Exhaust fan for the kitchen: principle of operation, rating of the best, installation


The fumes that occur in the kitchen dur­ing cook­ing, the smell of food, soot, and con­den­sate not only set­tle on fur­ni­ture and kitchen uten­sils, but are also unpleas­ant for breath­ing and unhealthy. There­fore, if you want to make your pres­ence in the kitchen more com­fort­able and harm­less, installing an exhaust fan is essen­tial here.

Purpose and principle of operation of the device

The exhaust fan pro­vides air exchange in the room. It absorbs unpleas­ant and weight­ed air, and emits already puri­fied and fresh.

Each apart­ment has holes in the wall that lead to the house­’s com­mon ven­ti­la­tion duct. But over time, such air vents become clogged, their pow­er weak­ens, so the process of absorp­tion of for­eign par­ti­cles in the air slows down. The exhaust fan improves the air exchange process.

Fan for the kitchen

The fan for the kitchen is a com­pact device with blades. The oper­a­tion of the device is car­ried out after con­nect­ing to the mains. Start­ing to rotate active­ly, the blades draw in the “exhaust­ed” air in the kitchen, push it through the device and push it out. The sys­tem of many mod­els of fans pre­vents the return of such air thanks to a spe­cial valve.

A kitchen exhaust fan can be installed in a kitchen that already has an extrac­tor hood above the stove. Work­ing in tan­dem, these two devices will enhance each oth­er’s effi­cien­cy.

Types of exhaust fans for the kitchen

Almost all mod­els of exhaust fans that are on sale have a sim­i­lar con­fig­u­ra­tion, rep­re­sent­ed by a rotor and blades. And yet there are some dif­fer­ences.

Varieties of fans by type of rotor and blades

There are the fol­low­ing types of devices:

  • Axi­al or axi­al. The blades with this design are locat­ed around the axis, along its cir­cum­fer­ence they rotate. Such mod­els of fans have the sim­plest device and are most com­mon in hous­es and apart­ments.
  • Cen­trifu­gal or radi­al. The dif­fer­ence between such fans is that the blades on the rotor are arranged in a spi­ral. This con­tributes to the cap­ture of air along the tra­jec­to­ry cor­re­spond­ing to the blades, which sig­nif­i­cant­ly increas­es the pow­er of such devices. That is why radi­al exhaust fans are used in indus­tri­al kitchens.
  • Diame­tral (the sec­ond name is “Squir­rel Cage”). This type of fan is char­ac­ter­ized by an elon­gat­ed cylin­dri­cal shape, and its walls are long blades bent inward. The process of work lies in the fact that, while rotat­ing, the rotor helps the blades to cap­ture air and push it deep into the ven­ti­la­tion duct. This type of exhaust fan is used for pro­fes­sion­al kitchens.

Varieties of fans at the place of installation

Accord­ing to this cri­te­ri­on, there are:

  • Win­dow fans. Such devices are mount­ed direct­ly into a small win­dow slot, which is cut out inde­pen­dent­ly. All fumes from the cook­ing process are vent­ed direct­ly to the out­side.
  • Wall. These types of kitchen fans can be installed both on the inside and on the out­side wall (that is, on the wall with a win­dow). In the first case, the weight­ed air will be led to the ven­ti­la­tion shaft, and in the sec­ond case, to the street.
  • Ceil­ing. As a rule, such fans are built into a false ceil­ing, since in the space between the ceil­ing plate and the canopy they lead a pas­sage into the ven­ti­la­tion duct.

Ceiling fan

There is anoth­er type of kitchen fans, which is pre­sent­ed in the form of a chan­de­lier. The work of the blades is car­ried out in a cir­cle, there­by accel­er­at­ing the air. Of course, such fans do not have high pow­er, so it is advis­able to use them in the din­ing room or above the din­ing area. Their use is more focused on the aes­thet­ics of the room.

Instrument selection criteria

A respon­si­ble approach to choos­ing an air-puri­fy­ing device for the kitchen guar­an­tees a com­fort­able stay in the kitchen dur­ing its oper­a­tion. When choos­ing an exhaust fan, you should pay atten­tion to:

Fan power

This para­me­ter is tak­en into account based on the area of ​​u200bu200bthe kitchen. The larg­er the room, the high­er the per­for­mance of the device should be. And vice ver­sa — for a small kitchen, a low fan pow­er will be enough.

In order to accu­rate­ly cal­cu­late the device per­for­mance required for your kitchen, use a spe­cial for­mu­la: the vol­ume of the kitchen (exclud­ing the fur­ni­ture locat­ed in it) is mul­ti­plied by a fac­tor of 10.

So, for exam­ple, for a mod­est kitchen of 7 square meters. m, a fan with a pow­er rat­ing of 140–200 cubic meters is quite suit­able. m/hour.

Fan design according to installation

In oth­er words, if it is meant to embed an exhaust device into a wall or an exhaust duct in a wall, then you need to pur­chase a mod­el for wall mount­ing. Sim­i­lar­ly: for instal­la­tion on the ceil­ing — a fan for ceil­ing instal­la­tion, for win­dow instal­la­tion — the cor­re­spond­ing mod­el.

noise effect

The oper­a­tion of the fan is accom­pa­nied by the pub­li­ca­tion of char­ac­ter­is­tic nois­es, and this should be tak­en into account. It is rec­om­mend­ed not to take mod­els that emit a sound inten­si­ty of more than 40 deci­bels. Accord­ing­ly, the low­er the noise fig­ure, the less notice­able the exhaust fan will be dur­ing oper­a­tion.

The presence of a check valve

This cri­te­ri­on should be tak­en into account when it comes to choos­ing a wall or win­dow fan. The pres­ence of a valve will help pre­vent the pen­e­tra­tion of for­eign odors from the ven­ti­la­tion duct or the street.

Resistant to high moisture and temperature changes

These cri­te­ria are rel­e­vant for a kitchen fan, since tem­per­a­ture changes and con­den­sa­tion con­stant­ly occur in the kitchen.

Exhaust fan

Fan dimensions

The pur­chased device must not only fit per­fect­ly into the place of its instal­la­tion, but also close the bor­ders of the old frame from the ven­ti­la­tion duct.

Control type

Accord­ing to this cri­te­ri­on, fans with auto­mat­ic con­trol and mechan­i­cal con­trol are dis­tin­guished.

The first option is the most con­ve­nient. It is equipped with motion sen­sors, tem­per­a­ture and humid­i­ty change sen­sors, and depend­ing on the indi­ca­tors of these para­me­ters, it changes the inten­si­ty of its work or turns off com­plete­ly. Con­trolled with a remote con­trol.

The sec­ond type — turn­ing on / off the fan is car­ried out using the pow­er cord or using a sep­a­rate switch.


The appear­ance of the exhaust fan should fit into the over­all inte­ri­or of the kitchen.

The best models of exhaust fans for the kitchen

Exhaust fans dif­fer in many para­me­ters, includ­ing cost. In the mat­ter of choice, it is of no small impor­tance, besides, among the bud­get options you can find quite wor­thy exhaust fans.

Next, sev­er­al mod­els of pop­u­lar exhaust fans will be pre­sent­ed. Their mer­its are appre­ci­at­ed by many buy­ers whose reviews rec­om­mend them for pur­chase.

ERA D 100 (PROFIT 4 12V)

Bud­get hood for a small kitchen. Its cost is 500–550 rubles in spe­cial­ized stores.

ERA D 100 (PROFIT 4 12V)

“Era” D 100 is a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of an axi­al exhaust fan that fits per­fect­ly into the ven­ti­la­tion duct slot. The case is made of durable plas­tic, which is pro­tect­ed from fad­ing in the sun. The rotor does not over­heat and is pro­tect­ed from con­den­sa­tion.

The emit­ted noise lev­el does not exceed 35 dB.

Planet Perfecto 100K with check valve

This is anoth­er option for a bud­get fan, the price tag of which varies between 600–700 rubles. The device is a typ­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tive of an axi­al fan, the rotor of which is equipped with a check valve. This is very con­ve­nient for the kitchen, because after turn­ing off the fan, an unpleas­ant smell does not return to the room.

Planet Perfecto 100K with check valve

The pow­er of the device is 14 W, which is quite suit­able for a small kitchen. In addi­tion, the acoustic pres­sure of Plan­et Per­fec­to 100K does not exceed nor­mal val­ues ​​— 39 dB.


Orig­i­nal in its design (avail­able in sev­er­al col­ors), the exhaust fan is made of durable ABS plas­tic, which pro­tects the device from ther­mal changes, exces­sive mois­ture and fad­ing.


The man­u­fac­tur­er guar­an­tees 40,000 hours of con­tin­u­ous oper­a­tion of the fan, which is made pos­si­ble by the engine pow­er of 16 watts. The lev­el of noise waves does not exceed 35 dB. The fan reli­ably holds the absorbed air, pre­vent­ing its return.

The cost of the device “Sail 4C” is 980 rubles.

Fan Vents TT PRO 200

This exhaust device will cost 4000 rubles, but it will do its job per­fect­ly.

It is rec­om­mend­ed to use it in the kitchen, where there is high humid­i­ty and fre­quent tem­per­a­ture changes. The case is made of high-qual­i­ty, durable plas­tic, which pro­tects the inter­nal “stuff­ing” of the device. The lat­ter is rep­re­sent­ed by a rotor and a ter­mi­nal box, which are fixed with clamps.

Fan TT PRO 200

Max­i­mum pow­er — 108 watts. Acoustic pres­sure — 45 dB.

Installing a fan in the kitchen: step by step instructions, tips

Instal­la­tion of win­dow and wall fans dif­fer from each oth­er. The first option is eas­i­er to install, regard­less of weath­er con­di­tions and repairs in the apart­ment. But the wall-mount­ed device will have to be com­bined with the gen­er­al alter­ation of the room, as well as pro­vide for a few more nuances.

Mounting a window-type fan

Step by step guide:

  1. As a rule, in typ­i­cal apart­ments, the kitchen room is equipped with one win­dow. If there are sev­er­al of them, then you need to build in the fan in what is locat­ed clos­er to the cook­ing zone — to the stove.
  2. The height for embed­ding is cho­sen as high as pos­si­ble, but so that at least 20 cm remain to the edge of the win­dow glass.
  3. The para­me­ters of the fan are mea­sured (length and width), with­out vio­lat­ing the bound­aries of the cas­ing, and accord­ing to the mea­sure­ments, a con­nec­tor is cut out in the win­dow glass with a glass cut­ter.
  4. Rub­ber tabs are installed on the fan cas­ing, which will help to bet­ter fix the device on the win­dow. After that, the fan is placed in the pre­pared slot.
  5. A rotor with blades is placed in the cas­ing so that the edges of the lat­ter do not touch the walls.
  6. After these manip­u­la­tions, the fan is con­nect­ed to the mains and the cor­rect instal­la­tion is checked. If every­thing works, then pro­ceed to install the pro­tec­tive grille.

Installation of a wall-mounted exhaust fan

The instal­la­tion steps described below are suit­able for installing the fan on both the out­side and the out­side (win­dow) wall. The only dif­fer­ence is that when installing a fan on an out­er wall, it is cov­ered with grilles not only inside the room, but also out­side.

Fan mounting

Step by step guide:

  1. Before installing the wall-mount­ed kitchen fan, you need to pre­pare the ven­ti­la­tion duct. If nec­es­sary, it is cleaned. If the house has just been com­mis­sioned, this may not be required.
  2. Most often, the ven­ti­la­tion duct has an exit to the kitchen in the form of a hole closed with a grate. It needs to be removed. If the hole in the wall is not suit­able for installing a fan, it must be enlarged. To do this, use a ham­mer drill for con­crete.
  3. After that, a small piece of pipe is installed in the hole, and then the ven­ti­la­tion device itself.
  4. At the end of the instal­la­tion, check the oper­a­tion of the device by con­nect­ing it to the pow­er sup­ply. If every­thing works prop­er­ly, then install a pro­tec­tive sur­face grille.

An exhaust fan for the kitchen is a nec­es­sary device, espe­cial­ly if the kitchen is small and the instal­la­tion of an extrac­tor hood in it is inap­pro­pri­ate or an addi­tion to the installed hood is nec­es­sary. The fan will make your stay in the kitchen more com­fort­able, as it will absorb all the fumes and odors, and release fresh and pleas­ant air.





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