expert advice, all the pros and cons of different types of dishwashers



The pace of life is accel­er­at­ing, and peo­ple have less and less time for house­hold chores.

There­fore, domes­tic work nat­u­ral­ly becomes auto­mat­ed.

One of the types of equip­ment designed to facil­i­tate the per­for­mance of rou­tine duties is a dish­wash­er.

We will tell you how to decide on the choice of this tech­nique, what to look for. Con­sid­er the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages, we will tell you how not to get con­fused in com­plex char­ac­ter­is­tics.

We will also present an overview of the 5 best dish­wash­ers by price / qual­i­ty for 2022–2023.

Pros and cons of dishwashers

Before mak­ing an informed deci­sion about pur­chas­ing a dish­wash­er (or Dish­wash­er), it is impor­tant to under­stand all the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages of these kitchen gad­gets.

Advantages of dishwashers

Con­sid­er the main cri­te­ria in favor of the acqui­si­tion of PMM:

  1. Sav­ing time and effort. Per­haps this is the main rea­son why peo­ple decide to buy an auto­mat­ic assis­tant.
  2. Water sav­ing. Numer­ous exper­i­ments and expert stud­ies have found that machine wash­ing con­sumes sig­nif­i­cant­ly less water than man­u­al dish­wash­ing.
  3. There is no need for hot water sup­ply. The PMM pro­vides water heat­ing, so there is no depen­dence on the sup­ply of hot water.
  4. dis­in­fec­tant func­tion. Wash­ing dish­es in a machine is car­ried out at much high­er tem­per­a­tures than with a man­u­al method. This allows you to get the effect of dis­in­fec­tant treat­ment.
  5. Qual­i­ty and care of wash­ing. Hot water and spe­cial prod­ucts pro­vide high-qual­i­ty dish­wash­ing. And the absence of mechan­i­cal action of coarse brush­es and abra­sives makes the pro­cess­ing of dish­es del­i­cate.
  6. No need for con­tact with deter­gents. This para­me­ter is espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant in the pres­ence of aller­gies or indi­vid­ual intol­er­ance to the chem­i­cals that make up dish­wash­ing deter­gents. In addi­tion, PMM will take care of the health and beau­ty of the skin of the hands, pre­serve the man­i­cure.
  7. Pos­si­bil­i­ty of alter­na­tive use. In the dish­wash­er, you can also wash grates and remov­able ele­ments of the stove, bak­ing sheets, chan­de­lier shades, vas­es, chil­dren’s toys and much more.


Disadvantages of PMM

And now we will tell you what dis­ad­van­tages of dish­wash­ers should be tak­en into account before buy­ing:

  1. Requires free space. This is a great rea­son to think for the own­ers of a small kitchen. You will have to think about the instal­la­tion site in advance. If there is a need to pur­chase a PMM, but there is no free space for place­ment in the kitchen, you should take a clos­er look at desk­top dish­wash­ers. But keep in mind that the com­pact ver­sion is able to wash few­er dish­es at a time than the full-size mod­el.
  2. The need to use spe­cial tools. For PMM, hand wash­ing prod­ucts are not suit­able — you need to buy spe­cial­ized ones. In addi­tion, it is nec­es­sary to buy addi­tion­al prod­ucts to soft­en hard water.
  3. Not all dish­es are suit­able for wash­ing in a machine. It is unde­sir­able to wash items made of cop­per, thin glass, wood, valu­able and antique dish­es there. This can quick­ly ruin such items.
  4. The need to accu­mu­late dish­es for a full load. For the ratio­nal use of resources and elec­tric­i­ty, it is often nec­es­sary to save up dirty dish­es, so that lat­er you can load a full machine and wash every­thing at once. It’s not hygien­ic and not to every­one’s lik­ing.
    It is bet­ter to pur­chase machines that pro­vide the pos­si­bil­i­ty of par­tial load­ing.
  5. Requires human inter­ven­tion, care and main­te­nance. Before load­ing, you need to clean off the rem­nants of food, and some­times rinse the dish­es. In addi­tion, any equip­ment needs main­te­nance, and there may be a need for ser­vice.
  6. The qual­i­ty of wash­ing and rins­ing. In the reviews, some users note that com­plex dirt and soot are poor­ly washed, and the dish­es are not rinsed com­plete­ly from the rem­nants of the prod­uct. But this item depends more on the mod­el and qual­i­ty of the equip­ment.

How to choose a dishwasher by type of installation

There are sev­er­al types of dish­wash­ers accord­ing to the instal­la­tion method:

  • free­stand­ing;
  • embed­ded;
  • desk­top.

Let’s talk about each type in more detail.

Freestanding PMM

This tech­nique can be placed any­where in the kitchen.

Such machines have their advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages.

Pros: Minus­es:
  • there is no bind­ing to a spe­cif­ic place;
  • the cost is low­er than that of embed­ded devices;
  • easy access for repair and main­te­nance.
  • appear­ance vio­lates the over­all style of the kitchen;
  • a lot of space is required.


Embedded Models

Such machines can be ful­ly inte­grat­ed under the coun­ter­top and hid­den behind the front door of the head­set. At the same time, the con­trol pan­el is also hid­den, and is vis­i­ble only when the PMM is opened.

Par­tial embed­ding is also pos­si­ble, when only the con­trol pan­el remains vis­i­ble.

Pros: Minus­es:
  • does not spoil the inte­ri­or design of the kitchen;
  • greater com­pact­ness than stand-alone machines.
  • bind­ing to a place;
  • the cost is high­er than that of free­stand­ing;
  • dif­fi­cult access for repair and main­te­nance.

Tabletop dishwashers

These options are con­ve­nient for those who do not have a lot of free space, and are suit­able for even the small­est kitchen.

You can place them on a table or any oth­er sur­face.

Pros: Minus­es:
  • com­pact­ness;
  • afford­able price;
  • maneu­ver­abil­i­ty;
  • the pos­si­bil­i­ty of embed­ding.
  • small capac­i­ty of dish­es (max­i­mum 4 sets);
  • not suit­able for wash­ing over­all dish­es and bak­ing sheets;
  • inef­fi­cien­cy.


PMM dimensions

Accord­ing to the over­all dimen­sions, PMMs are: full-size, nar­row and com­pact (desk­top).

Full size dishwashers

Stan­dard PMM have the fol­low­ing dimen­sions: 60 cm wide, 60 cm deep and 85 cm high.

This tech­nique simul­ta­ne­ous­ly accom­mo­dates a lot of dish­es: up to 16 sets. A good option for a large fam­i­ly.

Also, these machines are suit­able for medi­um or small fam­i­lies, but sub­ject to fre­quent recep­tions.

Narrow PMM

Their dimen­sions dif­fer from the stan­dard in width.

Their width is 45 cm, while the depth is 60 cm, and the height is still the same 85 cm.

It is good to pur­chase mod­els with adjustable legs. Then the height para­me­ter of the machine will change up or down. This is espe­cial­ly impor­tant when appli­ances are built in, adjust­ing to the height of the coun­ter­top.

Such kitchen helpers are suit­able for small and medi­um-sized fam­i­lies, accom­mo­dat­ing about 9–10 sets of dish­es when loaded.


Compact (desktop) options

The dimen­sions of these com­pact devices are as fol­lows: the height is about 45 cm, the width is from 50 to 55 cm, and the depth is usu­al­ly 45–50 cm.

The para­me­ters of this type of device may vary slight­ly for dif­fer­ent mod­els.

They are suit­able for sin­gle peo­ple or very small fam­i­lies, and usu­al­ly con­tain a max­i­mum of 4–5 sets of dish­es.

How to decide on the size

When choos­ing the size of the PMM, it is impor­tant to take into account its capac­i­ty, the inter­nal arrange­ment of the com­part­ments, as well as the size of the fam­i­ly, the vol­ume of dish­es for dai­ly wash­ing and house­hold habits regard­ing wash­ing dish­es.


This para­me­ter is char­ac­ter­ized by the num­ber of place set­tings that can be loaded into the machine at a time.

One set is con­sid­ered to be a set of dish­es per per­son of 4 plates (sal­ad, soup, for the sec­ond course and bread), a mug or glass, a cup or saucer for dessert, 2 forks and 2 spoons, a knife.

At the same time, it is impor­tant to remem­ber that you have to wash not only, and not even so much, plates, but also pans, and pots with lids, duck­lings, addi­tion­al ladles, etc. So, load­ing a fry­ing pan and a pair of pots, along with their lids, “steals” at least 3–4 sets from the declared num­ber of sets.

Capac­i­ty direct­ly depends on the dimen­sions. The most com­pact desk­top “dish­wash­ers” allow you to load a max­i­mum of 4 sets, nar­row — up to 10 sets, and full-size — up to 16.



The most uncom­pli­cat­ed inter­nal arrange­ment of com­part­ments for com­pact dish­wash­ers. Usu­al­ly they are equipped with one pull-out bas­ket, inside of which there is anoth­er small bas­ket for cut­lery.

And nar­row and full-sized “dish­wash­ers” are arranged inside the same way. They can have 2 options for lay­out and loca­tion of com­part­ments: clas­sic and mod­ern.

With the first type, there can be 2 bas­kets inside, the low­er of which is designed for over­all dish­es, and the upper one for small­er dish­es. In addi­tion, a small bas­ket for ver­ti­cal wash­ing of cut­lery is addi­tion­al­ly insert­ed into the low­er bas­ket.

With a mod­ern type of exe­cu­tion of the inter­nal lay­out of the PMM, it has 2 bas­kets and 1 upper tray for hor­i­zon­tal wash­ing of appli­ances. As for the bas­kets, large dish­es are also fold­ed into the low­er com­part­ment, and small­er ones are placed in the mid­dle one.

In mod­els with a top cut­lery tray, they are washed bet­ter. But this com­part­ment takes up use­ful space, as a result of which it becomes more dif­fi­cult to place large dish­es in the low­er bas­ket.

What is important when choosing the size of the PMM

It is nec­es­sary to take into account the lim­it of free space that will be allo­cat­ed for the instal­la­tion of the “dish­wash­er” and its dimen­sions.

Capac­i­ty should be select­ed based on the cal­cu­la­tion of the nec­es­sary dish­es for the fam­i­ly. The larg­er the fam­i­ly, the more spa­cious PMM will be required. Sin­gles and cou­ples can pay atten­tion to desk­top devices.

The choice of equip­ment sizes is also deter­mined by the habits of fam­i­ly mem­bers. To For exam­ple, if the aver­age fam­i­ly is accus­tomed to wash­ing dish­es fre­quent­ly, rather than accu­mu­lat­ing them, buy­ing the largest “dish­wash­ers” is not worth it.

If the house­hold calm­ly reacts to the need to save kitchen uten­sils until the machine is ful­ly loaded, the over­all option is suit­able.

Important Features

Impor­tant para­me­ters when choos­ing a dish­wash­er are: ener­gy class­es, wash­ing and dry­ing, as well as water con­sump­tion.

Usu­al­ly all these cri­te­ria in the form of let­ters are placed on a stick­er in the back of the vehi­cle.

Energy classes

The ener­gy effi­cien­cy class (or ener­gy effi­cien­cy class) deter­mines how eco­nom­i­cal the device’s pow­er con­sump­tion will be.

There are only 7 of them: AG. But they sell and buy main­ly cars of class­es A‑C, they are more eco­nom­i­cal.

And the most eco­nom­i­cal tech­nique is PMM with assigned class­es A +, A ++, A +++. They are more expen­sive than oth­ers, but in oper­a­tion they pay off quite well.

A‑class appli­ances con­sume an aver­age of 0.8 to 1.05 kW per wash cycle, B‑class appli­ances from 1.06 to 1.09 kW, and C‑class appli­ances from 1.1 to 1.49 kW.

You can use pow­er more ratio­nal­ly if you pur­chase a machine with a par­tial load func­tion. This will help reduce costs by 20–30%. Plus, with such a load, water is also saved.


Water consumption

Water con­sump­tion fig­ures are also a con­cern for dish­wash­er buy­ers, for obvi­ous rea­sons. How­ev­er, fears are in vain: any “dish­wash­er” con­sumes much less water when wash­ing than it would be spent with a man­u­al method of wash­ing the same amount of dish­es.

Water con­sump­tion is also marked with AG class­es, but low class­es may not be found on sale.

Accord­ing to con­sump­tion cat­e­gories, PMMs are eco­nom­i­cal (up to 14–15 liters per cycle), medi­um-eco­nom­ic (up to 17–20 liters) and uneco­nom­i­cal (more than 20–25 liters).

Eco­nom­ic con­sump­tion depends not only on the mod­el and char­ac­ter­is­tics of the PMM, but also on its capac­i­ty. Com­pact desk­top mod­els spend only up to 9 liters of water, nar­row — about 10, full-size — about 14.

Wash class

This cri­te­ri­on deter­mines the degree of clean­li­ness of the dish­es at the exit of the PMM, as well as how suc­cess­ful­ly the machine copes with heavy soil­ing.

Marked with Eng­lish let­ters AG. But only class­es A and B can be found on sale, low­er ones are almost nev­er pro­duced.

Class A machines per­fect­ly wash dish­es, while B‑class appli­ances leave minor dirt with a total area of ​​​​approx­i­mate­ly 4 mm.

There are also devices of class­es A +, A++, A+++. But they are need­ed rather for pro­fes­sion­al needs, where the strictest require­ments are imposed on the clean­li­ness of dish­es. And for the house quite enough A‑class.


Drying class

This item shows how suc­cess­ful­ly the dish­es will dry in the PMM, whether there will be resid­ual mois­ture, splash­es and stains on it.

On sale you can find “dish­wash­ers” with 3 vari­eties of dry­ing class­es, which are indi­cat­ed by let­ter mark­ings A, B and C.

Class A means that the dish­es are per­fect­ly dried with­out mois­ture residue. B indi­cates that a cou­ple of drops of mois­ture is pos­si­ble. And with class C, the dish­es will leave the machine quite damp.

It is worth not­ing that the high­er the dry­ing class, the high­er the cost of PMM.

How to choose the main programs

When choos­ing, it is impor­tant to pay atten­tion to the fact that at least the most nec­es­sary basic wash­ing pro­grams are pro­vid­ed in the PMM.

Let’s con­sid­er them in more detail.

Washing heavily soiled dishes (or intensive wash)

The mode is suit­able for wash­ing bak­ing sheets, pots, pans and oth­er heav­i­ly soiled dish­es.

The pro­gram pro­vides for strong heat­ing up to 75 ℃. Wash­ing takes a long time, it can go up to 3 hours. Some­times this mode pro­vides for pre-soak­ing dirty dish­es.

Such wash­ing can­not be called eco­nom­i­cal in terms of water con­sump­tion and ener­gy con­sump­tion. But with­out it you can not do with severe pol­lu­tion.

standard wash

Such a sink is designed for every­day wash­ing of dish­es with­out chron­ic and strong pol­lu­tion.

Water usu­al­ly warms up to 55 ℃. FROMThe stan­dard cycle also takes a lot of time (1.5–3 hours).

The mode is quite prac­ti­cal in terms of ener­gy con­sump­tion and water con­sump­tion due to less heat­ing than with an inten­sive pro­gram.

Express car wash

This is a quick wash cycle that usu­al­ly does not take more than half an hour.

Wash­ing is done with not very hot water (about 45 ℃). The pro­gram of such wash­ing helps out in cas­es when you need to quick­ly refresh the dish­es, wash the dish­es with min­i­mal con­t­a­m­i­na­tion.

Due to the fact that the cycle is short, and the heat­ing is small, water and elec­tric­i­ty are spent lit­tle.

How­ev­er, the mode is not suit­able for heav­i­ly soiled dish­es.

Half load sink

This option is not avail­able on all PMMs. It allows you to wash dish­es with a par­tial load, which is espe­cial­ly impor­tant for those who do not want and are not used to sav­ing moun­tains of dish­es.

Par­tial load­ing is also used to save water and elec­tric­i­ty.


Additional functions

In addi­tion to the main pro­grams in the PMM, there may be addi­tion­al func­tions. Their avail­abil­i­ty and set varies depend­ing on the mod­el and price seg­ment.

Let’s con­sid­er the most com­mon.

Extra rinse

A use­ful option that allows you to repeat the rins­ing phase after the end of the wash­ing pro­gram.

With this, you can bet­ter process the dish­es with rinse aids, as well as thor­ough­ly wash all the rem­nants of deter­gents from them.

An addi­tion­al rinse after the main cycle can be repeat­ed even more than once.

Auto-opening of the door after the end of the cycle

Opens the door after wash­ing is fin­ished.

This helps to pre­vent the for­ma­tion of mold and fun­gus in the PMM, con­tributes to the com­plete dry­ing of dish­es and the wash­ing cham­ber from mois­ture residues, and pre­vents the appear­ance of an unpleas­ant odor from the machine.

Delicate mode

Designed for wash­ing items made of thin glass, porce­lain, valu­able frag­ile dish­es.

The mode pro­vides for wash­ing with a slight heat­ing of water. Ide­al for wash­ing glass­es.

Beam on the floor

This expen­sive fea­ture is designed for ful­ly built-in PMM mod­els.

It allows you to project a lumi­nous dot onto the floor, which lights up or goes out at the end of the wash. In a more com­plex design, a timer is dis­played on the floor, show­ing the time until the end of the cycle.

This option is need­ed so that users learn in time about the end of the PMM.



The dig­i­tal dis­play allows you to ful­ly con­trol the wash­ing process.

It dis­plays all the details of the wash cycle, the time until the end, error codes and much more.

Button lock

This is pro­tec­tion against chil­dren and acci­den­tal clicks.

If you pre-set the lock before the wash­ing cycle, then when you press the but­tons dur­ing oper­a­tion, they are blocked.

The option is not avail­able in all PMMs. You need to find out in advance about its avail­abil­i­ty in a par­tic­u­lar mod­el.

Leak protection

An indis­pens­able com­po­nent for the safe oper­a­tion of dish­wash­ers.

This func­tion detects the leak­age of water from the dish­wash­er and starts a chain of oper­a­tions to stop the water sup­ply.

auto mode

Such a pro­gram allows you to min­i­mize the par­tic­i­pa­tion of a per­son in the process of wash­ing dish­es.

The user sim­ply needs to indi­cate the degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion, and the machine will auto­mat­i­cal­ly select the wash­ing para­me­ters.

In more advanced ver­sions, you don’t even need to spec­i­fy any­thing: with the touch of a but­ton, auto­mat­ic sen­sors rec­og­nize the lev­el of dirt and reg­u­late the wash­ing process them­selves.

Quiet mode

Helps to reduce the noise of dish­wash­ers. Thanks to this, you can turn on the car even at night, and it will not dis­turb your sleep.

If a two-phase meter is installed, then the acqui­si­tion of a PMM with a qui­et mode is dou­bly jus­ti­fied. So you can pay less for the light, ful­ly get­ting enough sleep: there will be no noise from the sink.

Other additional options

In addi­tion to the above fea­tures, the PMM has a delayed start func­tion, an audi­ble alarm at the end of the cycle, soak­ing, a pro­gram for wash­ing baby dish­es, auto-detec­tion of water hard­ness and oth­er fea­tures.

As a rule, more expen­sive devices have more func­tion­al­i­ty.


What type of drying is best

Dry­ing in dish­wash­ers can be imple­ment­ed in dif­fer­ent ways. Each type of dry­ing has its pros and cons, fea­tures.


This tech­nique is based on the phe­nom­e­non of con­den­sa­tion. The water on the dish­es turns into con­den­sate on the walls of the wash­ing cham­ber, which sinks down.

This type of dry­ing refers to bud­get options. And the dis­ad­van­tages of “dish­wash­ers” with con­den­sa­tion dry­ing are: a long dry­ing time for dish­es, the pos­si­ble pres­ence of traces of resid­ual mois­ture on the dish­es dried in this way.

Appa­ra­tus­es with con­den­sa­tion dry­ing are suit­able for those who are not embar­rassed by the dura­tion of the process, and also for those who do not make demands on the impec­ca­ble dry­ness of dish­es.


Anoth­er name is active con­den­sa­tion. Water from the dish­es also con­dens­es on the walls of the PMM, but plus the dish­es are blown by a fan.

These are more advanced devices than just con­denser mod­els. Such dry­ing is faster, and the result is more pleas­ing than the pos­si­bil­i­ty of sim­ple con­den­sa­tion.

Ven­ti­lat­ed dish­wash­ers are good for those who are look­ing for qual­i­ty at an attrac­tive price.

Turbo dryer

Oth­er names — con­vec­tive, con­vec­tion. This dry­ing tech­nol­o­gy is more expen­sive, com­plex and advanced than oth­er types.

Dry­ing of the dish­es is due to the hot blow­ing of a fan with a heat­ing ele­ment. There­fore, the process is accel­er­at­ed, which is a big plus of this method. Dish­es exit with­out resid­ual mois­ture.

But not with­out draw­backs: PMM with such dry­ing are more expen­sive, and the process itself is quite ener­gy-inten­sive.

Tur­bo-dry­ing dish­wash­ers are suit­able for those who val­ue the effi­cien­cy and speed of dry­ing dish­es, and those who are not embar­rassed by the high­er price of such machines, as well as ener­gy con­sump­tion.


Which company to choose: TOP 5 best dishwashers by price / quality for 2022–2023

To make it eas­i­er to make a choice, for exam­ple, we will present an overview of the 5 best PMMs in terms of price / qual­i­ty ratio for 2022–2023.

Electrolux EES 948300 L


The built-in dish­wash­er of the emi­nent Swedish brand def­i­nite­ly deserves atten­tion. With stan­dard dimen­sions, it is com­pact­ly hid­den behind the facade pan­el, with­out vio­lat­ing the style of the inte­ri­or. Adjustable legs allow it to com­fort­ably adjust to the height of the table­top.

With the exist­ing set of char­ac­ter­is­tics, the price of the car is quite jus­ti­fied and rea­son­able. And intu­itive one-touch con­trols with Quick­S­e­lect tech­nol­o­gy make dish­wash­ing fan­tas­ti­cal­ly easy.

The wash­ing cham­ber with con­ve­nient com­part­ments is designed for 14 sets of dish­es. In addi­tion to the main 8 wash­ing pro­grams, there are modes of inten­sive wash­ing and del­i­cate glass wash­ing. These options, com­bined with air dry­ing tech­nol­o­gy, pro­vide a per­fect­ly clean and dry result.

And the pro­jec­tion of a two-col­or beam on the floor will tell you in time about the com­ple­tion of the cycle.

Bosch SMV25EX03R


The Ger­man brand can right­ly be proud of this cre­ation. The ful­ly built-in mod­el hides behind a head­set, and the beam on the floor tech­nol­o­gy allows you to track the stages of wash­ing.

The price of this mod­el, tak­ing into account all the options, is more than attrac­tive.

There are 5 wash­ing pro­grams, includ­ing night, auto­mat­ic, eco­nom­i­cal, inten­sive and hourly.

The max­i­mum load is 13 sets, while the inte­ri­or of the wash­ing cham­ber is opti­mized accord­ing to the user’s wish­es. This is achieved by the Rack­mat­ic sys­tem, which pro­vides height adjust­ment of the upper com­part­ment.

Addi­tion­al­ly, there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a half load. This will allow you not to accu­mu­late dirty dish­es, while sav­ing water and elec­tric­i­ty.

The safe­ty para­me­ters are also on top: this is glass pro­tec­tion tech­nol­o­gy, and a safe­ty valve, and a closed leak pro­tec­tion sys­tem. This is safe­ty and qual­i­ty of wash­ing in a suc­cess­ful tan­dem.

Weissgauff BDW 4543 D


This built-in nar­row mod­el dif­fers in com­pact­ness and prof­itabil­i­ty. And the AquaStop tech­nol­o­gy, which pro­tects against leaks, allows you to be sure of its safe­ty.

Water con­sump­tion is only 9L per cycle with a capac­i­ty of 9 sets.

A fair­ly exten­sive list of pro­grams is pre­sent­ed, among which, in addi­tion to the main ones, there is a del­i­cate mode, an auto pro­gram, and the pos­si­bil­i­ty of incom­plete load­ing is also pro­vid­ed. The mid­dle bas­ket can be adjust­ed in height even when the machine is loaded, which allows effi­cient use of the entire sink space.

There is a con­ve­nient dis­play, the con­trol is com­plete­ly elec­tron­ic. And the option of reload­ing will allow you not to for­get any­thing and main­tain per­fect clean­li­ness in the kitchen with­out any has­sle.

Candy CDCP 6/E


This com­pact desk­top mod­el is sim­ply indis­pens­able for a small fam­i­ly. You can load up to 6 sets of dish­es into it, and the water con­sump­tion will be only 6.5 liters per cycle.

Thanks to its mod­est dimen­sions, there is a place for it even in the small­est kitchen.

At the same time, it has elec­tron­ic con­trol, eco­nom­i­cal ener­gy con­sump­tion and high effi­cien­cy class­es for wash­ing and dry­ing dish­es.

And its price will make it eas­i­er to work in the kitchen for those who can­not yet afford a full-size PMM.

Beko DIS 25010


Nar­row and com­pact ver­sion of embed­ded tech­nol­o­gy.

Despite this, it holds up to 10 place set­tings, and is char­ac­ter­ized by eco­nom­i­cal ener­gy con­sump­tion (A +). Dry­ing type — con­dens­ing. Machine con­trol is elec­tron­ic.

The mod­el is equipped with “Beam on the floor” tech­nol­o­gy. Full pro­tec­tion against leaks is pro­vid­ed. There are indi­ca­tors for the pres­ence of salt and rinse aid, and the bas­ket for dish­es is adjustable in height.

2 years war­ran­ty and ser­vice are giv­en.

A short checklist for choosing a dishwasher

So, let’s sum up.

Here are the para­me­ters that you need to pay atten­tion to when choos­ing a PMM:

  • It is impor­tant to con­sid­er the dimen­sions of the dish­wash­er and the lim­it of free space for it.
  • The num­ber of fam­i­ly mem­bers, as well as house­keep­ing habits, is of deci­sive impor­tance when choos­ing. Roomy over­all mod­els are best pur­chased for large fam­i­lies, or for those who can safe­ly save dish­es until they are ful­ly loaded. In a dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tion, it is bet­ter to look at the PMM of a small­er capac­i­ty.
  • It is impor­tant to pay atten­tion to the main and addi­tion­al pro­grams and clear­ly under­stand what is use­ful and what is not, so as not to over­pay for extra func­tion­al­i­ty.
  • To save elec­tric­i­ty, you need to look at the ener­gy effi­cien­cy class: so that it is from A and above.
  • The qual­i­ty of wash­ing and dry­ing will deter­mine the wash­ing and dry­ing class­es, as well as the type of dry­ing in the machine.
  • Some func­tions, such as par­tial load­ing, allow you to sig­nif­i­cant­ly save resources and at the same time have full-fledged capa­cious equip­ment in case of need.

Useful video

How to choose a dish­wash­er, see the video:






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