How to remove unwanted fonts in Windows 10

How to remove unwanted fonts in Windows 10

Users add addi­tion­al fonts to the 10th oper­at­ing sys­tem for var­i­ous rea­sons: this may be due to the need to cre­ate a spe­cif­ic doc­u­ment or per­form a series of work with pho­tographs, for exam­ple. But at some point, the down­loaded ele­ments become irrel­e­vant, and they don’t dis­ap­pear any­where, that is, they sim­ply clog the oper­at­ing sys­tem. The ques­tion aris­es: how to remove fonts? Our experts will sug­gest the best way to solve the prob­lem.

How to remove unnecessary fonts in Windows 10: we quickly solve the problem

Removal Methods

It’s easy to remove unwant­ed items in Win­dows 10. The main thing is to do every­thing care­ful­ly and slow­ly. So let’s go.

Method number 1

The eas­i­est way to remove an unwant­ed item from a lap­top is to delete it. First you need to get to the loca­tion with the char­ac­ter packs. Go to Start, select Con­trol Pan­el. In the list that opens, find the “Fonts” tab and click on it. In the list that opens, mark unnec­es­sary ele­ments with the left mouse and press the “Delete” key (or you can select the “Delete” option in the con­text menu).

Method number 2

As you can see, remov­ing unnec­es­sary fonts from sys­tem fold­ers is a com­plete­ly solv­able task. But, what if the ele­ments did not want to “leave” the lap­top? Rare, but pos­si­ble and should not be ignored. This unpleas­ant sit­u­a­tion usu­al­ly occurs when a par­tic­u­lar style is used by a back­ground appli­ca­tion and dele­tion by the stan­dard method is impos­si­ble.

The solu­tion to the prob­lem is to use the reg­istry. Any oper­at­ing sys­tem of a com­put­er device stores infor­ma­tion about almost all ele­ments, and fonts are no excep­tion. It is enough to remove the cor­rect­ly detect­ed mark and a cer­tain com­po­nent will also dis­ap­pear.

So, you need to per­form a num­ber of actions:

    1. Go to the start menu and type “reged­it” into the search bar.
    1. Click on the right-click tool that appears in the win­dow and select the “Run as admin­is­tra­tor” option.
    1. A new win­dow with the reg­istry edi­tor will appear on the screen. In the left part of it, among the direc­to­ry branch­es, find “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”, and after “SOFTWARE”.
    1. In this sec­tion, select “Microsoft”, then the sec­tion “Win­dows NT”.
    1. Well, final­ly, the com­ple­tion of our mis­sion is the final sec­tion “Fonts”. It is in it that it is nec­es­sary to look for the unfor­tu­nate ele­ments that do not “want” to leave. By the way, both sys­tem and third-par­ty ele­ments are locat­ed here.
    1. Select all the “extra” com­po­nents, right-click on them and click “Delete”.

If you are sure that you have per­formed all the steps cor­rect­ly, be sure to restart the sys­tem: oth­er­wise, the cre­at­ed changes sim­ply will not take effect.

How to hide fonts

It is far from always and not in all cas­es that the com­plete removal of fonts added to the sys­tem is rel­e­vant. To remove them from sight, or rather from pro­grams and all com­put­er appli­ca­tions, you can sim­ply hide any of the select­ed styles.

Using the pre­vi­ous dia­gram, we find the Fonts fold­er. Scrolling through its con­tents, we find unnec­es­sary ele­ments and, click­ing on them with the left mouse to select, click on the “Hide” option in the con­text menu.

In some cas­es, it hap­pens that in the cur­rent sys­tem, the lan­guage set­tings do not sup­port a num­ber of fonts. In order not to car­ry out a com­plete unin­stal­la­tion, you can also hide them. To do this, you again need to get to the Fonts fold­er and select the “Font Options” cat­e­go­ry in the left part of the win­dow by sim­ply click­ing on it with the left mouse but­ton. In the sec­tion that opens, click the “Restore default font set­tings” but­ton and con­firm your action by click­ing OK at the bot­tom.






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