6 best cotton candy machines

Rating of the best cotton candy machines

Foodatlas CC-3702

Rat­ing: 4.9

Foodatlas CC-3702

The undis­put­ed win­ner of the rat­ing was the device designed for use in pub­lic cater­ing places. It takes up very lit­tle space due to its com­pact dimen­sions (520x520x410). With a high pow­er of 1000W, this machine is capa­ble of dis­pens­ing one serv­ing every 30 sec­onds. At the same time, prepa­ra­tion for work takes only 2–3 min­utes. This is very handy for stream­ing. In addi­tion to good work­man­ship, this device looks pret­ty nice on the out­side. The base is made in a del­i­cate pink col­or, and the bowl itself is met­al. Its diam­e­ter is 500 mm and its depth is 170 mm.

Users like the tech­ni­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics of the device. The rota­tion speed reach­es 2800 rpm. Cot­ton can­dy is large, although this point depends on per­son­al pref­er­ence. Many more pos­i­tive reviews are devot­ed to the vol­ume of work. Dur­ing cook­ing, the device does not make loud sounds, which also pleas­es cus­tomers. Of course, it can also be used at home. It all depends on mate­r­i­al pos­si­bil­i­ties, since the car is not the cheap­est on the mar­ket. Please note that the lid is not includ­ed.


  • col­lapsi­ble design;
  • pow­er indi­ca­tor;
  • stain­less steel bowl;
  • high pow­er;
  • good pro­duc­tion — 1 serv­ing in 30 sec­onds.

Ariete 2971/1 Cotton Candy Party Time

Rat­ing: 4.8

Ariete 2971/1 Cotton Candy Party Time

We give the sil­ver of the rat­ing to a device that is more suit­able for use at home. It has a very inter­est­ing retro design. The deep red body and antique let­ter­ing are very pop­u­lar with users. Such a device will take a spe­cial place in any kitchen. Its dimen­sions are quite com­pact — 260x250x255 mm. The bowl is small, its size can be con­sid­ered opti­mal (diam­e­ter is 26 cm). The pow­er is quite suit­able — 450 watts. For safe­ty rea­sons, the man­u­fac­tur­er has equipped the machine with over­heat­ing pro­tec­tion. Made from alu­minum com­bined with plas­tic.

The reviews talk about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of mix­ing dif­fer­ent ingre­di­ents, which results in the most incred­i­ble tastes of cot­ton can­dy. Extend­ed equip­ment deserves spe­cial praise from buy­ers. It includes 6 paper cones, a mea­sur­ing spoon and detailed instruc­tions. Plus, the top of the bowl is closed with a lid, which is very con­ve­nient in every­day life. The device weighs only 1.6 kg, and takes up min­i­mal space. Chil­dren are hap­py with the treat that can be eas­i­ly pre­pared with Ari­ete 2971/1.


  • impres­sive appear­ance;
  • non-stick coat­ing of the bowl;
  • com­pact size;
  • many use­ful items includ­ed;
  • good tech­ni­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics;
  • safe­ty of use.

Clatronic ZWM 3478

Rat­ing: 4.7

Clatronic ZWM 3478

The next line of the rat­ing is occu­pied by an excel­lent rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the mid­dle seg­ment. This cot­ton can­dy machine com­bines high pow­er (500 W), ease of use and small size. Many con­sid­er it an ide­al option for a small kitchen. The height of the device is only 18.5 cm, and the width and length are 27.8. There are rub­ber feet on the bot­tom of the case for good sta­bil­i­ty. Exter­nal­ly, the machine looks quite sim­ple — a white plas­tic case, smooth­ly turn­ing into a bowl of the same col­or and a pro­tec­tive trans­par­ent cov­er. It has only one but­ton to turn it on.

The device is easy to main­tain. It has a remov­able drip tray and the pos­si­bil­i­ty of wash­ing the bowl and drip tray in the dish­wash­er. The man­u­fac­tur­er claims that the entire cook­ing process takes less than 10 min­utes, buy­ers con­firm this. The set includes 10 sticks, a mea­sur­ing spoon and instruc­tions. To pre­pare one serv­ing of cot­ton can­dy, 1 table­spoon of sug­ar is enough. The design weighs 1.5 kg. The reviews write that cot­ton wool comes out small, but very fluffy, and sug­ar does not scat­ter much.


  • accept­able cost;
  • easy care;
  • air fluffy cot­ton wool;
  • Only 1 table­spoon of sug­ar is need­ed per serv­ing;
  • excel­lent pow­er;
  • very com­pact dimen­sions.

Bradex Sweet Tooth

Rat­ing: 4.6

Bradex Sweet Tooth

The hon­or­able fourth place went to the device, which looks sim­i­lar to the pre­vi­ous par­tic­i­pant, but has a more trans­par­ent bowl. The price is quite accept­able, espe­cial­ly giv­en the good pow­er (450–500 W). In terms of dimen­sions, every­thing is fine here (27.8x27.8x22 cm), the device will take up very lit­tle space in your kitchen. The man­u­fac­tur­er has pro­vid­ed var­i­ous lit­tle things. For exam­ple, the bowl is remov­able, mak­ing it easy to wash. The machine is turned on with a but­ton equipped with a light indi­ca­tor. The con­struc­tion weighs only 1680.

There are a lot of reviews for this device and they are all pos­i­tive. Cus­tomers say that even chil­dren can han­dle the prepa­ra­tion of treats. They like the sim­plic­i­ty of design and main­te­nance. In addi­tion, users have test­ed the reli­a­bil­i­ty of this machine in prac­tice. It can serve for years, as it is made sound­ly. The diam­e­ter of the bowl is 27 cm. This allows you to make medi­um-sized por­tions. Cot­ton can­dy from this machine turns out deli­cious and lush, and the process itself cap­ti­vates both chil­dren and adults.


  • a wor­thy com­bi­na­tion of price and qual­i­ty;
  • many pos­i­tive reviews;
  • very sim­ple prepa­ra­tion;
  • one serv­ing requires only one spoon;
  • remov­able bowl;
  • easy to care for — even chil­dren can han­dle it.

Cotton Candy Maker Carnival

Rat­ing: 4.5

Cotton Candy Maker Carnival

The bright­est par­tic­i­pant in the rat­ing is locat­ed on the next line. The Cot­ton Can­dy Mak­er Car­ni­val is pre­sent­ed in the form of a cot­ton can­dy cart that chil­dren are used to see­ing in parks. The design is even equipped with large wheels with a diam­e­ter of 12 cm. The body itself is made in pink with beau­ti­ful gold pat­terns and inscrip­tions on some ele­ments. It looks great and takes all the atten­tion in the kitchen, cot­tage or out­let. As for the tech­ni­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics, every­thing is excel­lent here. The pow­er is 500 watts.

The device works accord­ing to the fol­low­ing scheme: first you need to turn it on and leave it for 5 min­utes, then turn it off and pour sug­ar inside, and after 2–3 min­utes threads will begin to form, which you need to start wind­ing on a stick. By the way, sticks come in a set of 10 pieces, buy­ers use them many times. Cot­ton can­dy is made from one mea­sur­ing spoon, it turns out to be mul­ti-lay­ered and lush if you fol­low the instruc­tions. The diam­e­ter of the bowl is quite large — 32 cm. Cus­tomers com­plain about the strong scat­ter­ing of sug­ar.


  • good equip­ment (10 wood­en sticks, mea­sur­ing spoon);
  • made in the form of a styl­ized cart with wheels;
  • bright appear­ance and col­or­ing;
  • low cost;
  • large bowl diam­e­ter
  • easy prepa­ra­tion of cot­ton can­dy;
  • weighs less than 2 kg.


  • scat­ters sug­ar a lot.

Centek CT-1445

Rat­ing: 4.4

Centek CT-1445

The bud­get cot­ton can­dy machine from Cen­tek deserves an hon­or­able sixth place in our rat­ing. It is made in pink and white shades, looks quite nice. Able to cook fluffy deli­cious cot­ton wool in min­utes. The quartz heat­ing ele­ment does its job well, the pow­er of the device is 400 watts. The case is light­weight, its weight is only 1.5 kg. Made entire­ly of plas­tic, but this does not affect the qual­i­ty of cook­ing. It cleans up eas­i­ly enough.

The set includes two cones and a mea­sur­ing spoon. Users note in the reviews the ease of prepa­ra­tion, if you fol­low the instruc­tions. Some­times sug­ar may remain around the edges, but some buy­ers have adapt­ed to melt it into cot­ton wool. Dirt is washed off eas­i­ly. Chil­dren are delight­ed with this device and are hap­py to pre­pare their favorite del­i­ca­cy. Por­tions are medi­um, as the diam­e­ter of the bowl is 28 cm.


  • low cost;
  • a light weight;
  • nice appear­ance;
  • ease of care;
  • detailed instruc­tions;
  • lush tasty cot­ton wool at the exit.

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Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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