How to lose weight fast for vacation — 2022


Sum­mer is the time for hol­i­days, it is dur­ing this peri­od of time that women try to get in shape. Even slen­der rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the fair sex, before head­ing to the sea, think: is the swim­suit sit­ting on them so well. How to quick­ly lose a cou­ple of extra pounds by elim­i­nat­ing some foods from your diet, nutri­tion­ist Inna Kononenko told 5‑

“It is best to exclude from your diet: kefir, ryazhen­kacot­tage cheese — these prod­ucts have a high insulin index, that is, they con­tribute to the fact that excess flu­id accu­mu­lates in the body, ” the expert empha­sized.

The nutri­tion­ist also not­ed that if you want to lose weight for the hol­i­days, it is bet­ter to give up fruits. It is bet­ter to replace bananas and apples with berries, now the store shelves are filled with straw­ber­ries and cher­ries.

“Fruits con­tain sucrose, glu­cose and fruc­tose, the last of the sug­ars is dan­ger­ous because, when it enters the liv­er, it caus­es a vio­la­tion of car­bo­hy­drate metab­o­lism, which con­tributes to the depo­si­tion of fat and an increase in blood sug­ar,” explained the nutri­tion­ist.

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The doc­tor also advised me to remove all bak­ery prod­ucts and pas­ta from my diet, even hard vari­eties, but cere­als can be left. A lit­tle buck­wheat or oat­meal, com­bined with eggs, a good source of pro­tein, will be the per­fect break­fast for los­ing weight.

In the rest of the meals, Kononenko rec­om­mend­ed includ­ing veg­eta­bles in com­bi­na­tion with lean fish, poul­try or meat. The nutri­tion­ist also stat­ed the need to get rid of the bad habit of snack­ing.

“Leave only three meals. Even if you drink cof­fee with milk, and even more so with sug­ar, or eat a hand­ful of nuts or an apple, this is also a meal. Instead of such snacks, it is bet­ter to eat well three times a day. Remem­ber that din­ner should be no lat­er than three hours before bed­time, and break­fast no lat­er than an hour after wak­ing up. the doc­tor explained.

Accord­ing to her, you should con­sume as many veg­eta­bles as pos­si­ble: toma­toes, cucum­bers, zuc­chi­ni, pep­pers. Stewed or fresh veg­eta­bles go well with steamed white fish, as well as lean poul­try and lean meats, the expert not­ed. The doc­tor also explained that you can arrange fast­ing days a cou­ple of times a week.

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Fast­ing days are not fast­ing days. Dur­ing this peri­od, you need to slight­ly reduce the num­ber of calo­ries con­sumed. Remem­ber that on fast­ing days you can’t sit on kefir or apples, ” explained the nutri­tion­ist.

The nutri­tion­ist also empha­sized that you can enrich your diet with the help of vit­a­mins and nutri­tion­al sup­ple­ments. She rec­om­mends drink­ing 3000–4000 mil­ligrams of Omega 3 — sat­u­rat­ed fats, of which the more in the body, the bet­ter the process of los­ing weight.

“Anoth­er use­ful sup­ple­ment will be Car­ni­tine — it car­ries fats to the place of their com­bus­tion. Car­ni­tine improves the work of mito­chon­dria — the ener­gy sta­tions of our cells, in which the process of burn­ing fats and car­bo­hy­drates. A good sup­ple­ment would be Coen­zyme Q10 and Mag­ne­sium.” — said Inna Kononenko.

Mag­ne­sium helps fight sug­ar crav­ings, accord­ing to Kononeko. Also, this microele­ment per­fect­ly fights stress, which means you will not jam your prob­lems with junk food and will final­ly be able to get rid of extra pounds in order to look gor­geous for the hol­i­days.







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