
Fit­ness bracelets are now at the peak of their pop­u­lar­i­ty. A bright, styl­ish watch can be seen on the wrist of many peo­ple who run, swim or just walk. How­ev­er, there are those who still do not under­stand what a fit­ness bracelet is and why it is need­ed. Let’s think?


The first oppor­tu­ni­ty that “elec­tron­ic smar­ties” open up for us is to learn more about our body. As a rule, it is dif­fi­cult to assess the regime of the day, nutri­tion and rest, with­out hav­ing exact num­bers. And wrist gad­gets, record­ing dai­ly activ­i­ty and sav­ing it in the form of graphs and sta­tis­tics, help to look at your lifestyle from a dif­fer­ent angle: based on accu­rate data, eval­u­ate not only dai­ly results, but also trends, and deduce pat­terns.

Moti­va­tion and dis­ci­pline

“Start­ing a new life from Mon­day” is prob­a­bly famil­iar with the sit­u­a­tion: that very Mon­day has come, train­ing and diet have begun, a cou­ple of weeks pass, or maybe a month, but out­ward­ly the results are not yet vis­i­ble. It seems that the efforts are in vain, and soon the train­ing and diet are aban­doned. It’s real­ly hard to force your­self to con­tin­ue if you don’t see what you’ve achieved.

How to see it? With the help of a smart bracelet, achieve­ments are vis­i­ble from the first day. And the fruits of every hour of train­ing, dai­ly results and their dynam­ics, pre­sent­ed visu­al­ly — this is the best moti­va­tion to move on. By ana­lyz­ing your sta­tis­tics, com­par­ing the results with the norm and the goals set, every­one will be able to adjust the mode of activ­i­ty, nutri­tion and rest.

Anoth­er rather pleas­ant “pro” plus “wrist assis­tants”: no need to waste time keep­ing a sports diary and count­ing calo­ries, the data is record­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly.


For those who are on a diet, top smart bracelets offer a con­ve­nient nutri­tion ana­lyt­ics sys­tem. Gone are the days of awk­ward calo­rie coun­ters where you need to enter ingre­di­ents and then write down the amounts. Now it is enough to select a dish from the cat­a­log or scan its bar­code, and your food diary will be filled with data on the caloric con­tent and nutri­tion­al val­ue of the food eat­en, and the appli­ca­tion will show how much the dai­ly require­ment is ful­filled.

Sound sleep and cheer­ful morn­ing

A smart bracelet will help you eval­u­ate the dura­tion and effec­tive­ness of sleep. But the main plus is that thanks to such a gad­get, you can ana­lyze which loads and food pre­vent you from sleep­ing sound­ly and calm­ly, and which ones con­tribute to good rest (after all, data on activ­i­ty and nutri­tion are also record­ed); mon­i­tor the effect of drugs; plan the dura­tion of rest and deter­mine the best time for sleep.

Fit­ness bracelet Smart Band 5 is no excep­tion. This is a new gen­er­a­tion mul­ti­func­tion­al fit­ness bracelet. It com­bines all the nec­es­sary func­tion­al­i­ty: noti­fi­ca­tions from a smart­phone with vibra­tion, music con­trol on a smart­phone, you can switch watch faces to your pref­er­ences, count steps, track sports, track sleep and heart rate, have use­ful appli­ca­tions like an alarm clock, stop­watch, timer, and so on. . All the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion is dis­played on an enlarged Amoled col­or dis­play with a diag­o­nal of 1.1. In addi­tion, you can sync the bracelet with your smart­phone to eas­i­ly view your activ­i­ty data in the Fit­Pro app for Android and iOS. Also see the name of the caller, reject or turn on silent mode, read mes­sages and receive oth­er noti­fi­ca­tions with­out tak­ing your smart­phone out of your pock­et.

In con­clu­sion, we can say that a fit­ness bracelet is a smart device that will be use­ful for both sex­es, all pro­fes­sions, as well as dif­fer­ent ages. They help to con­trol the state of the body, bet­ter under­stand how it works, join a healthy lifestyle.







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