6 best siphons for carbonating water

Rating of the best siphons for carbonating water

Home Bar Smart 110 NG

Rat­ing: 4.9

Home Bar Smart 110 NG

The most advanced siphon for car­bon­at­ed water. And it is also one of the most com­pact. You can eas­i­ly put it on the din­ing table or even near the com­put­er. And there is no abstruse elec­tron­ics here that could sud­den­ly fail. There­fore, a very long ser­vice life can be expect­ed.

This mod­el is designed for use with SODASTREAM cylin­ders. To install such a cylin­der, a con­ve­nient screw-in con­nec­tor is used. It is curi­ous that the Home Bar Smart 110 NG does not even need to be con­nect­ed to the mains — just screw in the bot­tle, wind the bot­tle, press the but­ton and wait for the result.

Includ­ed with this mod­el you will receive a liter bot­tle. It is impos­si­ble to find fault with the qual­i­ty of its man­u­fac­ture — the man­u­fac­tur­er even aban­doned bisphe­nol A, thanks to which the bot­tle will be as harm­less to humans as pos­si­ble. The device is also com­pat­i­ble with a 1.5‑liter bot­tle, but it is not includ­ed in the kit. But on the oth­er hand, one 425-gram cylin­der is sup­plied with the siphon. It is enough to pre­pare 60 liters of car­bon­at­ed drink. We advise you to imme­di­ate­ly buy a cou­ple more cylin­ders. In the future, you will be able to change emp­ty cylin­ders for filled ones, sav­ing sig­nif­i­cant­ly.

Oth­er­wise, this is a typ­i­cal siphon for car­bon­at­ing water, which does not have any addi­tion­al func­tion­al­i­ty. It has an auto­mat­ic pres­sure release, and ran­dom drops of water in this case fall into a remov­able tray. In a word, this is a very good, but very expen­sive pur­chase!


  • The war­ran­ty peri­od has been extend­ed to two years;
  • Con­ve­nient con­nec­tion of a cylin­der with gas;
  • Comes with a BPA-free bot­tle;
  • Does not require con­nec­tion to the mains;
  • Has a remov­able drip tray
  • Mod­est size and weight.


  • High price;
  • Expen­sive cylin­ders are used.

iSi Classic Soda Maker 2120333

Rat­ing: 4.8

iSi Classic Soda Maker 2120333

Would you like to get a nice siphon for car­bon­at­ing water? In this case, we rec­om­mend tak­ing a look at the iSi Clas­sic SodaMak­er 2120333. If, of course, you find it on sale, it will be tak­en apart very quick­ly.

All struc­tur­al ele­ments of this mod­el are made of stain­less steel and plas­tic. Unlike the device dis­cussed above, dis­pos­able 8‑gram bal­loons are used here. This impos­es cer­tain dif­fi­cul­ties on the use of the siphon. The fact is that find­ing such cylin­ders for sale is more dif­fi­cult than the device itself. The sim­i­lar­i­ty lies in the fact that this siphon also does not require an elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion.

Water here is poured into a trans­par­ent bot­tle, the vol­ume of which is 1 liter. Then water is poured from this bot­tle into a mug or glass using a spout made of stain­less steel. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the man­u­fac­tur­er does not say what mate­ri­als this bot­tle was made of. But we hope that there are no mate­ri­als harm­ful to the human body in its com­po­si­tion.

Per­haps the main draw­back of the prod­uct is its price. Which of the Rus­sians dares to pay 7 thou­sand rubles for such a siphon? If an aggre­gate was cre­at­ed from sil­ver, then there would be a dif­fer­ent con­ver­sa­tion.


  • Nice appear­ance;
  • No need to con­nect to the mains;
  • Easy use.


  • Kayser and iSi cylin­ders are rare;
  • High price;
  • Poor qual­i­ty cylin­ders;
  • A prim­i­tive adapter is used.

Sodastream Genesis

Rat­ing: 4.7

Sodastream Genesis

This siphon has a famil­iar appear­ance. Most of all, it looks like some kind of cof­fee mak­er. Only the drink here is poured not into a cup, but into a screw-on bot­tle. Anoth­er very inter­est­ing fact is the exis­tence of four col­or options — per­haps the pret­ti­est looks Sodas­tream Gen­e­sis with a red case.

The com­plete set of the device includes the siphon itself, a liter bot­tle and one car­bon­a­tion bot­tle. The lat­ter is enough to fill with gas about 60 liters of water. Then you will have to buy addi­tion­al cylin­ders. Each will cost 2900 rubles. Or 690 rubles if you pro­vide the man­u­fac­tur­er with an emp­ty bot­tle.

The device itself, togeth­er with the cylin­der placed inside it, weighs no more than 2.2 kg. Its body is made of food grade plas­tic. Sil­ver ele­ments on it make the design even more attrac­tive. On the top of the device, you can find a sin­gle but­ton. It allows you to make soda in three dif­fer­ent con­cen­tra­tions. There­fore, Sodas­tream Gen­e­sis will appeal to those who do not like high­ly car­bon­at­ed water. The readi­ness of the drink will be sig­naled by a sound indi­ca­tor.

Per­haps this is one of the best siphons for car­bon­at­ing water. But he is too expen­sive. On the man­u­fac­tur­er’s web­site, only cylin­ders are now sold, and in third-par­ty online stores they ask for 9,000 rubles for a siphon. How­ev­er, how can such a device be cheap?

It remains to be added that this mod­el takes up very lit­tle space on the table, and, as you already under­stood, it does not require an elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion to use it.


  • The case was cre­at­ed from harm­less plas­tic;
  • Sup­plied with bot­tle and cylin­der;
  • Three degrees of water car­bon­a­tion are avail­able;
  • Con­ve­nient and easy use;
  • There are four col­or options;
  • Does not require con­nec­tion to the mains.


  • High price.

O!Range CookWare AM-210ACBK

Rat­ing: 4.6

O!Range CookWare AM-210ACBK

Anoth­er rather beau­ti­ful siphon for car­bon­at­ing water. Its cre­ators aban­doned the use of stain­less steel, using high-qual­i­ty plas­tic. Not every­one will like it, but it is pre­cise­ly this that has made it pos­si­ble to great­ly reduce the price tag — sev­er­al times! On a liter bot­tle of this device is an inter­est­ing pat­tern, made in gold­en col­ors. This makes the siphon rec­og­niz­able.

Like oth­er sim­i­lar devices, O!Range Cook­Ware AM-210ACBK allows you to car­bon­ate any water, as long as it is clean. You can add syrup, berries and oth­er nat­ur­al prod­ucts to it, get­ting a drink with great taste as a result.

With such a siphon, you will become a lit­tle less like­ly to buy water in plas­tic con­tain­ers, there­by reduc­ing your neg­a­tive impact on nature. It remains to be regret­ted that the use of this device is not the cheap­est plea­sure. Cylin­ders for him cost 549 rubles for a box of ten pieces. One can is enough, as you might guess, to car­bon­ate that same liter bot­tle. The siphon itself will cost about 2500 rubles. Alas, this price does not include cans — they imme­di­ate­ly need to be pur­chased sep­a­rate­ly.

Per­haps the main advan­tage of this mod­el is its ease of use. You won’t need any­thing oth­er than press­ing a sin­gle but­ton. The device does not even need to be con­nect­ed to the mains. Well, the use of dis­pos­able cans allowed the man­u­fac­tur­er to sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce the size of his cre­ation.


  • Not very high cost;
  • Mod­est size and weight;
  • Comes with a styl­ish bot­tle;
  • Easy to learn;
  • Does not require con­nec­tion to the mains.


  • Con­sum­ables turned out to be very expen­sive;
  • Only one degree of gassing strength.

Kayser 1 liter

Rat­ing: 4.5

Kayser 1 liter

This siphon was almost entire­ly made of alu­minum alloy. So, you def­i­nite­ly will not feel harm to your health. At the same time, the device turned out to be very light — it seems that the scales under it will show a low­er val­ue than under the plas­tic coun­ter­part. And not to men­tion the black col­or. Almost all details have it here. You can safe­ly put the siphon on the shelf — it def­i­nite­ly will not spoil the inte­ri­or of the room.

This mod­el comes with a wrench for remov­ing the mea­sur­ing tube and a cap­sule for the can. As in the case of the siphon dis­cussed above, dis­pos­able car­tridges are used here. Most of all, they look like bul­let cas­ings. And in terms of weight, of course, they are much lighter — a box with ten cans weighs about 100 g. By the way, such a pack­age will cost you 590 rubles. A decent amount, espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing that the can is enough to pre­pare only one liter of drink. And the siphon itself is even more expen­sive — Russ­ian sell­ers usu­al­ly ask 7,000 rubles for it.

Like the rest of the devices includ­ed in our rat­ing, Kayser does not require an elec­tri­cal con­nec­tion. The car­bon­a­tion process here is as sim­pli­fied as pos­si­ble. How­ev­er, this applies to absolute­ly all siphons, which are dis­cussed in this review. But on the oth­er hand, not all of them are able to boast of assem­bly in the Czech Repub­lic. The cre­ation of Kayser is car­ried out in this Euro­pean coun­try. Per­haps this is the rea­son for the high cost? Also, the price tag, of course, was influ­enced by a long ser­vice life. Buy­ing this mod­el, you will know that you can use it even after five or six years. If only by this time the pro­duc­tion of spray cans had not end­ed. How­ev­er, no one both­ers to buy them for the future — they have an unlim­it­ed shelf life.


  • It was cre­at­ed most­ly from alu­minum alloy;
  • Inter­est­ing design;
  • Long ser­vice life;
  • Easy to learn use;
  • Does not require elec­tric­i­ty.


  • Very high cost;
  • Con­sum­ables turned out to be expen­sive;
  • Only one degree of gassing strength.

Oursson OS1000SK

Rat­ing: 4.4

Oursson OS1000SK

This is one of the most afford­able siphons for aer­at­ing water among those present on the Russ­ian mar­ket. At the same time, he is able to boast of far from the poor­est equip­ment.

This mod­el is avail­able in sev­er­al col­ors. How­ev­er, in this case, only the noz­zle and the bot­tom of the bot­tle dif­fer in col­or. The bot­tle itself, which has a liter vol­ume, is made of trans­par­ent plas­tic. What exact­ly is not spec­i­fied. Let’s hope that from food — harm­less to the human body.

Includ­ed with this device you will receive five dis­pos­able gas car­tridges. In the future, their sets will have to be bought for sep­a­rate mon­ey. For five sim­i­lar car­tridges, the man­u­fac­tur­er asks for 279 rubles. If you do the math, your sparkling water will be quite expen­sive. But you can cook it your­self. No one both­ers to dilute it with com­pote or juice, get­ting a drink that you have not tried before.

As in the case of the mod­els dis­cussed above, the process of gassing with Ours­son OS1000SK is as sim­ple as pos­si­ble. You need to pour the fil­tered water into the bot­tle, stop­ping at the appro­pri­ate mark. Next, a charg­ing rod is wound onto the bot­tle. A can of gas is insert­ed inside the siphon head. Every­thing! It remains only to turn the whole struc­ture and shake the bot­tle. The drink is ready! Now you can add syrup or some­thing else to the water. By the way, the kit includes instruc­tions, sup­ple­ment­ed by sev­er­al recipes for mak­ing very unusu­al drinks.

Per­haps Ours­son OS1000SK is a good thing for those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. If you are already tired of fresh­ly squeezed juices, then why not add sparkling water to them? But it must be admit­ted that the cost of own­ing this siphon can­not be called any low.


  • Easy to learn use;
  • There are sev­er­al col­or options;
  • Low cost;
  • The set includes five dis­pos­able bot­tles.


  • The design is made of plas­tic;
  • Only one degree of gassing pow­er;
  • Very expen­sive con­sum­ables.


This is the list of the best siphons for car­bon­at­ing water. All the devices dis­cussed in this mate­r­i­al can be eas­i­ly found in Russ­ian online stores. You just have to decide how much water you need to car­bon­ate, and how much you are will­ing to spend.

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Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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