How to use the dishwasher: the first start, the choice of detergent, the loading of dishes


After pur­chas­ing a dish­wash­ing device, the ques­tion aris­es of its oper­a­tion. How to use the dish­wash­er to extend its life? What needs to be done so that she does her job flaw­less­ly? Let’s fig­ure it out.

First start

It is of great impor­tance — how you spend it, such a start and give the car for fur­ther work. It is impor­tant to start the device and let it start wash­ing accord­ing to the instruc­tions. Things to remem­ber:

  • the machine must not be start­ed if it is dam­aged after trans­port or if it is not lev­el;
  • the first start should be car­ried out with­out dish­es, emp­ty;
  • do not for­get to pour water into a spe­cial con­tain­er for ion­ic salt, about 1 liter;
  • select the medi­um tem­per­a­ture set­ting and the short­est time pro­gram.

After the first wash, salt must be added to the ion exchang­er. Water dis­placed by the agent can pour out of it. This is fine. Most often, a kilo­gram falls asleep imme­di­ate­ly or in accor­dance with the attached instruc­tions for a par­tic­u­lar mod­el.

Starting the dishwasher

Rules for loading dishes

How to use the dish­wash­er? Here the way the plates and glass­es are laid out inside the device plays a role. There are cer­tain rules:

  • start fill­ing the machine from the bot­tom bas­ket;
  • in the pres­ence of large objects, you can remove the stand from below;
  • small­er plates, glass­es, glass­es, cups, cut­lery (forks, spoons, knives), etc. are placed on top;
  • the biggest things are placed down — pots, pans, large plates, etc .;
  • there must be some dis­tance between the dish­es so that a jet of water can clean the sur­faces;
  • all dish­es are installed upside down;
  • if in one cycle of the pro­gram objects are fold­ed that can eas­i­ly break with those that are more sta­ble — choose a pro­gram with a low­er tem­per­a­ture regime;
  • small items (hold­ers, lids, stop­pers) should be placed in spe­cial com­part­ments or in com­part­ments for forks and spoons.

Rules for loading dishes

Rinse any heavy residue before plac­ing plates and cups in the machine. This will not only save ener­gy, but also reduce the con­sump­tion of deter­gents.

How to choose a program

Mod­els, as well as the list of pro­grams used in them, may vary. We list the most com­mon ones.

Pre-wash or soak

It is used when it is nec­es­sary to soak stuck or burnt food residues or fill dish­es with water that grad­u­al­ly fill the machine until the main pro­gram is start­ed. In addi­tion, in this mode, it is pos­si­ble to rinse the dish­es before serv­ing.

high inten­si­ty wash

This pro­gram allows you to wash the most per­sis­tent dirt. It is car­ried out at a tem­per­a­ture of 65–70 ° C.

Be care­ful when open­ing the door after the wash­ing cycle is com­plet­ed — hot steam comes out of the machine.

Stan­dard or nor­mal wash

Choose it to clean dish­es from medi­um to high resis­tance stains. This type of wash­ing is the most com­mon­ly used.

Econ­o­my or eco-wash

Can be used for all degrees of pol­lu­tion. The pro­gram will not cope only with the strongest. But it is dis­tin­guished by a reduced con­sump­tion of elec­tri­cal ener­gy, water and deter­gents. It can be used to clean porce­lain and faience prod­ucts.

Del­i­cate wash

In this mode, you can safe­ly clean all frag­ile items: glass, porce­lain, crys­tal, etc. The tem­per­a­ture regime is very gen­tle — 45 ° C and there­fore does not wash off fat­ty and high-grade dirt.

Quick wash

Two times short­er than the stan­dard cycle. It is car­ried out at 55°C and does not soak and dry washed dish­es. Do not have time to wash the dish­es in which the rem­nants of food have already dried up.

Unload the machine start­ing from the bot­tom shelf.

Detergent tips

The next step in answer­ing the ques­tion of how to prop­er­ly use the dish­wash­er is the selec­tion of funds. As you know, stan­dard clean­ing solu­tions are com­plete­ly unsuit­able here. Man­u­fac­tur­ers pro­duce spe­cial­ized for­mu­la­tions:

  • pow­der type;
  • tablet;
  • gel.

The list­ed prod­ucts do an excel­lent job of clean­ing dish­es from food debris, grease and oth­er con­t­a­m­i­nants. In addi­tion to them, it is nec­es­sary to use salts to soft­en water hard­ness. It pre­vents the for­ma­tion of scale, salt and min­er­al deposits on machine parts. The amount of salt depends on the hard­ness of the water, which you can find out either in spe­cial­ized ser­vices or mea­sure it using the instru­ments built into the machine. But this func­tion depends on the machine mod­el.

Read also:

Additional funds

Puri­fi­er. The inside of the machine also needs to be cleaned from accu­mu­lat­ed deposits. It is per­formed every six months — 8 months with the help of a spe­cial com­po­si­tion. It is based on poly­car­boxy­late and oth­er active sub­stances. The prod­uct is suit­able not only for dish­wash­ers, but also for wash­ing machines.

Most often, clean­ers are pro­duced in the form of a gel. To use it, open the cap of the bot­tle accord­ing to the instruc­tions (you do not need to unscrew it) and place it upside down in the upper bas­ket for dish­es or cut­lery. Run the machine for one rep­e­ti­tion of the pro­gram with­out dish­es at a tem­per­a­ture of at least 65°C.

Among the well-known man­u­fac­tur­ers: Fin­ish, Somat, Fil­tero, Sano, Uni­plus.

rinse aid. This tool per­fect­ly helps to cope with the appear­ance of stains, stains and drops on the dish­es dur­ing the dry­ing process, and also saves trans­par­ent objects from grad­ual cloud­ing. Some mod­els them­selves reg­u­late the amount of rinse aid depend­ing on the select­ed wash­ing mode. For exam­ple, Aqua Sen­sor Bosh is one of these crafts­men.

The agent is added with each wash and is con­sumed by the machine in the last rinse. Try Frosch, Meine Liebe, Fin­ish, Luxus, Sodasan.

Shiny dishwasher

Fresh­en­er. Anoth­er addi­tion­al tool for achiev­ing the best dish­wash­ing result. Helps elim­i­nate pos­si­ble unpleas­ant odors on dish­es and inside the machine.

The leader is the Pol­ish man­u­fac­tur­er Fin­ish for the dish­wash­er. In his line you can find all the nec­es­sary tools. You can also pur­chase Frisch-aktiv.

What is the best tool to use?

Many com­pa­nies that man­u­fac­ture dish­wash­er prod­ucts have begun to pro­duce tablets from sev­er­al lay­ers, includ­ing deter­gent, rinse aid, fresh­en­er and oth­er addi­tives at once. For exam­ple, Fin­ish, Somat, Clean & Fresh tablets. It turned out to be con­ve­nient, and there was no dif­fer­ence in the result when using the com­plex of funds or sep­a­rate­ly. Dry prod­ucts are suit­able for all machines of well-known man­u­fac­tur­ers such as Beco, Aris­ton, Elec­trolux, Hansa, Siemens and oth­ers.

Do not use a con­ven­tion­al clean­er like Fairy — due to the cre­ation of abun­dant foam and the absence of sub­stances that allow food to slide off the sur­face of the plates more eas­i­ly and quick­ly, you can dam­age the machine.

Many house­wives like the use of the gel, but not all mod­els have the pos­si­bil­i­ty of using it. In addi­tion to deter­gents, the com­po­si­tion of the prod­uct includes com­po­nents that soft­en water and pre­vent the for­ma­tion of scale. Also con­ve­nient are tablets in a gel case, inside of which there is a pow­der. Con­sid­er­ing that the tablets do not always have time to dis­solve dur­ing the wash­ing cycle (if the short or eco option is cho­sen), such forms of release of funds are con­sid­ered prefer­able.

What Not to Wash in the Dishwasher

Giv­en the impact of high tem­per­a­ture water at dif­fer­ent angles, it is for­bid­den to put into the device:

  • dish­es with no heat-resis­tant coat­ing;
  • objects, parts of which are con­nect­ed with glue;
  • dish­es made of steel prone to rust;
  • plas­tic items that are not labeled as heat resis­tant or machine wash­able;

This point applies to many sub­jects. Almost all mod­ern dish­es are pro­duced with sim­i­lar des­ig­na­tions.

  • wood­en objects, as well as from tin and cop­per;
  • dish­es with a hand-drawn pat­tern, as well as Gzhel and Khokhlo­ma;
  • the dish­wash­er can­not wash, so sponges, tow­els and oth­er things should not be fold­ed into it.

Do not for­get that house­hold appli­ances will last longer if you prop­er­ly care for the dish­wash­er.

Video clip on the correct operation of the machine

The sto­ry tells in great detail how to put items in the machine, how to choose a pro­gram and what tools are bet­ter to use using the mod­el from Elec­trolux as an exam­ple.

We hope that it has already become more clear how to use the dish­wash­er. As with any tech­nique, it is only impor­tant to fol­low the rules of oper­a­tion and then you will not have prob­lems with items that the device could not wash. With prop­er han­dling, the machine itself will serve faith­ful­ly.





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