What is better mixer or blender? What is the difference between devices and which one to choose?


Resource­ful inven­tors of tech­nol­o­gy make life eas­i­er for house­wives with var­i­ous home helpers. Each kitchen has a tech­nique that, one way or anoth­er, is involved in cook­ing, reduc­ing the time spent and mak­ing food tasti­er: a microwave oven, an oven, a meat grinder, a dou­ble boil­er, a mix­er, a blender … It is the last two devices that cause many of their users or poten­tial buy­ers Some ques­tions.

For exam­ple, what is bet­ter to have on the farm, which device is def­i­nite­ly indis­pens­able, or is it nec­es­sary to pur­chase both at once? To com­pare their short­com­ings and con­ve­niences, to fig­ure out what is bet­ter for you to buy, a blender or a mix­er, we will be hap­py to help.


This kitchen appli­ance was invent­ed back in the 19th cen­tu­ry. Its pur­pose is to sim­pli­fy the process of mix­ing var­i­ous ingre­di­ents for house­wives and enrich the result­ing mass with air mol­e­cules as much as pos­si­ble. As a result, an airy, light and tasty dish is obtained from the nec­es­sary semi-fin­ished prod­uct, which could not be repro­duced by hand.


A mix­er on the farm is sim­ply not replace­able if you need to cook:

  • omelette;
  • cream from any ingre­di­ents;
  • sauce;
  • dough (both liq­uid and thick);
  • mousse;
  • may­on­naise.

It is also very easy to whip cream, egg foam and oth­er prod­ucts with a mix­er. The stan­dard equip­ment of the device is two whisks for whip­ping mouss­es, foam and creams and two noz­zles for mix­ing dough. Speed ​​con­trol and the abil­i­ty to eas­i­ly add com­po­nents dur­ing the mix­ing process allows you to cre­ate the cor­rect den­si­ty and con­sis­ten­cy of dough or cream.

When using a mix­er, some incon­ve­niences may occur, for exam­ple:

  • at a high mix­ing speed, droplets of the pre­pared mass can scat­ter and set­tle on near­by objects. In order to avoid this, you need to mix the ingre­di­ents in a deep con­tain­er, and it should be no more than 60% filled, and if the mass is liq­uid, then 30%;
  • dur­ing oper­a­tion, the device may vibrate and jump, but this prob­lem is eas­i­ly fixed; it is enough to use a rub­ber­ized stand for the con­tain­er in which the mix­ing takes place;
  • the use of this device requires con­stant super­vi­sion and man­u­al con­trol; it can­not work inde­pen­dent­ly;
  • hard ingre­di­ents (nuts, ice, apples, ice cream but­ter) can­not be han­dled by the mix­er, it is designed only for mix­ing and whip­ping soft and liq­uid ingre­di­ents.


A new­er inhab­i­tant of our kitchens, com­pared to a mix­er or a whisk, is a blender. Its func­tion is to thor­ough­ly grind and mix the com­po­nents you need into a homo­ge­neous mass. This device is equipped with sharp knives that can han­dle even the hard­est foods — ice, dried fruits, pears, choco­late, oat­meal, etc. — every­thing is with­in the reach of these won­der­ful knives. The longer you use the blender, the fin­er your prod­uct will be.


Dish­es that taste bet­ter if you cook them with a blender:

  • minced meat;
  • puree soup;
  • nut but­ter;
  • liv­er paste;
  • sour cream sauce with gar­lic and herbs.

A blender is a real find for young moth­ers: when it is time to start com­ple­men­tary foods, it ide­al­ly grinds any food into the most del­i­cate puree. Many ladies use it to grind hard ingre­di­ents while mak­ing home­made masks and scrubs.

What can be called the dis­ad­van­tage of this device? There is an opin­ion that when using a high speed, the knives heat up, respec­tive­ly, heat­ing the crushed prod­uct. This affects the nutri­tion­al val­ue of the lat­ter (this fact is espe­cial­ly true of raw veg­eta­bles and fruits).

The difference between appliances

Despite the pos­si­ble sim­i­lar­i­ty, these two devices are com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent in terms of the results of their work. The only thing they have in com­mon is the abil­i­ty to mix prod­ucts. Beat­ing the dough for pan­cakes will not work with a blender, just like mak­ing soft zuc­chi­ni puree with a mix­er. In the same way, mashed pota­toes on these two kitchen helpers will turn out dif­fer­ent­ly — a mix­er will make it soft and fluffy, and a blender will make it a sticky starch mass.

The inter­change­abil­i­ty of such a tech­nique is pos­si­ble only in one direc­tion: if the blender is equipped with addi­tion­al attach­ments (for exam­ple, a whisk), then you can beat pour­ing dough, scram­bled eggs or cream on a cake with it. The mix­er will either not cope with the tasks that are per­formed by the blender knives, or will per­form a small part of them.

If you need to make a cock­tail, you can use a mix­er or blender. But the dif­fer­ence in the result­ing drink will be obvi­ous: whip­ping a cock­tail with a blender, you will get a thick homo­ge­neous mass (when using ice, it will also be crushed), and the mix­er will leave fruit in pieces (which not every­one will like). There­fore, when the ques­tion is, what is the best way to whip a cock­tail, many will pre­fer a blender.

When you are going to beat the whites, the mix­er will make the per­fect airy foam out of them. As a mat­ter of fact, for this pur­pose it was orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed. Strong white, so that even a spoon is worth it, or just light bub­bles obtained from the egg-sug­ar mass — all this is dif­fi­cult to achieve using a blender.

As you already under­stood, it is impos­si­ble to say which tech­nique is bet­ter, because their func­tions are not the same. For pro­duc­tive work and max­i­mum unload­ing of the host­ess from kitchen wor­ries, of course, it is bet­ter to choose and pur­chase both of these devices.

What is the main dif­fer­ence between a mix­er and a blender, we fig­ured out. The video below will tell you what char­ac­ter­is­tics to choose for each device, what are their advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages, what is bet­ter to use for cock­tails, for baby food, what price should a func­tion­al device have, in which cas­es you can replace a mix­er with a blender and vice ver­sa.






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