iron is quite high — it is 1200 watts.

This device has two molds for fill­ing, each with a diam­e­ter of 20 cm and they have sides to remove dough residues. As for the sur­face, this mod­el has a high-qual­i­ty non-stick coat­ing that cre­ates a com­fort­able envi­ron­ment when clean­ing the sur­face after cook­ing. The waf­fle mak­er has 4 tem­per­a­ture set­tings. Also in this mod­el the light indi­ca­tor of heat­ing and readi­ness for bak­ing is installed. The device comes com­plete with a cone for wrap­ping the fin­ished waf­fle into a cone.


  • made of durable heat-resis­tant plas­tic;
  • high pow­er;
  • diam­e­ter molds for pour­ing 20 cm;
  • sides for remov­ing dough residues;
  • non-stick coat­ing;
  • Equipped with 4 tem­per­a­ture set­tings


  • not detect­ed.

See also: 18 best elec­tric ket­tles

Kitfort KT-1617

Rat­ing: 4.7

Kitfort KT-1617

Con­sid­er a mod­el from the pop­u­lar Kit­fort brand. The waf­fle mak­er cooks one por­tion at a time, but despite this, bak­ing is car­ried out quick­ly. The pow­er of this waf­fle mak­er is 640 W, which is enough to quick­ly cook thin waf­fles in a few min­utes. A spe­cial indi­ca­tor light noti­fies you of the readi­ness of the device for oper­a­tion. The coat­ing of this mod­el is Teflon, it per­fect­ly pro­tects the dough from stick­ing and it is not nec­es­sary to grease the sur­face with oil before cook­ing.

The device has a built-in ther­mo­stat that auto­mat­i­cal­ly main­tains the desired tem­per­a­ture dur­ing cook­ing. The case of this mod­el is made of durable met­al, which is resis­tant to mechan­i­cal dam­age. The han­dles of the device are made of plas­tic, and the legs that fix the waf­fle iron on the sur­face are rub­ber­ized. On both sides of the form there are heaters that bake the waf­fles even­ly. The cable length of this mod­el is 0.7 meters and, if desired, it can be rolled up and stored in a spe­cial com­part­ment.


  • spe­cial light indi­ca­tor;
  • teflon coat­ing;
  • built-in ther­mo­stat auto­mat­i­cal­ly main­tains the tem­per­a­ture;
  • the body is made of durable met­al;
  • rub­ber­ized legs;
  • heaters are installed on both sides.


  • short net­work cable.

Clatronic HA 3494

Rat­ing: 4.7

Clatronic HA 3494

Anoth­er exam­ple of a waf­fle mak­er with a Ger­man “soul” but a Chi­nese “body” is Cla­tron­ic HA 3494. Almost all the lines of house­hold appli­ances of this brand are posi­tioned as bud­get ones, and in this case it is very notice­able.

The waf­fle iron con­sumes 1.2 kW of elec­tri­cal pow­er, has dimen­sions of 20.5x25x11.5 cm and weighs 1.44 kg. The bak­ing diam­e­ter is 18 cm.

Many users note not the high­est qual­i­ty assem­bly and poor­ly thought out moments of oper­a­tion by engi­neers. For exam­ple, the top sash does not recline enough to stand upright with­out sup­port. Accord­ing­ly, when pour­ing the dough, it must be held, and this is incon­ve­nient.

There is also a lot of dis­sat­is­fac­tion with the short cord to the out­let, but this is a “dis­ease” of a very, very large num­ber of mod­ern house­hold appli­ances, even large and not the cheap­est. Cus­tomers also did not like the device for fold­ing waf­fles into tubes / cones. With cones — order, but for tubes the shape is too short.

Prices: 1450 — 2375 rubles.


  • over­heat pro­tec­tion;
  • rub­ber­ized legs.


  • poor-qual­i­ty assem­bly;
  • incon­ve­nience in use.

Rating of the best waffle irons for thick (Belgian) waffles

Now let’s move on to the rat­ing of anoth­er type of waf­fle iron, on which thick, fluffy Bel­gian waf­fles with large cells are cooked. This del­i­ca­cy has been a very exot­ic phe­nom­e­non in our coun­try for quite some time, but the avail­abil­i­ty of home­made waf­fle irons with suit­able shapes does its job. Exper­tol­ogy spe­cial­ists have looked at three inter­est­ing mod­els: Cla­tron­ic WA 3606, Jardeko Waf­fle Mak­er and Cla­tron­ic WA 3491. All mod­els have non-stick coat­ed pan­els.

Wilfa WAS-623B

Rat­ing: 4.9

Wilfa WAS-623B

A very pop­u­lar mod­el of the waf­fle iron is loved by many users because it bakes heart-shaped waf­fles. Six waf­fles can be made at one time. The bak­ing sheet of this device is thick enough, this ensures uni­form bak­ing of waf­fles. The pow­er of this mod­el is quite high and is 1400 watts. There are spe­cial air gaps in the waf­fle iron that release steam, due to which they are thor­ough­ly fried, and not boiled, as in some mod­els of this type.

This mod­el is equipped with a shut­down pro­tec­tion sys­tem, it pre­vents the plates from over­heat­ing and dam­age to the non-stick coat­ing. The sur­face does not need to be washed after cook­ing, to clean it is enough to wipe with a nap­kin, with­out the use of deter­gents. A spe­cial ladle is sup­plied with the device, which pre­vents spills of dough. The legs of the waf­fle iron are thought out, they are rub­ber­ized and do not slip on the sur­face.


  • high pow­er;
  • you can cook six waf­fles at a time;
  • cast iron pan;
  • there are spe­cial air gaps;
  • the mod­el is equipped with a shut­down pro­tec­tion sys­tem;
  • includ­ed a spe­cial ladle;
  • rub­ber­ized legs.


  • heats up quick­ly.

Also Read: 10 Best Home Air Fry­ers

Clatronic WA 3606

Rat­ing: 4.8

Clatronic WA 3606

And again about “Chi­nese Ger­many” — Cla­tron­ic WA 3606 waf­fle mak­er, now for Bel­gian waf­fles. The dimen­sions in the pack­age are 26x24x14 cm, and the weight is 1905. The case is most­ly plas­tic, on the top of the lid there is a stain­less steel plate. Heat­ing adjust­ment mechan­i­cal, smooth. There is a cord stor­age com­part­ment.

The device is designed to pre­pare two por­tions of waf­fles (the dimen­sions of the work­ing sur­face are 13.5x21.5). Imple­ment­ed pro­tec­tion against over­heat­ing. Rub­ber­ized feet pro­vide sta­bil­i­ty.

As in the case of the mod­el described above for thin wafers of the same brand, Cla­tron­ic WA 3606 has one prob­lem — the low qual­i­ty of mate­ri­als. And in this case, this is also expressed in fre­quent com­plaints about the unsta­ble non-stick coat­ing of the pan­els and its local dam­age. And not the most “jew­el­ry” assem­bly — this is more a rule for Cla­tron­ic than an excep­tion. But, since we are talk­ing about a bud­get mod­el, the extreme­ly afford­able price in this case decides.

Prices: 1658 — 2300 rubles.


  • attrac­tive design;
  • rub­ber­ized legs;
  • over­heat pro­tec­tion;


  • poor-qual­i­ty assem­bly;
  • fre­quent com­plaints of dam­aged non-stick coat­ing.

Jardeko Waffle Maker

Rat­ing: 4.7

Jardeko Waffle Maker

As men­tioned in detail above in the descrip­tions of the brands, the “Ital­ian” Jardeko waf­fle iron is not Ital­ian at all, but quite the same Chi­nese as all the pre­vi­ous ones, and the brand belongs to a Russ­ian cit­i­zen. But, nev­er­the­less, the device is sol­id, albeit extreme­ly (if not pro­hib­i­tive­ly) con­cise.

The pow­er con­sump­tion of this mod­el is 1300 watts. The met­al case is, it would seem, not bad, but users char­ac­ter­ize the design of this case as very dull. In gen­er­al, in this mod­el every­thing that can be removed is removed. Even modes of oper­a­tion are absent as a class — the tem­per­a­ture is not reg­u­lat­ed at all.

How­ev­er, many users are cap­ti­vat­ed by this excep­tion­al sim­plic­i­ty, the pos­i­tive side effect of which is reli­a­bil­i­ty and under­stand­abil­i­ty. Indeed, Exper­tol­ogy employ­ees did not find com­plaints about the quick fail­ure of the Jardeko Waf­fle Mak­er among the reviews in open sources.

Prices: 2301 — 2680 rubles.


  • reli­a­bil­i­ty;
  • excep­tion­al ease of use.


  • “bor­ing” design;
  • the only mode of oper­a­tion;

Clatronic WA 3491

Rat­ing: 4.7

Clatronic WA 3491

And once again Cla­tron­ic, name­ly, the Cla­tron­ic WA 3491 waf­fle iron mod­el. The device is char­ac­ter­ized by an attrac­tive design and good ergonom­ics. By the way, this is the only waf­fle iron among all those present in the review, which has a white body, but there are also black ones. Case mate­r­i­al — plas­tic. Dimen­sions — 20.5x25x11.5 cm, weight — 1.25 kg. Pow­er con­sump­tion — 1.2 kW.

There is enough pow­er for fast cook­ing, which many real users liked. The shape of the pan­els implies the prepa­ra­tion of five serv­ings, each in the shape of a heart.

Buy­ers note the attrac­tive design of the Cla­tron­ic WA 3491, but do not for­get about the “native” Cla­tron­ic prob­lem of cheap parts and care­less assem­bly. But the cost out­weighs all the short­com­ings, and the mod­el as a whole is quite effi­cient.

Prices: 1508 — 1999 rubles.


  • cute design;
  • fast cook­ing;
  • over­heat pro­tec­tion;


  • play of the upper sash;
  • low qual­i­ty mate­ri­als and assem­bly.

Rating of the best inexpensive waffle irons with interchangeable panels

And final­ly, let’s go through the uni­ver­sal waf­fle irons, in which you can change the heat­ing pan­els. Such devices have their pros and cons, which we will con­sid­er. Our experts rec­om­mend two notable mod­els from the afford­able price seg­ment: Rom­mels­bach­er WA 1000/E and REDMOND RMB-M613/1.

See also: 7 best veg­etable cut­ters

Rommelsbacher WA 1000/E

Rat­ing: 4.7

Rommelsbacher WA 1000/E

The Rom­mels­bach­er WA 1000/E waf­fle mak­er is already much more “Ger­man” than the above mod­els for thin waf­fles. Although it is pro­duced in the same Chi­na and less often in Turkey, the man­u­fac­tur­er mon­i­tors the qual­i­ty very vig­i­lant­ly. This is man­i­fest­ed in a sol­id assem­bly, qual­i­ty mate­ri­als and … a much high­er price.

I would imme­di­ate­ly like to note the lacon­ic, but effec­tive and styl­ish design of the Rom­mels­bach­er WA 1000/E. The case is made of stain­less steel with a mat­te fin­ish. The dimen­sions of the device are 24x25x9 cm, weight — 1.7 kg. Pow­er con­sump­tion — 1 kW. The heat­ing tem­per­a­ture is set by a mechan­i­cal step­less reg­u­la­tor.

The case has a com­part­ment for stor­ing the elec­tric cable. The mod­el is com­plet­ed with pan­els for cook­ing Bel­gian and Vien­nese waf­fles.

In gen­er­al, it is extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to detect dis­tinct flaws in this waf­fle iron. Even the fact that at one time the Rom­mels­bach­er WA 1000 / E earned a spe­cial award from the famous Ger­man pub­li­ca­tion Haus & Garten speaks of its qual­i­ty and con­ve­nience. But the price stops many.

Prices: 6520 — 6590 rubles.


  • styl­ish design;
  • con­ve­nient form fac­tor;
  • build qual­i­ty;


Rat­ing: 4.7


Waf­fle mak­ers of the famous inter­na­tion­al brand REDMOND RMB-M613/1 are man­u­fac­tured and assem­bled in Chi­na. Despite the Chi­nese assem­bly and the extreme­ly afford­able price, there are no com­plaints from users either about the qual­i­ty of the mate­ri­als or the assem­bly itself. In this regard, REDMOND house­hold appli­ances are most­ly in order.

This mod­el has dimen­sions of 236x236x90 mm, weighs 1.7 kg and is designed for 2 por­tions of waf­fles (with stan­dard pan­els). Elec­tric­i­ty con­sumes very mod­est­ly — only 700 watts. Case mate­r­i­al com­bined — high-qual­i­ty plas­tic and stain­less steel.

REDMOND RMB-M613/1 is posi­tioned by the man­u­fac­tur­er not even as a waf­fle mak­er, but as a “mul­ti-bak­er”, they say, due to the use of dif­fer­ent molds, the device can be not only a waf­fle mak­er. With it, you can cook omelets, muffins and donuts, and also use it as a grill. In addi­tion to the instruc­tions, the pack­age includes a set of addi­tion­al work­ing pan­els and a recipe book.

A side effect of ver­sa­til­i­ty is expressed in a slight­ly more com­pli­cat­ed care, since in this mod­el you will have to wipe not only the pan­els them­selves and the body, but also the space inside the doors, as oil, crumbs and oth­er “for­eign sub­stances” pen­e­trate there. Many users notice an unpleas­ant smell dur­ing the first few uses, so it is advis­able to ignite a fresh­ly bought waf­fle iron sev­er­al times before the first cook­ing.

Prices: 1590 rubles.


  • high-qual­i­ty non-stick coat­ing;
  • styl­ish design;
  • “safe” large han­dle;


  • bad smell on first use.

Which brand of waffle iron to buy

Although elec­tric waf­fle irons are extreme­ly sim­ple devices belong­ing to the class of small house­hold appli­ances, there are still a num­ber of points that make a con­scious buy­er not to take any­thing, but to look close­ly at the brand. Our experts explained which waf­fle iron man­u­fac­tur­ers are opti­mal in terms of price, qual­i­ty and con­ve­nience of this par­tic­u­lar type of prod­uct.

  1. Ger­man com­pa­ny C. Bomann Gmbh man­u­fac­tures elec­tric waf­fle irons under the brand name BOMANN. The com­pa­ny has almost a cen­tu­ry and a half his­to­ry, and is now part of the Cla­tron­ic Group hold­ing. Prod­ucts belong to the medi­um-low price cat­e­go­ry, and those goods that enter the Russ­ian mar­ket are assem­bled in Chi­na.
  2. Trade­mark CLATRONIC is the flag­ship brand of the Ger­man group of com­pa­nies Cla­tron­ic Group. The very first com­pa­ny of the hold­ing — CTC Cla­tron­ic Inter­na­tion­al GmbH — was opened in 1982 as a fam­i­ly busi­ness. The entire pro­duc­tion part has long been trans­ferred to a con­tract basis in Chi­na.
  3. Anoth­er sol­id and old Ger­man brand is Rom­mels­bach­er. The com­pa­ny was found­ed in 1928, and since then pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties have opened in dif­fer­ent coun­tries. Now the com­pa­ny owns fac­to­ries in Italy, Turkey and Chi­na. Specif­i­cal­ly, waf­fle irons, like all Rom­mels­bach­er house­hold appli­ances of the low­er price cat­e­go­ry, are made in Turkey and Chi­na.
  4. Trade­mark well known to the Russ­ian con­sumer Red­mond is an inter­na­tion­al brand. The com­pa­ny was cre­at­ed by investors from sev­er­al coun­tries — Israel, Cana­da and the Unit­ed States. On the net, you can often find con­fu­sion about the coun­try of ori­gin of Red­mond — var­i­ous sources claim that it is either Amer­i­can, Cana­di­an or even Russ­ian. The thing is that the com­pa­ny’s pol­i­cy implies the reg­is­tra­tion of sep­a­rate local trade­marks of the same name in each coun­try where there is a rep­re­sen­ta­tive office. This is done to com­bat coun­ter­feit­ing. Red­mond equip­ment is pro­duced most­ly in Chi­na, but the assem­bly of goods for the Russ­ian mar­ket can also be car­ried out in the CIS coun­tries.
  5. Now about a tru­ly Russ­ian brand, albeit dis­guised as a West­ern one. This is a trade­mark Maxwell, which belongs to the domes­tic hold­ing Gold­en Elec­tron­ics. He also owns the famous VITEK brand. Maxwell is emphat­i­cal­ly posi­tioned as an inex­pen­sive tech­nique for peo­ple who do not want to over­pay for a big name.
  6. And final­ly — an exam­ple of such a phe­nom­e­non as dis­hon­est brand­ing. Jardeko brand appli­ances are fierce­ly posi­tioned as Ital­ian. But in fact, the own­er of the brand is a cer­tain Zharyuk Igor Leonidovich with St. Peters­burg reg­is­tra­tion. Where are waf­fle irons made? Jardeko — there is not a word about this on the offi­cial web­site, and it is easy to under­stand that if they were real­ly made in Italy, this would be writ­ten in the bold­est font on every page. Nev­er­the­less, we admit that Jardeko waf­fle irons are quite sol­id, and Exper­tol­ogy experts con­sid­ered them wor­thy of a review.

A waf­fle iron is a great way to update your kitchen with­out buy­ing bulky or expen­sive appli­ances. Waf­fle irons do not take up much space on the kitchen table and can even be stored in a draw­er. With it, you can make gold­en brown waf­fles as a fun treat at home or make a big batch for a Sun­day cel­e­bra­tion with friends. With mod­ern fea­tures, this com­pact kitchen appli­ance is easy to use and will help you pre­pare per­fect waf­fles. Most of the options are made of stain­less steel, which makes the waf­fle iron a nice addi­tion to the kitchen.

To answer the ques­tion of which waf­fle mak­ers are the most pro­duc­tive and easy to use, as well as which mod­el is suit­able for mak­ing thin waf­fles and which for Bel­gian waf­fles, Exper­tol­ogy ana­lyzed the 2021 mar­ket, select­ing 8 of the best waf­fle mak­ers for home and sort­ing them by price, as well as typ­i­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions.

Rate the article

Total votes: onerat­ing: 5

Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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