How to store freshly squeezed apple juice

How to store freshly squeezed apple juice

Fresh­ly squeezed apple juice is very use­ful for the body of adults and chil­dren. It can even become a main­stay of the diet, espe­cial­ly for those who do not have enough time to cook deli­cious and healthy food, but are con­cerned about healthy eat­ing. Such a drink sat­u­rates the body with vit­a­mins and oth­er use­ful bio­log­i­cal­ly active sub­stances, helps to lose weight, remove tox­ins.

The only draw­back of apple juice, as well as any oth­er juice from fruits or veg­eta­bles, cit­rus fruits, is that it can­not be stored for a long time, espe­cial­ly at room tem­per­a­ture. Fresh will not go bad for sev­er­al days, but with every sec­ond of “idle” its ben­e­fi­cial prop­er­ties dis­ap­pear. There­fore, you need to either drink nec­tar with­in 10–15 min­utes after squeez­ing, or learn how to store it prop­er­ly. At the same time, doc­tors do not rec­om­mend using more than 150 ml. juice per day, as it con­tains a lot of fruc­tose and no fiber. The sci­en­tists con­clud­ed that since liq­uid pass­es through the diges­tive tract faster than sol­id food, fiber-free fruit nec­tar caus­es faster and more dra­mat­ic changes in insulin and glu­cose lev­els. Due to the fact that the lev­el of sug­ar in the blood and insulin ris­es, there is a risk of devel­op­ing type 2 dia­betes, coro­nary dis­ease. Since drink­ing a lot of fresh juice is not rec­om­mend­ed, if it turned out to be too much, you need to know how to prop­er­ly store the nec­tar until the next use. For infor­ma­tion on how, where and how much you can store fresh­ly squeezed juice, read the arti­cle from Exper­tol­ogy spe­cial­ists.

How to store freshly squeezed apple juice: as long as possible in the refrigerator, at room temperature, frozen

How much fresh juice is stored in the refrigerator

So, at room tem­per­a­ture, juice can retain all its ben­e­fi­cial prop­er­ties for 15 min­utes. Already after 2 hours of stor­age, despite the fact that the drink does not dete­ri­o­rate, there will be a min­i­mum of vit­a­mins and microele­ments in it. With longer stor­age, espe­cial­ly if the fresh juice is sweet and the room is hot, the juice may begin to fer­ment, it is not rec­om­mend­ed to use it. If the juice is refrig­er­at­ed, it stays healthy for 4 hoursand usable with­in 1–2 days.

In order to pre­serve the max­i­mum of use­ful prop­er­ties, you can pour the juice into a her­met­i­cal­ly sealed con­tain­er before putting it in the refrig­er­a­tor. To pre­vent the iron in the fresh from oxi­diz­ing, lim­it the con­tact of the drink with air by fill­ing the con­tain­er to the neck. You can also add a lit­tle cit­ric acid to the liq­uid as a nat­ur­al preser­v­a­tive.

How to preserve fresh

Prop­er­ly canned apple juice can be stored in a cool place for 6–12 months. But it will not be pos­si­ble to pre­serve all the ben­e­fi­cial prop­er­ties of the drink dur­ing con­ser­va­tion, since the liq­uid will be heat­ed, as a result of which most of the nutri­ents will be destroyed. And yet the juice will remain as tasty as imme­di­ate­ly after prepa­ra­tion. There­fore, we sug­gest you use a sim­ple con­ser­va­tion method:

  1. We pre­pare lids and jars — care­ful­ly wash, ster­il­ize the dish­es.

  2. We are prepar­ing a con­tain­er in which it will be pos­si­ble to boil the squeezed juice, it can be steel or enam­eled, but not an alu­minum pan.

  3. We squeeze apple juice (rec­om­men­da­tions on how to select apples to get a tasty and healthy drink that will be stored for a long time, read at the end of the arti­cle).

  4. We fil­ter the juice, that is, we fil­ter it sev­er­al times through gauze fold­ed in 2–3 lay­ers.

  5. We add nat­ur­al preser­v­a­tives that will not harm the body of a healthy per­son — 1 table­spoon of cit­ric acid and 2 table­spoons of sug­ar for each liter of liq­uid.

  6. Bring the drink to a boil over low heat. If foam appears, be sure to remove it with a slot­ted spoon. After boil­ing, cool the liq­uid, fil­ter again through clean gauze, then bring to a boil again, pour into jars, roll up.

Cov­er the jars with a ter­ry tow­el, let them stand until they cool com­plete­ly, trans­fer to a place of per­ma­nent stor­age.

The advan­tages of hot preser­va­tion are that the taste of the drink becomes rich­er and soft­er; under the influ­ence of high tem­per­a­tures, path­o­gen­ic microor­gan­isms that may be present in the liq­uid are destroyed. And also in the fact that at one time it is pos­si­ble with­out any prob­lems and the use of spe­cial devices to pre­pare a lot of tasty drink for the future for sev­er­al months, because its shelf life is sig­nif­i­cant­ly increased. Such preser­va­tion of juice is espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant when you have a lot of apples, they spoil, and it’s a pity to throw away the prod­uct.

This method of prepar­ing a drink has its draw­backs:

  1. When heat­ed and boiled, not only microbes and bac­te­ria are destroyed, but also use­ful sub­stances.

  2. It requires the use of sug­ar as a preser­v­a­tive, which increas­es the nutri­tion­al val­ue of the drink, but neg­a­tive­ly affects its ben­e­fits. Juice with sug­ar should be used very care­ful­ly for peo­ple with dia­betes, a ten­den­cy to dis­eases of the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem.

  3. Preser­va­tion takes time, and drink cans need to be stored some­where.

How to Freeze Freshly Squeezed Apple Juice

Freez­ing preser­va­tion is a method that will help pre­serve the max­i­mum of the ben­e­fi­cial prop­er­ties of food. You can store the drink for 12 months, and imme­di­ate­ly after defrost­ing it will have its orig­i­nal taste and qual­i­ty.

To freeze fresh, you need to have clean plas­tic con­tain­ers on hand, for exam­ple, milk bot­tles or three-liter flasks from drink­ing water. How­ev­er, keep in mind that the best con­tain­er for freez­ing is the one that holds a one-time por­tion of the drink, because it will need to be drunk quick­ly, and re-freez­ing the prod­uct is unac­cept­able.

The juice does not need to be boiled first, but it is rec­om­mend­ed to strain it through cheese­cloth. Impor­tant advice — do not fill the con­tain­er with liq­uid up to the very neck! When frozen, the juice mol­e­cules will expand, so full bot­tles may burst or the caps will fly off and the liq­uid will leak out.

You can freeze a small amount of nec­tar using an ice mold that can even fit in the freez­er of a home refrig­er­a­tor. In the future, you can put such cubes in a glass with fresh juice, you get an excel­lent drink for hot weath­er.

Which apples are suitable for making fresh juice and storing it, how to use the product correctly

How to store freshly squeezed apple juice: as long as possible in the refrigerator, at room temperature, frozen

For a deli­cious fresh­ly squeezed apple juice, choose vari­eties that ripen in late sum­mer or ear­ly fall. Great for these pur­pos­es, for exam­ple, White Bulk, Antonov­ka. But it is bet­ter not to use win­ter vari­eties, they give very lit­tle juice, and a lot of cake is obtained. You also need to dis­card the fruits if they are dam­aged. Rot­ten, bro­ken, wrin­kled, with spots and traces of worms, it is bet­ter to use it in a dif­fer­ent way, since the taste of a drink from such raw mate­ri­als can be unpleas­ant­ly sur­pris­ing. Yes, and such juice dete­ri­o­rates much faster, it can­not be stored.

And final­ly, some rec­om­men­da­tions on how to drink fresh­ly squeezed apple juice:

  1. Doc­tors do not advise drink­ing fresh juice on an emp­ty stom­ach, even if you do not have any prob­lems with the diges­tive sys­tem. It is bet­ter to con­sume it 20–30 min­utes before a meal or a few hours after a meal. Fresh has a rich com­po­si­tion, which includes fruit acids, caus­ing not only dis­com­fort in the stom­ach, but also in the pan­creas and gall­blad­der. If you want to drink the drink on an emp­ty stom­ach, at least dilute it with drink­ing water.

  2. Wash fruits well if they are for­eign-made and have wax on their skin, try to remove it.

  3. If the apples are too souryou can add a lit­tle sug­ar to the fresh juice, but it is still bet­ter to pre­pare a drink from fruits of sweet vari­eties.

And the last thing — start drink­ing fresh­ly squeezed apple juice from small por­tions, observe the reac­tion of the body, if there are no dis­tur­bances in its work, grad­u­al­ly increase the dose to the rec­om­mend­ed dai­ly dose. If you know how much juice you drink per day, you will quick­ly learn how to pre­pare the right amount of drink and it will not need to be stored until the next time.






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