12 best kitchen mixers — Rating 2022

To answer the ques­tion of which kitchen mix­ers are more reli­able and func­tion­al, as well as which device is suit­able for dai­ly use and which one is suit­able for prepar­ing com­plex dish­es, Exper­tol­ogy ana­lyzed the mar­ket in ear­ly 2021, select­ed the 12 best kitchen mix­ers and dis­trib­uted them by price, as well as typ­i­cal spec­i­fi­ca­tions.

Criterias of choice

There are dif­fer­ent opin­ions about choos­ing the best kitchen mix­ers. We ana­lyzed the opin­ions of for­eign researchers and com­pared with the views of domes­tic experts on these prod­ucts. Spe­cial­ists’ assess­ments enjoy high author­i­ty and trust
street direc­to­ry, which describe in detail how to choose the right kitchen mix­er. They also talk about addi­tion­al acces­sories, the acqui­si­tion of which is of no small impor­tance when work­ing with the device, which make full-fledged com­bines and meat grinders out of the mix­er.

There are a few things to look out for when shop­ping for a new kitchen mix­er. Of course, there is price and qual­i­ty, but there are also things to con­sid­er, such as speed and con­trol, capac­i­ty, and addi­tion­al options.

Speed ​​and controls

In gen­er­al mix­ers have from 3 to 15 speeds. The more speeds a mix­er has, the more flex­i­ble it will be in use. There are sev­er­al types of reg­u­la­tors that come as stan­dard. The most com­mon is the dial con­trol, which adjusts the speed more smooth­ly, allow­ing you to change from low to high at your choice. You can also find mix­ers with slid­ers, but­tons (like a stan­dard blender) and switch­es. The lat­est kitchen mix­ers are con­trolled via a touch pan­el and equipped with a dis­play.


Many mod­els are sold with sev­er­al bowls of dif­fer­ent sizes. Stan­dard bowls usu­al­ly have a capac­i­ty of 1.5 to 10 liters.

Accessories and optional accessories

As with oth­er appli­ances, when buy­ing a mix­er, you should pay atten­tion to whether it will do every­thing you need. A stan­dard kitchen mix­er comes with a set of dough beat­ers, hooks for knead­ing bread dough and one or two mix­ing bowls .How­ev­er, many of them come with addi­tion­al attach­ments and addi­tion­al acces­sories that make work­ing in the kitchen even eas­i­er. These include pad­dles, splash guards, or flat sticks for mix­ing drinks. New mod­els can be turned into var­i­ous kitchen appli­ances by pur­chas­ing addi­tion­al acces­sories for them, thus the device becomes a meat grinder, juicer, food proces­sor, etc.

The best hand mixers

Some­times referred to as beat­ers, elec­tric hand mix­ers real­ly speed up whip­ping egg whites, sweet­ened but­ter and whip­ping cream. Com­pared to bench mix­ers, hand mix­ers are com­pact to store and inex­pen­sive. , as well as for those cas­es where direct con­trol over the mix­ture is required.

Moulinex HM 411110

Rat­ing: 4.6

Moulinex HM 411110

First in our review, we will con­sid­er a hand mix­er from the Moulinex trade­mark whose pow­er is 450 watts. The device qual­i­ta­tive­ly beats the cream, kneads the dough and grinds food due to a spe­cial blender attach­ment. This mod­el is equipped with five switch­able speeds, as well as a tur­bo mode with which you can choose the opti­mal con­di­tions for pro­cess­ing var­i­ous prod­ucts. For com­fort­able use, man­u­fac­tur­ers have thought of an auto­mat­ic shut­down.

The body of the device is made of durable plas­tic, and met­al noz­zles ensure a long ser­vice life even with fre­quent use. This hand mix­er comes with a 600 ml mea­sur­ing jug — scale in mil­lime­ters and flu­id ounces. The mix­er is equipped with a whisk for whip­ping, a hook for knead­ing dough and a blender attach­ment. The noz­zles are detached by press­ing a spe­cial but­ton. The dimen­sions of the device are quite com­pact — 15x20x14 cm, and the pow­er cord of this mod­el has a length of 1.2 meters.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “It copes well with its tasks, there is enough pow­er in the mix­er and blender mode. The plas­tic from which the mix­er is made is quite high qual­i­ty.


  • has a blender attach­ment;
  • 5 switch­able speeds and tur­bo mode;
  • auto­mat­ic shut­down sys­tem;
  • hous­ing made of durable plas­tic;
  • small dimen­sions of the device;
  • noz­zles are dis­con­nect­ed by means of the but­ton;
  • fair­ly low price.


  • the blender attach­ment is very flim­sy.

Bosch MFQ 36440

Rat­ing: 4.7

Bosch MFQ 36440

The next hand mix­er mod­el from the BOSCH brand, which takes sec­ond place in our review. The device is equipped with a motor with a pow­er of 450 W, it per­fect­ly copes with func­tions such as mix­ing, chop­ping and whip­ping. This mod­el is equipped with five speeds, which are easy to select using a spe­cial switch. For more effi­cient oper­a­tion, the device is equipped with a tur­bo mode.

The hand mix­er has a stan­dard equip­ment for a good mod­el — a whisk for mix­ing and whip­ping, spe­cial dough mix­ers and a blender attach­ment. Also includ­ed is a capa­cious bowl with a lid for mix­ing with a vol­ume of 0.6 liters, it is made of trans­par­ent plas­tic to track the con­tent lev­el. The device has a but­ton for attach­ing and quick­ly detach­ing noz­zles.

The han­dle of the mix­er is quite com­fort­able, has a soft Soft-touch coat­ing. A spe­cial eye­let is pro­vid­ed for hang­ing the mix­er. The case of this mod­el is made of high-qual­i­ty plas­tic, which ensures its dura­bil­i­ty. This mate­r­i­al is easy to care for and wash­es quick­ly. The length of the net­work cable is 1.3 meters. This mod­el is quite com­pact, its dimen­sions are 74x154x208 mm, and the weight of the device is 1.6 kg.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “I was pleased with the instant inclu­sion and excel­lent work of each of the five speeds. It is con­ve­nient to hang it on a kitchen set, and there is a spe­cial clip on the wire to col­lect the cable.


  • the device is equipped with a tur­bo mode;
  • in addi­tion to the stan­dard equip­ment, it has a blender noz­zle;
  • bowl with lid for mix­ing;
  • but­ton for fas­ten­ing and quick detach­ment of noz­zles;
  • the mix­er han­dle has a soft Soft-touch coat­ing;
  • there is a spe­cial eye­let for hang­ing;
  • long net­work cable;
  • small sizes.


  • a lot of weight for a hand mix­er.

See also: 14 best blenders


Rat­ing: 4.7


The third place is occu­pied by a mod­ern mod­el of the REDMOND trade­mark, the case of which is made of stain­less steel and plas­tic. The motor of this mix­er has a pow­er of 500 watts. This mod­el is equipped with an over­heat­ing pro­tec­tion sys­tem — the mix­er auto­mat­i­cal­ly turns off, and after cool­ing down, you can con­tin­ue work­ing. The device is equipped with two pairs of noz­zles designed for whip­ping and knead­ing. Whisks will help you whip cream, make mousse, scram­bled eggs, and also pre­pare bat­ter. Thick dough will help to knead noz­zles-hooks. They are also use­ful for mix­ing minced meat.

The hand mix­er has 5 speeds for prepar­ing var­i­ous dish­es, which can be select­ed dur­ing cook­ing using a spe­cial switch. This mod­el has a tur­bo mode, with which you can quick­ly mix the ingre­di­ents to a homo­ge­neous con­sis­ten­cy, as well as get rid of lumps. The speed in tur­bo mode devel­ops up to 1100 rpm. At high speed it is quite com­fort­able to hold the device due to the ergonom­ic non-slip han­dle.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “Copes well with knock­ing down. We work silent­ly and do not over­heat, I use this cake mix­er, an indis­pens­able device in the kitchen.”


  • good pow­er;
  • over­heat­ing pro­tec­tion sys­tem;
  • 5 speeds and tur­bo mode are pro­vid­ed;
  • speed devel­ops up to 1100 rpm;
  • ergonom­ic non-slip han­dle.


  • strong vibra­tion.

Polaris PHM 7016

Rat­ing: 4.8

Polaris PHM 7016

The last among hand mix­ers we will con­sid­er a prac­ti­cal and con­ve­nient mod­el from the Polaris trade­mark. The motor pow­er of this device is 700W. The device is equipped with five dif­fer­ent speed modes, as well as a tur­bo mode, which increas­es the speed of rota­tion of the noz­zles for a short time.

This mod­el is equipped with two whisks for beat­ing var­i­ous liq­uid mix­tures, as well as two dough hooks, which are more suit­able for liq­uid dough. The whisks of this mix­er are flat, due to this shape, the qual­i­ty of mix­ing is improved and the con­sis­ten­cy of the prod­uct is much bet­ter. The mod­el has a com­fort­able round­ed han­dle that allows you to hold the mix­er in one hand for a long time. The body of the mix­er is made of plas­tic and equipped with a con­ve­nient hold­er. The weight of this device is small — 0.76 kg.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “Easy to use and the hand does not get tired when work­ing with it, due to its light weight. For its pow­er, it is quite cheap in price. The han­dle is very com­fort­able and you can cook for hours using this mod­el, the hand does not get tired at all.


  • high motor pow­er;
  • five adjustable speeds and tur­bo mode;
  • noz­zles are sup­plied in pairs;
  • the whisks of this device are flat;
  • has a com­fort­able round­ed han­dle;
  • low price;
  • light weight.


  • short net­work cable.

The best stand mixers

Unlike hand mix­ers, table-top mix­ers allow you to do sev­er­al things in par­al­lel while they work. Most of these mix­ers are equipped with timers, with which you can set the right time and not wor­ry about the process. Also, such mod­els are great for prepar­ing a large num­ber of ingre­di­ents for var­i­ous dish­es. But choos­ing such devices it is worth allo­cat­ing a sep­a­rate place for them in the kitchen.

Kitfort KT-1348–2

Rat­ing: 4.6

Kitfort KT-1348-2

The first among sta­tion­ary mix­ers we will con­sid­er a mod­el from the well-known brand Kit­fort, whose motor pow­er is 1200 W and has high per­for­mance. Also, the mix­er has a small size, which is very con­ve­nient when locat­ed in a small kitchen. The device has 8 speeds and a pulse mode. This mod­el has a smooth speed con­trol, with which you can choose the opti­mal mode. Regard­ing the pulse mode — it can be used when work­ing at max­i­mum pow­er.

This mix­er comes with 3 dif­fer­ent attach­ments, as in any stan­dard equip­ment — a whisk for whip­ping, a hook for knead­ing dough and a mix­ing attach­ment. The dough hook attach­ment per­fect­ly kneads thick dough, whisks whip egg whites and cream. There is also a bowl with a vol­ume of 7 liters. Bowl with plan­e­tary rota­tion func­tion, which allows you to knead sev­er­al kilo­grams of dough at once. It is worth not­ing that the con­tain­er is made of stain­less steel, which is respon­si­ble for strength and dura­bil­i­ty. The plan­e­tary mech­a­nism allows the noz­zles to rotate and move in a spi­ral. The bowl of this mix­er is closed with a trans­par­ent over­lay that pre­vents splash­ing of ingre­di­ents and allows you to observe the cook­ing process.

This mod­el is equipped with a secu­ri­ty sys­tem. The mix­er auto­mat­i­cal­ly turns off when the engine com­part­ment is fold­ed down. If the mix­er is left on after cook­ing, the sys­tem will auto­mat­i­cal­ly turn off after 10 min­utes. The mix­er has a lever that eas­i­ly leans up and is secure­ly fixed dur­ing oper­a­tion. This mod­el is equipped with rub­ber feet with suc­tion cups that give extra sta­bil­i­ty on any smooth sur­faces. The device has a net­work cable with a length of 0.97 meters.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “Suf­fi­cient­ly sta­ble due to rub­ber legs. Pow­er­ful motor allows you to whip a large num­ber of prod­ucts. I chose among oth­ers for the volu­mi­nous bowl and the mode of plan­e­tary rota­tion.


  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • the device is equipped with 8 speeds;
  • pulse mode;
  • smooth speed adjust­ment is pro­vid­ed;
  • there is a bowl with a vol­ume of 7 liters;
  • bowl with plan­e­tary rota­tion func­tion;
  • the bowl is closed with a trans­par­ent over­lay;
  • the mod­el is equipped with a secu­ri­ty sys­tem;
  • The mod­el is equipped with rub­ber feet with suc­tion cups.


  • short net­work cable.

Also Read: 15 Best Immer­sion Blenders

Gemlux GL-SM-88CR

Rat­ing: 4.7

Gemlux GL-SM-88CR

Con­sid­er the plan­e­tary mix­er mod­el from the GEMLUX trade­mark, which is indis­pens­able for knead­ing dough, whip­ping pro­teins, cream and cook­ing minced meat. This mod­el is equipped with a pow­er­ful 1000W motor. Also, the device allows you to smooth­ly adjust the speed up to 220 rpm, while choos­ing one of the 12 posi­tions of the reg­u­la­tor.

The mix­er is equipped with a remov­able bowl, the vol­ume of which is 4 liters. It is made of stain­less steel, it also has a car­ry­ing han­dle and a plas­tic pro­tec­tive cov­er on which there is a hole that allows you to add ingre­di­ents dur­ing the knead­ing process. Three attach­ments are also sup­plied with the mix­er — a whisk, a flat spat­u­la and a hook for knead­ing dough. In order to effort­less­ly remove and install the cup and noz­zles, the work­ing head leans back by press­ing a but­ton.

The body of this mod­el is made of alu­minum and looks very styl­ish due to the black col­or with stain­less steel inserts. The but­ton for detach­ing the attach­ments and the speed con­trol are locat­ed on the body of this mix­er, which great­ly sim­pli­fies access to them. The length of the net­work cable for this mix­er is 0.85 meters. And the weight of the mod­el is 6.65 kg.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “Very styl­ish and pow­er­ful mix­er, easy to clean and almost silent. Pleased with the han­dle on the bowl, it is quite con­ve­nient. The pres­ence of a large num­ber of speeds was an undoubt­ed plus.


  • the mod­el is equipped with a pow­er­ful motor;
  • the device makes it pos­si­ble to smooth­ly adjust the speed — 12 posi­tions;
  • comes with a remov­able bowl, the vol­ume of which is 4 liters;
  • the bowl has a car­ry­ing han­dle and a pro­tec­tive cov­er;
  • the work­ing head leans back by press­ing the but­ton;
  • The body of the mod­el is made of alu­mini­um.


  • short net­work cable.


Rat­ing: 4.8


Con­sid­er a mix­er designed for quick whip­ping and mix­ing of ingre­di­ents, as well as for knead­ing dough. The mod­el from the Red­mond trade­mark is equipped with a pow­er­ful 1000 W motor. The device has 8 speed modes, which can be adjust­ed using a spe­cial reg­u­la­tor. This mod­el is equipped with a secu­ri­ty sys­tem that works if the mix­er will work for a long time — to pre­vent over­heat­ing, pro­tec­tion is trig­gered and the device auto­mat­i­cal­ly turns off. This fea­ture pro­tects against any mal­func­tions and over­heat­ing. After the mix­er has cooled down, it can be used again.

The mod­el has plan­e­tary rota­tion tech­nol­o­gy — noz­zles simul­ta­ne­ous­ly rotate in two vec­tors. Due to this method of rota­tion, prod­ucts of any den­si­ty are processed much more thor­ough­ly and faster than in a con­ven­tion­al sta­tion­ary device. The whisks and hooks in this mod­el are secure­ly attached to the body with a lock that pre­vents them from pop­ping out of the grooves even when work­ing at max­i­mum speed.

This mix­er is equipped with a whisk, using which you can quick­ly beat the pro­tein and cream. The mix­ing attach­ment is per­fect for prepar­ing liq­uid fill­ings and var­i­ous sauces. And the knead­ing attach­ment is used to pre­pare the dough. The device has a capa­cious bowl with a vol­ume of 4.5 liters. The con­tain­er is closed with a lid with a spe­cial hole for adding prod­ucts, this can be done dur­ing the cook­ing process. This mod­el is equipped with spe­cial legs with suc­tion cups, thanks to which the device is as sta­ble as pos­si­ble and will not move around the table even when work­ing at high speeds and with heavy weight.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “Very sta­ble even when work­ing at full capac­i­ty. The latch holds the noz­zles firm­ly. Two-vec­tor rota­tion makes knead­ing more effi­cient. Also a def­i­nite plus was the pres­ence of a large num­ber of speeds.


  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • equipped with 8 speed modes;
  • the mod­el is equipped with a secu­ri­ty sys­tem;
  • noz­zles simul­ta­ne­ous­ly rotate in two vec­tors;
  • noz­zles are attached to the body with a retain­er;
  • has a capa­cious bowl with a vol­ume of 4.5 liters;
  • The mod­el is equipped with spe­cial legs with suc­tion cups.


Rat­ing: 4.9


Last­ly, con­sid­er the plan­e­tary mix­er from the GALAXY brand, which has a high motor pow­er of 700 W and is equipped with 12 speed set­tings for a large num­ber of recipes. The plan­e­tary prin­ci­ple of rota­tion pro­vides an excel­lent result due to the rota­tion of the noz­zle not only around its own axis, but also around the entire cir­cum­fer­ence of the con­tain­er. The vol­ume of the bowl is 4 liters and, unlike plas­tic ana­logues, the steel con­tain­er does not absorb for­eign odors and does not stain the col­or of the ingre­di­ents used.

The device is equipped with 3 over­sized noz­zles — a stain­less steel whisk, which is used for whip­ping pro­teins, cream and knead­ing bat­ter, oper­ates at ‑12 speeds. Stir­ring head – made of die-cast alu­minum, han­dles hard foods. Designed for cook­ing minced meat, toma­to paste, mashed pota­toes and so on. It works at 1–8 speeds. As well as a hook attach­ment, which is also made of alu­minum and is used for knead­ing thick dough at speeds 1–4.

An addi­tion­al advan­tage of this mod­el is a trans­par­ent lid that pro­tects against splash­ing of ingre­di­ents, and there is also a spe­cial open­ing on the lid for load­ing prod­ucts dur­ing use, which ensures con­tin­u­ous mix­ing and con­trol over cook­ing. Anoth­er “chip” of this mod­el is the abil­i­ty to beat just one egg. The body of this mix­er is made of high-strength mate­r­i­al, which ensures the safe­ty and dura­bil­i­ty of the device. Also, a spe­cial light indi­ca­tor of work has been thought out on the case, with which you can con­trol the cook­ing process.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied User”: “In terms of func­tion­al­i­ty, it is not infe­ri­or to pro­fes­sion­al Amer­i­can-made mod­els. Excel­lent qual­i­ty and a large num­ber of speeds. Very pow­er­ful motor and large noz­zles. The pres­ence of a trans­par­ent cov­er became an indis­pens­able plus.


  • has a high motor pow­er;
  • equipped with 12 speed modes;
  • plan­e­tary prin­ci­ple of rota­tion;
  • steel con­tain­er with a vol­ume of 4 liters;
  • 3 noz­zles of the increased size;
  • trans­par­ent lid to pre­vent splash­ing of ingre­di­ents;
  • the abil­i­ty to beat just one egg;
  • a spe­cial light indi­ca­tor of work is thought out on the case.


  • not detect­ed.

The best professional mixers

Choos­ing the best pro­fes­sion­al mix­er comes down to a few key fac­tors; qual­i­ty, dura­bil­i­ty, pow­er. There are many mod­els with plas­tic bowls and brand­ed attach­ments. But among high-qual­i­ty pro­fes­sion­al mod­els, all bowls for whip­ping ingre­di­ents are made of “stain­less steel”, this is one of the main fac­tors indi­cat­ing qual­i­ty prod­ucts.

Also Read: Top 10 Food Proces­sors

KitchenAid 5KSM175PSECA

Rat­ing: 4.8

KitchenAid 5KSM175PSECA

The first among pro­fes­sion­al mix­ers we will con­sid­er a mod­el that is equipped with 2 bowls of dif­fer­ent vol­umes — 3 and 4.8 liters. The big bowl is equipped with the con­ve­nient han­dle. The pow­er of this mod­el is 300W, which enables the direct dri­ve motor with 10 speeds to work sta­bly in all modes. The device is equipped with a noise reduc­tion sys­tem. On the front of the dri­ve, there is anoth­er sock­et for con­nect­ing addi­tion­al noz­zles. With the help of which the device becomes a full-fledged food proces­sor — it can chop, rub and cut, cook minced meat and grind grains.

Includ­ed with the device is a large wire whisk, which speeds up whip­ping pro­teins sev­er­al times. In com­bi­na­tion with the plan­e­tary tech­nol­o­gy that this mod­el is equipped with, com­plete mix­ing of the ingre­di­ents is ensured. With the help of a whisk, you can pre­pare sauces, as well as beat egg whites. Also includ­ed is a pro­tec­tive rim — a plas­tic noz­zle with a hole for load­ing ingre­di­ents, it pre­vents splash­ing through­out the kitchen. A flat spat­u­la, which is used for knead­ing liq­uid dough, is also includ­ed. In addi­tion to the above, the set also includes a hook for knead­ing dough, it is also used for mak­ing pas­ta.

The met­al case of the device is cov­ered with a spe­cial enam­el that is resis­tant to ther­mal and mechan­i­cal stress. Car­ing for such a coat­ing is quite sim­ple, you just need to wipe it with a damp sponge. The weight of the mod­el in ques­tion is 11.3 kg. This mix­er is equipped with a 1.35 meter mains cable.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “I select­ed not only for func­tion­al­i­ty, but also for style, a very beau­ti­ful mix­er with a high-qual­i­ty assem­bly. The long cord allows you to install it on the coun­ter­top and not pull addi­tion­al wires. Also pleased with the pres­ence of two bowls of dif­fer­ent vol­umes.


  • it is com­plet­ed with 2 bowls of dif­fer­ent vol­umes — 3 and 4.8 liters;
  • 10 speeds;
  • equipped with a noise reduc­tion sys­tem;
  • built-in sock­et for con­nect­ing addi­tion­al noz­zles;
  • large wire whisk;
  • there is a pro­tec­tive rim;
  • flat spat­u­la for knead­ing liq­uid dough;
  • met­al case of the device;
  • long net­work cable.


  • heavy enough.

KitchenAid 5K45SSEWH

Rat­ing: 4.8

KitchenAid 5K45SSEWH

Con­sid­er a mod­ern mix­er mod­el made in an inter­est­ing retro design with a round­ed and smooth sur­face. The body of the device is all-met­al, which makes it much more reli­able and increas­es the demand for it. The mix­er belongs to the mod­els of the high­est price seg­ment. The device is equipped with a motor whose pow­er is 275 watts. Com­pared to oth­er mod­els, this mix­er has a rather mod­est pow­er rat­ing. In this case, the speed of rota­tion of the noz­zles varies from 40 to 200 rev­o­lu­tions per minute.

This mod­el is equipped with a plan­e­tary mix­ing func­tion — the noz­zles not only rotate around their axis, but also move along the perime­ter of the bowl to increase pro­cess­ing speed and ensure the most uni­form con­sis­ten­cy. The mod­el has a 10-lev­el speed con­trol with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of smooth switch­ing. Includ­ed with the device itself is a met­al bowl with a vol­ume of 4.3 liters and a stan­dard set of noz­zles — a hook for knead­ing dough and a whisk.

The device in ques­tion is equipped with a soft start func­tion. The mix­er is com­plet­ed with a tilt­ing head on which noz­zles are eas­i­ly installed and replaced. For ease of use, the mod­el is equipped with a pro­tec­tive rim with a hole. As for the dimen­sions of this device, they are quite large — 35x36x22 cm, and its weight is over 10 kg.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “Excel­lent qual­i­ty. Robust met­al sur­face and extra large bowl. Plan­e­tary func­tion allows for fast mix­ing. A pro­tec­tive rim with a hole pre­vents ingre­di­ents from stain­ing the kitchen. Over time, I appre­ci­at­ed the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a reclin­ing head.


  • retro design with a round­ed sur­face;
  • the body of the device is all-met­al;
  • noz­zle rota­tion speed varies from 40 to 200 rpm;
  • the mod­el is equipped with a plan­e­tary mix­ing func­tion;
  • has a 10-lev­el speed con­trol;
  • a met­al bowl with a vol­ume of 4.3 liters is sup­plied;
  • the mod­el is equipped with a pro­tec­tive rim with a hole;
  • the device is equipped with a soft start func­tion;
  • with retractable head.


  • large enough;
  • low pow­er.

ProfiCook PC-KM 1096

Rat­ing: 4.8

ProfiCook PC-KM 1096

The food proces­sor from the Profi­Cook trade­mark qual­i­ta­tive­ly and quick­ly mix­es var­i­ous ingre­di­ents, which makes it pos­si­ble to avoid lumps. This mod­el has a mas­sive die-cast alu­minum body and is equipped with a pow­er­ful 1500W motor. The mix­er has 8 speeds and is equipped with a pulse mode. The mod­el is equipped with elec­tron­ic speed con­trol. But­tons and a rotary encoder are pro­vid­ed for oper­a­tion and para­me­ter set­ting.

The device is equipped with a large 10 liter bowl made of stain­less steel, it is per­fect for prepar­ing a 7 kg mix­ture. On the body of the device is a spe­cial dis­play that dis­plays all the infor­ma­tion about the progress of work. A timer func­tion is also pro­vid­ed, with which you can save time with­out being dis­tract­ed by the knead­ing process.

A spe­cial trans­par­ent lid is sup­plied with the mix­er itself, which pro­tects against splash­es and makes it pos­si­ble to add ingre­di­ents through a spe­cial hole. The kit also includes an alu­minum spat­u­la and two hooks for heavy dough, a stain­less steel whisk for whip­ping cream and cream. For con­ve­nient work with this mod­el, rub­ber feet are pro­vid­ed that pre­vent the device from slip­ping.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “When choos­ing this mix­er, the first thing I looked for was the pow­er, which is enough here, the num­ber of speeds and, of course, the vol­ume of the bowl. In this mod­el, it is as much as 10 liters. Also, the price was affect­ed by the pres­ence of a pulse mode. But this device jus­ti­fies the mon­ey spent one hun­dred per­cent.


  • mas­sive body made of cast alu­minum;
  • high motor pow­er;
  • has 8 speeds;
  • equipped with a pulse mode;
  • equipped with elec­tron­ic speed con­trol;
  • equipped with a vol­u­met­ric bowl of 10 liters;
  • spe­cial dis­play;
  • a timer func­tion is pro­vid­ed;
  • a spe­cial trans­par­ent cov­er is sup­plied;
  • alu­minum spat­u­la and two hooks for heavy dough;
  • rub­ber feet pro­vid­ed.


  • heats up quick­ly.

See also: 12 best sta­tion­ary blenders

Kitfort KT-1357

Rat­ing: 4.9

Kitfort KT-1357

The last to con­sid­er is the Kit­fort mix­er — an easy-to-use mod­el that can per­form many tasks, mix ingre­di­ents for cream and scram­bled eggs, as well as knead thick dough. The device is equipped with a motor whose pow­er is 1000 watts. This mod­el is equipped with 8 noz­zle rota­tion speeds, and is also sup­ple­ment­ed with a pulse mode. A rotary con­trol is pro­vid­ed to select the opti­mal mode.

The bowl of the device, made of stain­less steel and hav­ing a vol­ume of 4.5 liters, is so deep that it can be used with­out a lid, while splash­es will not scat­ter around the kitchen. The noz­zles of this mix­er rotate almost silent­ly even at max­i­mum speeds, which is a def­i­nite plus for such a device. The mod­el is equipped with plan­e­tary tech­nol­o­gy — the noz­zles move in such a way that the con­tents of the con­tain­er become homo­ge­neous and with­out lumps.

This mod­el is equipped with a timer that can count both for­ward and back­ward. In addi­tion, the mix­er is equipped with a “pause” func­tion, which allows you to inter­rupt the oper­a­tion of the device, and then, if nec­es­sary, con­tin­ue it. One of the impor­tant fea­tures of this mix­er is its body — it is made of stain­less steel, which is dif­fi­cult to dent or scratch. It also per­fect­ly pro­tects all elec­tron­ics from acci­den­tal dam­age. The length of the net­work cable for this mod­el is one meter. And the weight of the device is 7.8 kg.

From the review of a Yandex.Market user with the sta­tus “Ver­i­fied user”: “A pow­er­ful motor and light weight are the main indi­ca­tors for me. Of course, plus this is a stain­less bowl and the pres­ence of a timer, turned on the mix­er, set the right time, added food and left to clean the apart­ment.


  • the mod­el is equipped with a pow­er­ful motor;
  • equipped with 8 noz­zle rota­tion speeds;
  • a rotary reg­u­la­tor is pro­vid­ed;
  • stain­less steel bowl;
  • equipped with plan­e­tary tech­nol­o­gy;
  • the mod­el is equipped with a timer;
  • the mix­er is equipped with a “pause” func­tion;
  • the body is made of stain­less steel.


  • short net­work cable.

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Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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