7 best blenders Braun — Rating 2022

  1. The opti­mum ratio of price and qual­i­ty;
  2. many pos­i­tive cus­tomer reviews;
  3. excel­lent pow­er;
  4. pro­tec­tive func­tions;
  5. high qual­i­ty mate­r­i­al;
  6. ergonom­ics;
  7. styl­ish look.

When choos­ing a Braun shred­der, you should answer the fol­low­ing ques­tions:

  1. How often do you plan to use the blender? It is not worth sav­ing if you have to grind food sev­er­al times a day. In this case, you need a strong and durable device.
  2. For what pur­pose it will be used. For crush­ing ice and pro­cess­ing sol­id prod­ucts, a device with a pow­er of 600–800 watts is suit­able. 450 W is the opti­mal indi­ca­tor for a sub­mersible blender.
  3. How much free space in the kitchen. For a small room, a blender that is too large is not suit­able.
  4. How much mon­ey is in the bud­get. A wide range of mod­els allows you to choose a blender in any price seg­ment.
  5. It remains only to choose the appro­pri­ate option for the avail­able amount. To do this, you need to com­pare the char­ac­ter­is­tics of the devices and get acquaint­ed with the review of the best mod­els of the Brown com­pa­ny.

Ranking of the best blenders Braun

The best Braun immersion blenders

The immer­sion blender motor is hid­den in the han­dle of the appli­ance. Var­i­ous noz­zles are attached to the motor part, which allow you to whip, grind and mix prod­ucts. Thus, almost any cook­ware is suit­able for work.

Braun MQ 9087X MultiQuick 9

Rat­ing: 4.9

Braun MQ 9087X MultiQuick 9

The first place in the rank­ing is con­sid­ered the best sub­mersible blender for the most dif­fi­cult tasks. Orig­i­nal legs eas­i­ly crush sol­id food, allow­ing you to show culi­nary imag­i­na­tion and achieve the desired result. This is a tru­ly out­stand­ing prod­uct that won the iF Prod­uct Design Award for prod­uct design. The kit comes with a 600 ml plas­tic glass that does not con­tain BPA. Spe­cial tech­nol­o­gy pre­vents splash­ing. The choice of the high-speed mode occurs by press­ing one but­ton. In this way, you can intu­itive­ly adjust the pow­er. The aver­age price is 11,500 rubles.


  • ide­al price-qual­i­ty ratio;
  • pow­er­ful motor (1000 W);
  • durable con­struc­tion;
  • sta­ble work effi­cien­cy;
  • quick result;
  • con­ve­nient speed con­trol;
  • anti-splat­ter func­tion;
  • suit­able for any prod­uct.


  • small glass.

Also Read: 8 Best Bosch Blenders

Braun MQ 5045 WH Aperitive

Rat­ing: 4.8

Braun MQ 5045 WH Aperitive

The next mem­ber of the rat­ing has a min­i­mal­ist design that is suit­able for the inte­ri­or of any kitchen. The set includes two ergonom­ic bowls of dif­fer­ent sizes. They do their job per­fect­ly and are designed for the spe­cif­ic hard­ness of the prod­uct. The case is made of trans­par­ent plas­tic. This allows you to see the process of grind­ing and the full­ness of the con­tain­er. Sharp noz­zles are made of stain­less steel. They allow you to break ice. The prod­uct is not heavy com­pared to glass mod­els. The pow­er of the blender ensures high-qual­i­ty grind­ing at any speed. The set includes a small whisk and grinder. The cost is from five thou­sand rubles.


  • opti­mal pow­er (750 W);
  • the pres­ence of a tur­bo mode;
  • high per­for­mance;
  • light in weight;
  • 21 speed.


  • lack of soup.

Braun MQ 5077 Buffet +

Rat­ing: 4.7

Braun MQ 5077 Buffet +

The MQ 5077 Buf­fet + mod­el is quite unpre­ten­tious in main­te­nance and will do all the work itself. The appli­ance not only grinds, but also cuts slices of the desired size. It pre­pares mashed pota­toes and smooth­ies, beat the ingre­di­ents for dough and omelet. The device stands firm­ly on the table dur­ing oper­a­tion. Cus­tomers are delight­ed with the anti-splat­ter func­tion, smooth speed change and ease of assem­bly of the device. Comes with a handy 1.5 liter bowl. The blender has 21 speeds in total. Among them there is a tur­bo mode. Reviews about the prod­uct are most­ly pos­i­tive, but there are opin­ions about the poor qual­i­ty of the assem­bly of the device. The cost exceeds 6 thou­sand rubles.


  • detailed instruc­tions;
  • durable mate­r­i­al of the sub­mersible ele­ment;
  • the pres­ence of a tur­bo mode;
  • many speeds.


  • no soup cook­er;
  • ques­tion­able build qual­i­ty.

Braun MQ 5037 WH Sauce+

Rat­ing: 4.6

Braun MQ 5037 WH Sauce+

Cook­ing with the Braun MQ 5037 WH Sauce+ becomes eas­i­er and more con­ve­nient. The blender allows you to cre­ate culi­nary mas­ter­pieces thanks to a spe­cial speed con­trol sys­tem. Tur­bo mode helps to grind prod­ucts of high hard­ness. A 500 ml glass is ide­al for prepar­ing sauces, smooth­ies, puree soups. With a whisk, you can whip cream or souf­flé. Buy­ers note that the blender is very con­ve­nient to use. It is pow­er­ful enough and not too loud. Unlike some mod­els, the device does not smell like rub­ber or plas­tic. Those who have used the blender for sev­er­al months are sat­is­fied with the pur­chase and talk about the smooth oper­a­tion of the prod­uct. Price — 5490 rubles.


  • large range of speeds;
  • use­ful addi­tion­al noz­zles;
  • dura­bil­i­ty;
  • quick cleans­ing;
  • no smell dur­ing oper­a­tion;
  • Ease of use.


  • there are no obvi­ous cons.

See also: 14 best blenders

Braun MQ 3025 Spaghetti

Rat­ing: 4.5

Braun MQ 3025 Spaghetti

The MQ 3025 Spaghet­ti quick­ly mix­es, whips and cuts ingre­di­ents. The own­er will have two speeds at his dis­pos­al, which are con­ve­nient­ly select­ed using rub­ber­ized but­tons. This is a tech­no­log­i­cal and mul­ti­func­tion­al device that is ide­al for cre­at­ing mas­ter­piece dish­es. You can attach and remove the noz­zle with one move­ment. The case does not slip out of the palms dur­ing use. It is made of plas­tic, and the immer­sion part and blades are made of stain­less steel. You can mix prod­ucts in a con­ve­nient mea­sur­ing cup. Buy­ers note that the device does an excel­lent job with creams, cock­tails, soups and smooth­ies.


  • ease;
  • the pres­ence of a tur­bo mode;
  • com­pact­ness;
  • pow­er­ful motor;
  • fast grind­ing;
  • high qual­i­ty mate­r­i­al.


  • only two speeds.

Best Braun Stand Blenders

Sta­tion­ary mod­els are secure­ly fixed on the table and have a large bowl. They are ver­sa­tile and take up more space than immer­sion blenders.

Braun JB 7192

Rat­ing: 4.9

Braun JB 7192

The sta­tion­ary blender Braun JB 7192 is def­i­nite­ly worth the mon­ey. That’s what the own­ers say about it. The device works almost silent­ly and copes with all ingre­di­ents. Pleased with the pres­ence of a com­part­ment for the cord, the pres­ence of two glass­es for smooth­ies. The main bowl is made of heat-resis­tant glass, and the body is made of strong met­al. The amaz­ing thing is that the device itself rec­og­nizes the con­tents and selects the opti­mal speed for grind­ing prod­ucts. The bowl clos­es tight­ly. You can take it with you. A dis­tinc­tive fea­ture of the mod­el is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of auto­mat­ic crush­ing of ice at a spec­i­fied time. The price of the prod­uct is 14990 rubles.


  • pow­er­ful motor (1000 W);
  • pre­sentable appear­ance;
  • elec­tron­ic con­trol;
  • impul­sive mode;
  • wire com­part­ment;
  • not loud.


  • heavy weight (4.8 kg).

Also Read: 15 Best Immer­sion Blenders

Braun JB 5160

Rat­ing: 4.8

Braun JB 5160

The JB 5160 mod­el com­pletes the rat­ing, which is char­ac­ter­ized by increased strength and sta­bil­i­ty. Buy­ers note the high pow­er strength, the pres­ence of many speeds. In a blender, you can mix and grind food, chop ice. Despite the fact that the plas­tic case looks frag­ile, the prod­uct is quite reli­able and strong. A dis­tinc­tive fea­ture of the bowl is the pres­ence of a spe­cial tap for mak­ing cock­tails. Buy­ers liked the mechan­i­cal type of con­trol, eleven speeds, a 1.6‑liter vol­u­met­ric bowl. True, some of the price of the mod­el seemed over­priced.


  • high pow­er (1000 W);
  • com­part­ment for stor­ing the pow­er cord;
  • the pres­ence of a pulsed mode;
  • bulk bowl;
  • fuse block­er;
  • com­pact­ness.


  • the risk of leak­age;
  • the smell of heat­ed plas­tic dur­ing pro­longed oper­a­tion;
  • rel­a­tive­ly high price.

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Atten­tion! This rat­ing is sub­jec­tive, is not an adver­tise­ment and does not serve as a pur­chase guide. Before buy­ing, you need to con­sult with a spe­cial­ist.







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