Overview of the Leran CDW 55–067 WHITE dishwasher: specifications, pros / cons


The ultra-com­pact dish­wash­er from Ler­an is the best-sell­ing in many online stores (mean­ing, it is from this size). Inex­pen­sive, reli­able, with a basic list of sup­port­ed fea­tures. Cre­at­ed specif­i­cal­ly for those who have a min­i­mum of free space, but do not have time to wash dish­es on their own.

Functionality Leran CDW 55–067 WHITE

Ler­an CDW 55–067 WHITE pro­vides the fol­low­ing func­tion­al­i­ty:7852

  • 7 dish­wash­ing modes;
  • 4 options for water tem­per­a­ture;
  • deter­gents “3 in 1” are sup­port­ed;
  • dry­ing — con­dens­ing (adjustable);
  • there is pro­tec­tion against leaks;
  • a hold­er for glass­es is pro­vid­ed;
  • del­i­cate and inten­sive wash­ing;
  • con­trol is elec­tron­ic, but there is no dig­i­tal dis­play.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sum­ming up cus­tomer reviews, we can point out the fol­low­ing advan­tages of Ler­an CDW 55–067 WHITE:

  1. Quite inex­pen­sive. An option for those on a bud­get.
  2. Com­pact.
  3. One of the qui­etest among com­pact mod­els.
  4. Does not leave stains on glass, crys­tal.


  • no dis­play;
  • does not save water.

Specifications Leran CDW 55–067 WHITE

Spec­i­fi­ca­tions spec­i­fied by the man­u­fac­tur­er:

  1. Pow­er — up to 1380 watts.
  2. Water con­sump­tion — 7.5 liters per cycle.
  3. The dura­tion of wash­ing is 210 min­utes.
  4. Noise dur­ing oper­a­tion — up to 49 dB.
  5. Weight — 20 kilo­grams.



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