How to make cappuccino in a coffee machine: recipe, video. How to make foam?


Ques­tion: how to make cap­puc­ci­no in a cof­fee machine wor­ries a lot of peo­ple. Even for pro­fes­sion­al baris­tas, this drink remains quite dif­fi­cult to pre­pare — in order to get a soft, but at the same time bright and bal­anced taste, you need to train for more than one month. In today’s arti­cle, we will look at what a cap­puc­ci­no is, how to make cap­puc­ci­no in a cof­fee machine, as well as the fea­tures of the machines for mak­ing this cof­fee drink.

The difference between cappuccino and other drinks

There is a sig­nif­i­cant dif­fer­ence between cap­puc­ci­no, lat­te, mocha and oth­er drinks. So, the serv­ing method is dif­fer­ent — the aver­age capac­i­ty of a cap­puc­ci­no cup is 180 ml, while the vol­ume of a lat­te or mocha cup is at least 240 ml. The dif­fer­ence also lies in the type of foam — in cap­puc­ci­no it is denser and thick­er, in oth­er cof­fee drinks it is lighter. And of course, the main dif­fer­ence between cap­puc­ci­no and oth­er cof­fee-based drinks is the strength and taste. For exam­ple, lat­te and mocha have a smooth and mild taste, cof­fee is almost not felt. Cap­puc­ci­no, on the oth­er hand, has a brighter cof­fee fla­vor due to a shot of espres­so.

Types of coffee

What characteristics should a cappuccino coffee machine have?

We have come to the main ques­tion: how to pre­pare cap­puc­ci­no in a cof­fee machine? First of all, the cof­fee machine must meet cer­tain require­ments nec­es­sary for mak­ing a drink.

Note that the result does not depend on whether Sae­co or Bosch will be used, but on the tech­ni­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics and skills of the per­son. We rec­om­mend that you pay atten­tion to the fol­low­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics:

  1. Device type. There are auto­mat­ic and semi-auto­mat­ic cof­fee machines, which dif­fer in how they work. The first type is the most com­mon: all oper­a­tions are car­ried out auto­mat­i­cal­ly, the user only needs to sub­sti­tute a mug to serve cof­fee — the ques­tion of how to make cap­puc­ci­no at home dis­ap­pears by itself. “Semi-auto­mat­ic” are pro­fes­sion­al devices that are often used by baris­tas. The prepa­ra­tion process is sev­er­al times more com­pli­cat­ed (at first) than work­ing with automa­tion, but the result is a much tasti­er and more aro­mat­ic cap­puc­ci­no.
  2. Cap­puc­ci­na­tore type. Cap­puc­ci­na­tore — a device for froth­ing milk into foam. There are auto­mat­ic mod­els (most often they come as part of auto­mat­ic cof­fee machines), there are man­u­al mod­els. In the first case, the pro­gram will whip the milk itself to the required con­di­tion — you only need to sub­sti­tute a con­tain­er for receiv­ing milk. In the sec­ond case, the milk is whipped by hand, using a jet of steam from the cap­puc­ci­na­tore. We con­sid­er the sec­ond method to be prefer­able.
  3. Pos­si­bil­i­ty of warm­ing mugs. When won­der­ing how to make a cap­puc­ci­no in a cof­fee machine, remem­ber: the mugs must be warmed up before serv­ing the drink. To do this, the upper part of some devices is spe­cial­ly warmed up so that mugs can be placed on them.

Above, we have named the basic rules, and the vol­umes, num­ber of posts and pow­er of the cof­fee machine do not affect the qual­i­ty of the final prod­uct.

Rules for making cappuccino

If you have an auto­mat­ic machine, then prepar­ing a cap­puc­ci­no takes one oper­a­tion: select the desired mode on the machine, press the but­ton and get the drink ready. For those who are inter­est­ed in how to make cof­fee on a semi-auto­mat­ic machine, we have made the fol­low­ing instruc­tions:

  1. Pre­pare a mug in advance in which you will pour cof­fee. To do this, heat it to medi­um tem­per­a­ture (so that it is warm, but not hot).
  2. Place the ground cof­fee from the grinder (or ready ground cof­fee) into the hold­er. The val­ue of one book­mark must be equal in height to the height of the hold­er’s con­tain­er.
  3. Gen­tly com­press the cof­fee in the hold­er. Note: the press should lie down at an angle of 90 degrees, the cof­fee tab itself should be uni­form (do not exfo­li­ate, do not crum­ble).
  4. The hold­er is installed on the post, the cof­fee machine turns on. A por­tion of espres­so com­ing out from under the post should be poured into a pre-pre­pared mug.
  5. At the same time, pre­pare the milk. The first ques­tion at this stage is: what kind of milk is suit­able for cap­puc­ci­no and how to brew it? The answer is sim­ple: choose based on your own inter­ests. The most com­mon­ly used milk is 1% fat. Milk is best tak­en at room tem­per­a­ture.
  6. The next ques­tion is how to whip milk for cap­puc­ci­no in a cof­fee machine? To do this, you need to take a good milk jug (stan­dard vol­ume — 300 ml), fill it 3/4 with milk. After that, we check the sup­ply of steam in the cap­puc­ci­na­tore. Is the pres­sure good? Then turn on the cap­puc­ci­na­tore and bring the milk jug under the cap­puc­ci­na­tore at an angle of 45 degrees. Impor­tant: the cap­puc­ci­na­tore should be immersed in milk no more than 2.5–3 cm. With smooth move­ments, the milk is whipped until foam is formed.
  7. The frothed milk is poured into a mug, where the espres­so is already locat­ed.

Rec­om­men­da­tion: how to make cap­puc­ci­no foam dense enough. To do this, it is nec­es­sary to sup­ply steam at low pres­sure and keep the milk jug until it is hot. In order to make the foam more airy, it is nec­es­sary to sup­ply steam at high pres­sure and peri­od­i­cal­ly change the depth of immer­sion of the cap­puc­ci­na­tore into milk.

For an illus­tra­tive exam­ple, we rec­om­mend that you famil­iar­ize your­self with the video with a detailed con­sid­er­a­tion of a num­ber of issues, includ­ing how to make cap­puc­ci­no foam:

If you know how to make a cap­puc­ci­no cor­rect­ly, this does not mean that the first time you will get a good drink that must meet the fol­low­ing require­ments (estab­lished in many coun­tries of the world):

  • The foam should be dense, with­out large air bub­bles. The size of the bub­bles on the foam is uni­form, no more than 2–3 mm.
  • The height of the foam must be at least 1/3 of the height of the cup in which the cap­puc­ci­no is poured.
  • The col­or of the cof­fee should be brick beige, while the drink should have a smooth taste and not be bit­ter.

You already know how to make cap­puc­ci­no in accor­dance with the gen­er­al tech­nol­o­gy, but for the for­ma­tion of the per­fect taste, we will give the fol­low­ing rec­om­men­da­tion: try to use only Ara­bi­ca, and choose it based on your own tastes. So, Ethiopi­an cof­fee vari­eties have a pro­nounced nut­ty hue, Kenyan vari­eties have a slight sour­ness, vari­eties from Cen­tral Amer­i­ca have a more tart and strong taste.

cappuccino recipes

How to make cap­puc­ci­no in a spe­cial machine accord­ing to var­i­ous recipes? Note that there are no recipes for how to make cap­puc­ci­no cof­fee at home — above we described the only cook­ing option that is a clas­sic tech­nol­o­gy. Despite this, the prepa­ra­tion of cap­puc­ci­no in a cof­fee machine pro­vides for many vari­a­tions that will have dif­fer­ent tastes. So, it is per­mis­si­ble to add var­i­ous syrups and fla­vors to cap­puc­ci­no: cream, caramel, cin­na­mon, coconut, choco­late, etc.

Note that the spe­cif­ic recipe (and the amount of addi­tions) depends on the per­son who made the cap­puc­ci­no. Stan­dard — no more than 10 ml of syrups per 250 ml mug (syrup should not inter­rupt the taste of cof­fee), adding cin­na­mon, grat­ed choco­late or caramel depends on per­son­al pref­er­ence.





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